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  1. what is your player name in game and server?
  2. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2346-forum-and-sea-trials-rules/?p=146607
  3. AI always fights back PvE xp is calculated separately. You cannot farm the AI without actually fighting. We are talking about pvp xp where exploiters arrange farming each other in secluded places: pirate vs pirate, or pirate vs nations or nations vs nations
  4. Captains. Our original XP design was and still is simple: Players actively fighting in battle should be rewarded even if they don't win. This was how it was in the age of sail times - captains were rewarded for bravery in action - even if they lost battles.Majority of players enjoys this system. But there are people who are abusing it. One example of damage farming is when players shoot each other without sinking. This creates supply of gold inflating the resources and it allows them to sail ships sooner than good players can do. If it was a single player game we would not care - but on the PvP servers having a bigger ship faster gives you a lot of advantages and we keep a very strong positions on this. Most importantly these farmers offend our good players and spoil the game for them. We have designed the automatic system that will reset damage farmers XP and cash for abnormal gains. We are starting to roll it out this by end of the week. System is simple and foolproof because we track pvp damage and pvp kills separately since first sea trials. Abnormal PVP XP per kill/assist is impossible to receive if you don't damage farm If you were awesome pvper (who does not die) you will still have a lot of kills or assists If you were a bad pvper you will still have an ok number of kills/assists + you will have deaths. If you don't sink in battles and don't kill anyone and have a lot of pvp xp at the same time you are a damage farmer and your progress will be reset by the illegal amount. For example Weekly gains 10000 pvp XP, 89 pvp kills, 31 deaths - pvp player 4500 pvp XP, 9 pvp kills, 131 deaths - pvp player 12000 pvp xp, 9 pvp kills, 0 deaths - damage farmer You can stop reporting damage farming now Captains. System will handle them itself. What you can do is let them know in battle or in chat that they might face consequences. Please bring examples of damage farming here in this topic so we can find the way to close the loopholes to make the game better. We rely on you Captains. Only last week we were able to close 3 critical potential exploits caused by code and all cases were brought to us by you.
  5. every forum member has to pass a moderation queue for first several posts - this is done to avoid the spam
  6. Port battles are at an early stage of development right now. Production buildings, port investments etc. will make ports more valuable. Or join low population country - like Sweden/France or Denmark. Ports matter to them A LOT - as you cannot build ships without iron/oak/etc. If you joined Britain for King and Country you will see a lot less challenge.
  7. Captains Due to provider work - EU 3 PVP server maintenance might be extended. No ETA yet.
  8. Well. ... I will reply tomorrow Captain. in detail. We will help you mate Its actually easy but it is not obvious from the beginning.
  9. yes. and being on boarding crew focus you have more risks. AI sometimes shoots grape if you are on the boarding crew focus.
  10. it was 25% of BR before now its 50% of BR - +25% or 2x increase kill XP was 25% of BR before now it is 80% - +55% or almost 3x increase. what are you talking about?
  11. Right not it is impossible Captain Ampen. This feature will come - meanwhile just wait with a messed up name or just delete and start a new guild.
  12. you actually going to make some money now. unless you forged them already at old ratio.
  13. отобрать города можно - контракты не пропали.
