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Everything posted by admin

  1. admin

    Chat problem?

    Its very simple - chat problem starts when there are more than 800 people on the shard. Re-login might help but usually the chat will disconnect anyway for some users. we plan to deploy the temp workaround tomorrow. and the main fix will be done within two weeks.
  2. Hello Captains As we have announced in this topic http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8353-important-release-information-and-next-steps/there will be a long maintenance on the PVP server due to provider work. There will be a slight shift in maintenance time. PvP server will be stopped around 9pm Kiev time today and will reopen around 12-00 noon Kiev time on the 21st of January. Kiev time = +2 to GMT PvE server will continue working until 11-00 tomorrow and then stop for usual 1 hour maintenance. If you wish to continue playing and ranking up you can login to the PvE server. Player vs Player battles are possible in small and large events. Because your rank is saved across servers all experience you earned on the PvE server will stay with you once you come back to the hostile PvP One. You just need to earn some cash on the pve server to get better ships if you are of higher rank. We are also testing the hot fix for chat issues that will be deployed tonight or tomorrow. We theoretically could deploy it today but did not want to stop servers.
  3. Pirate vs Pirate XP will be disabled in the next major patch. Keep in mind that pirates are a lawless nations and they can enter each other battles as enemies (or can attack each other without consequences). Whenever you see a pirate vs pirate battle they might be really fighting or running. Not enough evidence. case locked.
  4. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8472-chat-problem/
  5. yes reload shocks on light ships is happening too much. its historical but its annoying
  6. It is technically possible and AI does not attack now. You just enter their battles on their side once they start the combat. But they have to ignore your nation NPCs or players. Because system will pull you in on the enemy side. Also please report to the character limitations topic to cast your vote. Because previously you could just roll a second character to roll with the person you like and maybe switch to that nation permanently.
  7. Picking nation was a very hard choice for me yesterday. I think having options to play for another nations were nice after all. And benefits and flexibility outweighed the negatives (spying and such). Whoever thinks the same please change your votes and/or post your opinion too. If you think 1 character is good please post here as well.
  8. It was a very very hard choice for me after accounts were disabled.
  9. Will check with databases. But we don't promise it is possible to fix this. Perhaps Swedish Archipelago Artillery Association/Ammunition can be the temp consideration?
  10. Please spread the news as people are asking this question over and over again. To receive the extra ships that are given to testers for all the alpha suffering and bugs (in addition to the yacht) you have to create a character before the release date. Ships will be delivered on the 21st.
  11. Guys We understand that it might sound strange - but its ridiculous. I am locking it until tomorrow as i need to discuss it with the mod team.
  12. Sorry We understand that people try to recruit and sometimes over aggressively. But where are the personal attacks, profanity and abuse of actual people? You can always put them on ignore Consistent spamming that blocks communication for the national chat is not allowed. Clause 9 of the Sea trials rules.
  13. admin

    Chat problem?

