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Everything posted by admin

  1. for those who have not read the rules here is how you curse
  2. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3722-profanity-usage-in-game/
  3. Hello Captain Most often the chat ban is caused by these two things You said something bad several times or you said something very very rude once, especially if this rude statement related to a person sister, mother or brother. Chat ban is not limiting your ability to play - you can still attack NPCs, players or craft or travel. You just cannot talk to others. If you know what case chat was withdrawn for - you can apologize to that player in tribunal and if it is accepted the ban will be lifted. Be nice to others is on the purchase page and this is always going to be this way. We are all adults (above 18+) and can just guess what is ok or not ok to say to a stranger with a gun in an indian territory during wild west times There is also a list of acceptable age of sail curses that can be directed to other Captains.
  4. Yes. Its like with movies. You can theoretically watch Star Wars every day but eventually you will want to see something else.
  5. All parts of the game should work together otherwise they become a waste of resources. Exploration must support conquest and crafting. Same can be said about fishing or flora and fauna exploration expeditions.
  6. Hello Captains Player Regenjas is banned from chat for 7 days for profanity and abusive behaviour. Player Arctic is banned from chat for 7 days for profanity and personal attacks.
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  7. what is your player name?
  8. please report it by F11 from game when it happens
  9. ну если мистическая плавильня годная (как в гилд варс2) то тогда да. У нас просто сомнения что из 4 Касио (монтана) можно сделать Ролекс или Брегет
  10. These you can safely ignore. A lot of numbers in the client are very outdated as systems were reworked multiple times after sea trials 1.
  11. If exploration happens (the key word is IF). You will not be walking on land - you will be sending expeditions or something similar.
  12. Historically every pirate was born a national leveling his/her walking, reading and speaking skills first and then turning pirate.
  13. Пока будет так как есть. Есть более приоритетные задачи на текущее время.
  14. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2036-how-to-activate-download-the-game-on-steam/
  15. Dedo does not have danish characters. He seem to be doing it purely to pull pirates into the battles circumventing capital reinforcement mechanics Dedo must come here to explain his reasons for doing that against pirates consistently.
  16. Thank you Bungee for lockdown. It was timely.
  17. Topic cleared from flood Rule is clearly stated and does not need discussion. Until further notice the following rule should be followed Camping rookie spawns and circumvention of the reinforcement fleets is not allowed. If you want to blockade a certain area do it outside of the red protected by capital message. Флуд убран Комментарии не нужны так как правило сформулировано достаточно ясно и четко Блокады столиц запрещены так как это места спауна новичков. Атаки в обход механик привода защитного флота в бой запрещены. Блокады можно осуществлять за пределами зоны реинфорсмента. Rule is active until next patch. Just avoid blockading enemy capital cities.
  18. Captains should avoid camping Capital towns (rookie spawns) which are clearly indicated by the red - area protected by the Capital message. There are plenty of places where you can pvp.
  19. For capturing traders the best ship is the privateer or lynx (weaker but a bit faster).
  20. admin

    Steam Keys

  21. maybe bugs - please report them by f11 it cant be redeemed if you have a yacht already anywhere in port.
  22. I play solo - and sometimes join fleets, never had a problem playing solo.
  23. admin

    Steam Controller

    To avoid spam all posts need to be approved for new users.
  24. https://steamdb.info/blog/recent-caching-issues-on-steam/
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