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  1. Captains 2 things 1) calm down 2) if patches cause problems it will be fixed If there is too much cash there are always ways to remove it. by reverting the changes that were wrong, increasing repair costs, assault flags etc etc. Perhaps mission rewards should be changed back to the following structure. 5000 money reward for all levels and reduced xp (to levels a bit higher than before) This will then provide more options to buy new vessels and upgrade them for lower level solo players, while keeping everything the same for the Captains of the higher rank.
  2. I pvp for the blood not for the xp.
  3. You are here from December Veterans know that wild swinging changes are best to find the right balance. Mistakes if they are made are easy to revert back.
  4. there was no gold at ALL ports of the caribbean - not sure if you are correct.
  5. that was just an example that it was increased 20% and how it will work so (arbitrary numbers) if it was 10 it became 12 not 30
  6. Hello Captains A small set of fixes was deployed in the today's patch Open sea repairs increased to 40% from 25% - we hated that you needed to click repair button 4 times after every battle Privateer speed increased by 0.5 knots Prices to sell ships to port for lower level ships increased (will help in crafting and provide more options in selling crafting ships that no-one buys from the market. Mission XP and monetary compensation increased Trading ships speed reduced by 1 knots for every vessel Gun loss chance increased European traders now sell goods at slightly better prices Gold production increased 2x Fir production increased 3x Oak production increased 3x
  7. In this form they were useful when online was low in early testing - and shown to people that something was happening in the world:) Original design was to show 3 ships with the most expensive cargo and their last known location, but again no-one was carrying expensive cargo those days (well perhaps coffers of tea and muskets)
  8. Your chat limitation was given for too long for the first offensive statement. It will be dropped as you have already been locked out for 1 day. In the future please refrain from making offensive statements related to various types of manly luv.
  9. All mods are volunteers that clear up **** in chat for free. They might make a mistake here and there which is ok because they don't know if the person who abused another player in chat was a victim or an offender. They follow the rules. If mods are approaching you stay calm and change your behavior. We will add special color to mods in game so you can easily ID them. We also plan to increase the number of mods in game (especially on new servers) and will recruit community members who help us in answering on steam and game-labs forums and in game chat.
  10. After long deliberations we have decided to go with the cities for names for servers. There are a lot of beautiful city names we have already on the map that sound neutral, do not provide psychological preference bias. All other options (winds, fishes, gods, ship parts) have the bias that could influence player's choice (tiger vs sheep) Proposed names Plymouth - PVP One EU West End - PvP Two USA Rugged Cay - PvP Three EU Cayo Romano - PVE One USA Additional servers will be based on free town or other neutral names from our historical research. Same names will be used for names of sub forums.
  11. в будущем функционал лордов протекторов будет расширятся из первых вещей которые можно сделать это возможность выставлять налоги и открывать вход в город для одной нации врага. например у вас неформальный союз с францией - вы сможете открыть захваченный порт французам.
  12. Mechanics of the game can be affecting this. 1) If you sink an enemy he can exit the battle. Once he exits the battle sometimes his sinking (dead) ship can disappear from the battle (an old feature that was added to save fps resources in large battles - which is currently considered a bug) without playing the sinking animation. You can always check in TAB interface what happened to the enemy vessel - if it says sank - you got the kill. 2) There is an old legacy system that was allowing heavier ships to exit the battle immediately if the BR difference in battle is big. It was implemented to reduce griefing by constantly tagging heavier ships in a light vessel (POTBS problem). In this case heavier ships can exit the battle during first 2 mins. In your case you most probably sank him and he exited - which made his ship disappear, but it still sank and you can check this in TAB. I think this topic can be locked.