    Confirmed- you can be randomly disconnected from chat service. We are investigating this problem. Temporary workaround - try to re login into the game.
  14. Hello Captains Wanted to update you on the status. Regarding release date: We are still waiting for valve page approval and hopefully will receive it tomorrow. But as we said before there might be minor delays. Regarding headstart The final build is undergoing checking internally. We are targeting tomorrow around 18pm kiev time (if everything is all right). But do not expect anything new with it except for some xp and number of account changes as we were focused on the release preparation more than on the new content. 18pm is a good bet unless we discover something major. New ships and features will start appearing after early access launch. The schedule of the development is set the following way. Content patches (ships and new features): Every 30 days Tuning and bug fixing: Every 2 weeks (critical things every week).
  15. Heard about lag issues during trafalgar. Can you guys describe and tell us.. How is damage? How is speed and length of battles? Tedious? Fast?
  16. Hello Captains Servers will be stopped on Sunday 12 pm Kiev time. Hope it does not cause any inconvenience. More announcements coming on the next steps tomorrow.
  17. Переводили через апорт.ру
  18. UI visuals have to be good looking and we prefer to design its final stage once most features/buttons/functions are added to the game. We know that officers/crew and some OW functions will force us to remake it. If we do it now we will waste too much time because we will have to rework it again and again.
  19. Thanks for the report As we said before Damage farming is not allowed and the punishment is XP reset. Cases of damage farming should be reported with evidence (preferably by posting F11 report as well. But with the forthcoming wipe this xp reset will not be a strong deterrent. The fix is simple - we will just disable the Pirate vs Pirate xp and gold for players in the first hot fix after the release. And will continue improving pirate hardcore mode going forward.
  20. Просим проголосовать в возможно самом важном голосовании января http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8357-player-characters-limitations-vote/
  21. Please vote in one of the most important votes before release. Having several players per account gives good flexibility but could interfere in the conquest mechanics (spies, briefers etc). Removing neutrals can make capturing ports for resource control more meaningful Remember that after Early access it will be extremely hard to take back features or remove flexibility. It will be much easier to add things back.
  22. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7978-development-plans-prioritization-proposals-and-feedback/
  23. there are several pinned topics in open world and combat discussions that we are constantly interested in. in addition to that there is an annoyance post http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5269-please-post-your-major-annoyances/
  24. Приветствуем Капитаны С начала года мы фокусировались на работе с инфраструктурой и серверами. Все контентные работы по улучшению игровых механик и добавлению новых продолжатся после релиза раннего доступа на Стиме. Планы релиза 1. Мы планируем остановить сервера 17 января в 12 часов дня по киеву. Их надо было остановить раньше но мы хотели дать желающим шанс провести последний Трафальгар евент до вайпа. 2. Сервера будут остановлены с 17 до 19 Января для подготовки баз данных и вайпа. Этот вайп станет последним удалением опыта и ранга. В будущем накопленный опыт будет всегда сохранятся. Если развитие персонажа будет изменяться это может вызвать изменения в ранге (звании) но сама экспа меняться больше никогда не будет. 3. Все владельцы игры смогут начать играть раньше (хедстарт) до запуска игры на стиме. Дата хедстарта 19 января. Все кто залогинится с 19 по 21 число и создаст персонажа получат несколько качественных кораблей за участие в тестировании. Для того чтобы получить корабли необходимо иметь созданного персонажа за нужную нацию. 4. Ночью с 20 на 21 число будет длинный маинтенанс (провайдер решил устроить работы) 5. Дата релиза 21 Января. Дата зависит от времени нужного Валве для аппрува релиза. Это обычно занимает 3 дня но бывают задержки. Дата релиза полностью зависит от Валв. Короткая версия 1. 17th Jan - Остановка серверов 2. 18th Jan - Вайп 3. 19th Jan - Хедстарт 4. 20th Jan - Длинный маинтенанс (с 9pm CET до 9am CET след дня) 5. 21th Jan - Начисление нескольких кораблей игрокам создавших персонажей с 19 по 21 6. 21th Jan - Релиз игры (возможны изменения изза Валв) Мы знаем что большинство планов не выживает контакта с реальностью. Мы не исключаем что что-то может изменится. Самый рискованный момент это дата релиза так как она зависит не от нас.
  25. Hello Captains. We would like to share with you important dates regarding the release of the game. Since beginning of the year we were focused on the infrastructure and servers. All the feature work will continue after early access launches. Release plans 1. We are planning to stop the servers for the preparation for the release on Sunday morning 17th January. They should have been stopped earlier but we wanted to give a chance for a last pre-wipe "Trafalgar event" 2. Servers will be down from 17th until 19th of January for preparing the release databases. All character data will be deleted and wiped. This will be the last XP (rank) reset and in the future your XP will be saved and safe. There might be drops or increases in rank if the testing shows that xp will have to be rebalanced, but your earned XP will always stay. 3. All current owners of the game will be able to start playing before Steam early access opens. Head start date is set on 19th of January. Everyone will receive several exceptional vessels for participating in the testing of the game. To receive the exceptional vessels you must login and create a character during head start. Only created characters will receive ships. 4. There will be a long maintenance on the night between 20 and 21 January. 5. Release date is 21 January. The release date depends on the time it takes for Valve to approve the release. It usually is done in under 3 days but sometimes can take longer. It will all depend on Valve now. Short version 1. 17th Jan - Servers stopping 2. 18th Jan - Data wipe 3. 19th Jan - Head start 4. 20th Jan - Long maintenance (approx 9pm CET till 9am CET next day) 5. 21st Jan - Several exceptional ships given to all captains who logged in from 19-21 6. 21st Jan - Release (tentative on valve timing) Of course we know that most plans don't survive when the meet reality. We do not discount the possibility that something might change. The riskiest date is the release date itself. If Valve is slow the date will be moved forward.
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