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You could, but in reality you would not do it. In a group combat you are either shooting to kill, or shooting to de-mast (to kill or board later). Cannon fire is very inaccurate and you are a lot less efficient if you mix ammo.
of course. we will work on it in July. Current plan is to have: cannonball, doubleshot, grape and chain. We see no point in adding additional types of ammo as these 4 cover pretty much everything (though there are some discussions on explosive ammo)
Firing You are the captain of the ship. You give commands (press the buttons). Each deck fires individually. You can fire by broadside or deck by deck (if another one is reloading). Each cannonball is calculated individually and we know exactly where it hits the ship. Boarding We have even started designing this part. It will be implemented at a much later stage from the point of you of the ship captain (who is giving orders). Sailing Soon we will post the detailed description on this. One thing we are kind of sure about: there will not be individual sail control, we tried it and it is just boring as hell during combat.
We have country flags and their variations for major nations. But if you encounter excellent looking ensigns, banners and signal flags that you want in game. Post them here. Within a week we will post ideas we have for them that you can feedback on.
Hello everyone. We need your help with increasing our flags, ensigns, and banners collection. If you encounter awesome examples of those please post them here. Would be also great to hear your thoughts on how and when those banners were really used (or currently used) in the Navy and by Traders. Naval Action Team
heel affecting the fire is already implemented we are not sure if it is going to be in the game, alpha testing will answer this question.
as soon as the minimum set of features is done
Hey everyone. Here is our progress report and what has been already done. 1. We are using only five models currently to test the game play and finalize the ship development pipeline and systems. Limited number of models in the beginning is absolutely required to prepare a so called ship factory to produce ships in numbers later. Ships are Schooner Gun Brig Navy Cutter 38 Gun Frigate 74 2. We have developed and currently testing shooting. The following parameters influence firing. enemy speed enemy distance pitching deck height cannon length and type and charge size 3. We have already done and currently improving or reworking. water render and fog tech ship buoyancy and heel animated sails animated flags, ensigns, banners (changeable) animated crew research (works fine just need to make models) detailed decks server technology certain database technologies 4. Important priorities for June: Sailing and damage model
It's not dead)) it's just born
We are currently developing general standards for ships. Once they are finalized (no deadline yet) we can share them with the aspiring modelers on how we want our ships made. In addition to that, we are also discussing a potential for creators of such content to get a share of sales from that ship.. (that's a very long shot - so we promise nothing at this stage)
Not sure yet (as we said before we are focused on doing combat mechanics right first and then start working on the travelling part). POTBS had a good design we think. The question is - would you like to spend your precious 1-2 hours a day just travelling around a computer map or actually doing something?
There is a game called HMS surprise simulator (freeware) http://home.wxs.nl/~pdavis/Screen.htm. Try it and tell us what you think. It has the most complex sailing model created. Unfortunately based on our development and playing experience extreme realism very often is very tedious and boring. Wind and inability to sail wherever you want during combat increases the complexity. We will be searching for balance because ship to ship combat (especially fleet vs fleet) has a lot of other things to take care for.
It's a complex question: thus the answer is simple - we are not sure yet, on one hand we would like to have a good ship variety, on the other seeing a columbus caravel near a modern frigate built in 1815 might cause problems for some hardcore realism fans. If you have ideas in this regard, please post your suggestions. We are using Unity Engine - which is excellent for fast prototyping and testing. Networking - we are working on the design at this stage. We will be able to answer this question a bit later. The question to discuss with the community is this - What is the optimal number of ships on the map from gameplay perspective? And what is the optimal number of ships to have a fun and balanced fight. The development is staged as TV series. We release blocks of content step by step. Instead of focusing on many things we only work on one but try to make it perfect. We are currently focused on fighting and general mechanics. Once we and you like how it works this awesome fighting will work very well with any story with co-op. Would be great to hear from you in the suggestions box some examples of your ideal co-op gameplay for you and your friends. Making realism fun is very hard. But good trade-offs are possible. Let's take your Frigate vs First rate situation: in most cases First rate will win. But there are real life examples of British frigates winning against 74s and 80gun ships, because of skill, better maneuver or pure luck.
Welcome Sir!