  13. Открытый мир тестировался на онлайне до 300 человек и конечно же некоторые вещи начинают работать по другому при онлайне 2500. Потенциальные решения просты. 1) Ограничения уже популярных наций. В ряде онлайн игр в уже населенную нацию нельзя вступить. Если игрок хочет играть только за британию то его ничего не остановит. Но если игроку без разницы то невозможность создать персонажа за сша, пиратов, или англию отправит его в недонаселенную нацию. 2) Использование национальных ресурсов для создания более качественного вооружения - спорное решение но могущее помочь таким странам как швеция. 3) Бонусы недонаселенным нациям. В текущей ситуации Швеции надо любой ценой договариваться либо с данией, либо с голландией либо с французами. Французы могут существенно помочь. Для того чтобы эта фича заиграла на полную необходимо добавить возможность открывать порт для другой нации (через функционал лорд протектора). То что добавляется на этой неделе также может помочь. Мы привяжем экспу к стим аккаунту - что позволит удалять перса без потери экспы. Сейчас полная синхронизация больше мешает чем помогает. Это даст возможность игрокам которые пошли за большие нации и которым не хватает противников переходить за швецию или другие нации - и наоборот. В рамках раннего доступа это даст больше гибкости игрокам которые изначально сделали неправильный выбор и теперь застряли там где они играть не хотят.
  14. The current timers got to its current state based on more than 8 months of OW testing. It always feels bad when the enemy can escape because you cannot hit him. But it always works both ways. The exit timer can save your ship as well. And when you are being chased you always think that the exit timer is too long.
  15. Damage farming is ok Exploiting damage mechanics to get abnormal gains is not ok Such thing is not allowed since Feb 2015 It was the main reason we stopped sales through the paypal. Its in the rules. + Don't you think it ruins the game for others?
  16. The only thing that affects gold rewards is ship difference. If you sink ships that are higher level than your vessel you will get more gold. Otherwise there is no averaging, no rng - damage = gold basically modified by the ship difference. Upgrade drops have not been changed for ages - it drops good and grey things from time to time.
  17. Captains We have investigated the damage farming accusation data and here are the results PvP 1/PvP3 9 Captains will lose all XP and gold they have accumulated. These captains have not done ANYTHING except farming reaching 100k 150k damage per kill+assist. Such damage is impossible and exceeds even the highest averages. They have not reported anything to us and will have to be demoted. Approximately 12 Captains are on watch list. They have not exceeded the average server numbers and participated a lot in other activities. We will continue watching them closely. PvP 2 USA This server had no exploiters who abused the system to the extreme. Even if someone did shoot at friendly ships here and there it did not go outside of the server average and did not provide gains that could not be achieved by playing normally. Remember it is early access and finding loopholes and exploits takes time. If you are interested in making the game better - please report exploits. They will be fixed.
  18. no logs no proofs = no evidence is provided also if valid keygens existed steam would go bankrupt. case dismissed
  19. To fully solve the problem XP for just damage should be eliminated from PVP. With corresponding increases in kill/assist xp. Even WOW only gives you xp only if you kill someone.
  20. We have no preference to this and will change it if the community decides they do not like the word clan
  21. The timers are done this way exactly to limit night flips. We had tested port battles with no timers and it did not work. If you really want that port you will wake up early. Once you capture it you set it back to your time. Now enemy has to wake up early. If you do not want to make an effort to capture the port - you did not want it in the first place.
  22. longer attack timers will cause more problems: for example more night flips. It is not crucial right now, but once production buildings and port investments are in, players will start thinking 2 hour attack timers are long. You could lose a lot more when losing a port.
  23. We are checking the data and of course we are going to use multiple parameters to make the decision (including server averages). What it means that only players with ABNORMAL gains be affected. Another thing is - that even if you damage farm in an arrange battle - you still spend time. Destroying a friend's 3rd rate still takes time and it does not give instant rewards. Most of those ships are also under crewed and they don't give a lot of points for crew too. Boarding does not give you a kill (it gives you a boarding victory counted separately because you are compensated by crew casualties xp). In XP gains a a damage farmer - shooting at friendly under crewed 3rd rates does not receive a huge difference in xp per battle if we compare it from a player who attacks NPCs at sea especially if he found a good hunting spot where such NPCs sail non stop. The damage damage exploiters do is more cultural.
  24. Damage farming was always forbidden - what exactly should have been done from the beginning? We always said that exploits will be reverted. Damage farming is considered an exploit by the community
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