  14. that was not announced anywhere
  15. group xp = increased assist xp + increased pvp rewards
  16. What's new: Инвайты в группу теперь пишут почему не присоединился приглашенный Чат теперь реконнектится раз в 30 секунд в случае , если соединения пропало Ввод пустого сообщения не активирует счетчик спам сообщений Добавлено дополнительное сообщение-предупреждение о возможности стать пиратом при атаке дружественных целей В ордерах можно подключаться только участникам группы и врагам. Это временное решение так как при повышенном онлайне требуются дальнейшие изменения в ROE (Rules of Engagement) Fixed bugs: Исправлена ошибка неправильного названия слова Rhea на Yard Исправлены некоторые неточности в несоответствии состояния корабля и игрока Исправлена ошибка блока игры при подключении чата Исправлена ошибка, что при смене сцены не сбрасывались блокировки контроля за кораблем Исправлена ошибка не отображения сообщений в баттл-чате Исправлена ошибка, при которой иногда пропадали айтемы при сортировке, если айтемов одного типа более 10000 Tunings: Изменения по экспе Увеличен kill XP bonus до 80% от батлрейтинга Увеличен assist XP bonus до 50% от батлрейтинга Увеличен порог для получения ассиста до 20% от урона нанесенным получившим килл Увеличен бонус к ХР за килл в PVP до 2Х Увеличен бонус к ХР за ассист в PVP до 2Х Для компенсации значительного повышения пвп экспы уменьшен опыт, получаемый в Small и Large на 50% Увеличен штраф за FF kill в 10 раз (было 0,3, стало 3) По железу Увеличено производство железной руды в портах в 2 раза Увеличено производство Iron Ingots в рецепте. Было 1, стало 2. Увеличена базовая цена железной руды Уменьшилась базовая цена некоторых кораблей Изменилось производство Large carriage, Medium carriage, Small carriage. При крафте будет даваться 2 Large carriage, 3 Medium carriage, 4 Small carriage Прочее Изменены апгрейды на скорость и поворот используемые ботами низких и средних рангов Отключен disengage для ботов
  17. What's new: Chat now tries to reconnect if you lost the connection to chat servers Empty messages now do not affect spam filters Attacking a friendly now has several warning windows to reduce accidental piracy acts Missions can only be joined by your group members and enemies of your nation. We will continue to update Rules of engagements going forward affecting timers, reinforcements and battle pull. Group invite will now notify if the player declined your request Fixed bugs: Rhea is now properly called Yard Several synchronization bugs fixed in relation to ship and player states Fixed bug with locking controls when connecting to chat Fixed bug with locking controls when switching instances Fixed stacking bug causing lost resources if the stack is bigger than 10000 Tunings: Kill will be granted only if enemy ship is sufficiently damaged to sink her. Kill XP now awards 80% of the battle rating to the person who delivered max damage (almost 3x increase) Assist XP now awards gives 50% of the ship battle rating. (2x increase) PvP bonuses increased from 150% to 200% to promote more pvp activities. Small battle events XP reduced by 50% to compensate significant increases in PvP XP Friendly kill penalties increased 10x Iron crisis fixes: Iron ore now produces 2x more ingots (100% increase) - to not affect the prices of other items ore prices increased - price per ingot will stay the same. Iron ore production increased 2x Carriage blueprints now produce more carriages Large - 2x increase Medium - 3x increase Small - 4x increase These changes will dramatically reduce the iron/oak logs requirements in production of ships and other manufacturing goods. Other fixes Low and mid ranked bots have lost upgrades for speed and turning Bots cannot disengage from boarding
  18. There is no trickery and everything can be explained by screenshots. Post the screenshots in the future. Also - the higher bot rank the better boarding mods he can carry. You can also improve your boarding a lot by carrying boarding mods. They carry boarding mods players can carry. If they don't - chain boarding becomes a problem. Ask veterans about boarding 10 victories in a row in a bellona. Deck diference also plays a role. And outside fire has a lot of influence - you could have been hit by your friendlies. TLDR - boarding is a resolve - you have to board when you have advantage. Otherwise you are facing a 4 hour Victory (850) vs Redoutable (650) long inconclusive boarding action.
  19. This is not DayZ Interfering with friendly Navy in history could cause court martial and punishment and sometimes death. For example not delivering bottles with messages to the division of Flotsam and Jetsam was punishable by death. Stealing something from a fellow sailor was punishable by flogging and if repeated by death. Its in the Naval Fighting instructions. If the player is green its a friendly. And he should be helped. This is our position. Want to fight or do something bad? Attack normally from the open world - he is your enemy then - your hands are clean now. PS we are ok deleting hanging 10-20 captains for griefing of their Navy compatriots as an example to others.
  20. Unfortunately no We use a lot of steam services. And it provides a lot of things that we are not willing to provide ourselves.
  21. Thanks.. we are searching for this
  22. of course this is only for NPCs - they already hate players for non stop aggression so probably they can survive without disengage.
  23. To lower boarding stealing opportunities by friendly players NPC Disengage will be disabled. Breaking boarding by ramming is extremely useful in pvp and it saves lives - it will be kept. We will have to find another way to solve the breaking boarding by so called friendly players. Perhaps by banning? ps. to reduce such cases until we find out the solution players are advised to move out from capitals further to other areas. Map is huge and there is place for everyone.
  24. We are very paranoid on account safety and other privacy issues and currently have no plans on linking. But you can indicate your in game name in the signature Captain if you wish to do so.
  25. Captain Lots of lives were lost at sea because of ramming. Don't ram if you your men are not working the pumps. Even when pumps are working you can still sink because ramming damage is devastating and depends on your speed and relative mass.
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