Here you can ask questions to developers. Format: question - answer The more concise is the question the more specific will be the answer Please refrain from flood and lengthy discussions - this is the topic for questions Thanks Short game introduction
Introduction Our goal is to create an exciting and realistic naval combat game. We want to give players the opportunity to experience the most beautiful period of naval history first-hand – a time when sailing ships ruled the seas. A time when traders, naval officers, privateers and pirates roamed the oceans in search of fame and treasure. We are following a development process similar to Kerbal Space Program, Minecraft and DayZ, releasing content early and improving it using player feedback. You are encouraged to join the development process by voting on features and milestones that will be developed first. Our current priorities are combat and core systems, render development and tools programming. Further steps include: Open world gameplay Player Guilds, Companies and Global Conquest Crafting and Trading Guild owned ports and villages In-depth exploration General information about the game (work in progress) Ship line-up: 16th Century to the end of Napoleonic Wars. The Royal Navy Rating System will be used for our ships with hull sizes ranging from First Rates wielding 100+ guns to unrated with just one gun. Players will be able to customise and improve their ships. This includes adding better equipment, armour, weaponry, sails, and variety of internal modules. We will post a more detailed post on ships within a week. Weapons and combat The game will include the common weaponry of the Age of Sail: fort guns, mortars, carronades, cannon and their variations Combat Your performance in combat depends on your skill. Players must judge variables like velocity, distance, movement and crew performance. Weather and ship conditions will also affect your aim: a pitching ship due to damage or stormy seas will change the way you fire your broadside. Boarding will be a feature. There are no plans to create an action game with characters fighting it out on decks. There are ideas that are being discussed on how to realistically represent boarding combat from the captain’s perspective. Players are invited to participate in these discussions on the forum. Damage model The game will feature a comprehensive damage model. Different parts of ships can be targeted and damaged to have various effects. These can include destroying a rudder, or tearing sails and rigging to damaging internal equipment like pumps or the magazine. Flanking and maneuvering will have a great impact on battlefield performance, because of weak stern and bow armour. Buoyancy and flooding will influence combat as well – you may sink without having lost anything vital. A simple repair system will be implemented to keep combat dynamic. Navigation Wind, heel, and pitching will affect performance of all ships. Wind needs to be taken into account when planning your maneuvers. Our selection of ships and sail layouts will let players choose what fighting style they want to use. Crew As the captain, you must higher sailors and officers. Officers will participate in combat with you, influencing a wide range of combat, sailing and passive parameters and gain experience. The number of officers on the ship will be limited by ship class and your rank. Ranks, awards and titles A selection of ranks, titles and awards will be issued for achievements in and out of combat. Ranks and titles will grant access to new ships, officers, flags, banners, weaponry and ship upgrades. Skilled players may even display their achievements on their masts.
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Здесь вы можете задать вопросы по проекту Naval Action. Формат общения: вопрос - ответ. Из вопросов будет формироваться и улучшаться FAQ. Правила Просим не формулировать вопросы пространно. Чем конкретнее будет вопрос, тем конкретней будет ответ. Просьба не задавать один и тот же вопрос два раза. Просьбя избегать флуда и лишних дискуссий - эта тема для вопросов. FAQ Краткое описание игры
Введение Наша цель - создать увлекательную и реалистичную игру о морских сражениях. Мы хотим дать игрокам возможность самим пережить самый прекрасный период морской истории - золотой век парусного флота. Процесс разработки похож на девелопмент таких игр как Майнкрафт и DayZ. Мы будем выпускать контент очень рано и улучшать его, используя ваши замечания. Нам действительно важно ваше мнение и участие в предоставлении идей, улучшении игровых возможностей, а также предложений какие части игры вы бы хотели видеть раньше других. Сейчас мы работаем над отладкой боевой части, программированием игровых систем, улучшений рендера и инструментария. Будущие планы включают: Открытый мультиплеерный мир Гильдии, компании, и глобальные завоевания Крафт и торговля Порты и деревни управляемые игроками Путешествия и открытия Общая информация о игре (будет дополняться и улучшаться) Корабли. В игре будут представлены корабли, существовавшие в золотой век парусников (приблизительно от 1500 до 1800 годов). Корабли будут распределяться по левелам в соответствии с британской классификацией кораблей: от первых рейтов от 100 орудий до неклассифицированных судов с одним орудием. Игрок будет иметь возможность переоснащать свой корабль: устанавливая новое оборудование, модули, вооружение и паруса. Вооружение и морской бой. В игре будут присутствовать основные типы вооружения существовавшие в эпоху парусников: пушки, карронады, мортиры, фортовые орудия и их основные модификации. Основное в стрельбе - это умение игрока. Игроки должны будут учитывать такие параметры как скорость, дистанцию, направление движения и способности команды и офицеров. Погода и состояние корабля будет влиять на прицеливание: качка, подветренные наклоны или течь в корабле будут требовать других методов ведения огня по противнику. Стрельба в игре может вестись попалубно или одновременно всем бортом, и игрок сможет выбирать тип боеприпасов. Абордажи в игре будут. У нас пока нет планов создавать бои персонажей (это вторая игра). Ведутся обсуждения о том как реалистично показать абордаж с точки зрения капитана корабля. Если у вас есть свои идеи, просим вас писать об этом на форуме. Модель повреждений В игре будет реализована глубокая система повреждений. В корабле может сломаться все, что можно повредить выстрелом из пушки: от поломки рулей, сноса парусов и такелажа, до повреждений пороховых складов и помп откачки воды. Маневрирование будет иметь важную роль из-за слабой кормовой и носовой брони. Корабль будет иметь плавучесть и может затонуть даже при целом ХП, при значительных повреждениях под ватерлинией. Для сохранения динамизма морского боя будет присутствовать ремонт. Ветер и управление кораблем Ветер и качка будут оказывать существенное влияние на бой. Разнообразие кораблей и вариантов парусного вооружения позволит игрокам выбирать свой стиль игры с учетом направления ветра. Команда Игрок сможет набирать на корабль команду (матросов) и офицеров. Офицеры будут иметь значительное влияние на боевые характеристики корабля и будут получать опыт в бою. Количество офицеров на борту будет ограничено классом корабля и званием; игрок должен будет подбирать их под свой боевой стиль игры. Звания награды и достижения В игре будет представлена система званий, титулов и наград за боевые и небоевые достижения. Получение званий будет давать доступ к новым кораблям, апгрейдам и офицерам. Игрок сможет показывать свои достижения другим капитанам в виде флагов и вымпелов на мачтах.