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Question how not to make wind a huge, frustrating hindrance to players. (obstacle) Let's discuss So far we have encountered the following problems 1. In 90% of cases battle goes in one direction (direction of wind). If we have a wind to the north, fighting fleets most likely move into the direction of wind not using the whole map at all. 2. With a semi-realistic tacking (turning through the wind) it takes time and after trying it once players usually stop doing that and move into the direction of the wind (returning to the problem 1) 3. Maneuver with a realistic wind and semi-realistic turning us rarely used on medium or heavy ships, because 1 mistake with turning and you are either dead, or out of combat for longer time. 4. Collisions with other ships or game objects (stones, land) its usually death of the ship (we need to think through a gameplay way to get off your ship from land or shoals and from collisions from other ships) 5. Land does not have any influence currently. We have made a nice demo map similar to venice harbor with lots of paths and islands. Players are still trying to fight in the areas that have space for turning and maneuver.Because wind mistakes lead to sudden death. what are your thoughts on wind and all this.
Без ветра игра не имеет смысла. вопрос как не превратить ветер в обузу давайте пообсуждаем мы пока натолкнулись на следующие проблемы.. 1. Бой идет в 90% случаев в одну сторону. А именно если ветер на север то воюющие расползаются в сторону севера используя местность только в одну сторону. 2. При реалистичном повороте через ветер это делается долго и сделав это один раз игрок пытается жестко этого избегать (опять возвращаясь к проблеме 1) 3. Маневр при правильном влиянии ветра и реалистичном движении (даже урезанном для геймплея) обычно игроками используется редко на средних и тяжелых кораблях. Так как одна ошибка ты встал и дальше уже не интересно. 4. Столкновения с другими кораблями и обьектами (мели, камни) это смерть.. так как заднего хода нет.. (надо думать над инструментарием как геймплейно слезать с мелей или из сцепления с другими кораблями 5. местность совершенно не имеет значения. мы сделали тут прообраз венеции с каналами и островами.. бой все равно пытаются вести там где есть много места. так как ошибки с ветром ведут к немедленной смерти какие ваши мысли по этому поводу?
Can you guys help us with references for marines uniforms for France, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden and maybe Portugal? We only have good refs for the british.
скоро все обьявим
в игре будет реализована потопляемость.. а выживаемость это будет обратная сторона медали. корабль сможет сгореть в бою, утонуть, взорваться ну и собственно сдаться. Ветхость пока не планировали. осадка и скорость были мысли, пока все корабли боевые со стандартной загрузкой под бой соответсвтенным водоизмещением под их класс персонализировать в теории можно: носовая фигура под вопросом и окраска да (но в рамках исторических и позволенных заранее предложенными, так как мы не хотим розовые корабли в море) пехотинцы будут когда будет абордаж в какой форме пока не решили, то есть поставить морпехов в красных камзолах можно будет и они будут стрелять и перезаряжать мушкет. но на 20ый бой вы их отключите чтобы лучше было все видно)) команды возможно это легко реализуемо заменой текстур - то же самое что и в предидущем пункте. сначала это будет круто на 100ый бой вы будете скорее всего смотреть на другие вещи микроменджмента с провиантом не будет офицер может быть ранен. - если захотим отжать денег)) то можно ввести убиваемых офицеров, чтобы побудить игроков покупать новых. но пока не планировали кстати накидайте формы морпехов разных стран тех эпох?.. бриты у нас есть. какие были морские пехотинцы у франции испании и например россии или швеции?
Single Player and PvE Discussion, 2013 - 2015
admin replied to admin's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
We think yes it is possible. With faction warfare a-la world of tanks. This is all too early to discuss but it can look something like this: Faction warfare is available to everyone at any time. There are no requirements there, no obligations, you join the battle and you fight. This part is for those who just wants sea combat and nothing else with minimal commitment. It helps your nation on the open world but mostly independent. But certain types of ships are available only through the faction warfare. And vice versa. certain types of ships are only available on the open map. Rare Caribbean teak planked corvette can only be built at certain ports. On the open world you can lose your ship. In the faction warfare you will just need to repair it because Navy will provide a replacement. something like that.. and of course this is not final and will probably look different in a game. We don't want to overpromise. What we know we can deliver already is beautiful ocean and great looking ships. Everything else needs lots of hard work. -
Single Player and PvE Discussion, 2013 - 2015
admin replied to admin's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
Organized battles in equal conditions have been a priority. Without great and interesting ship to ship action any open world will be useless. -
In the faction warfare (organized X vs X) battles pirates won't matter to anyone including pirates themselves. It's just group of ships against group of ships. Regarding Piracy. Piracy or national allegiance is a way of life. It's not a flag. Like in Eve - Goonswarm or Test could be considered pirates to certain parties. But those are just well organized groups of people fighting for their cause. On the open world we don't see any reason to limit certain groups of people from organizing into something big. In real life pirates were disorganized. I think if they wanted to they could easily capture couple of archipelagos, instead they decided to serve nations (Henry Morgan example). So if a certain Navy want's pirates out of the game they can go and try to "crush them, see them driven away and hear the lamentations of their women". To recap all this. on the open world there will be no pirates - there will be groups of people who decided to fight against all and raise their own flag over a group of ports (instead of British or Spanish). Players with national allegiance can do whatever they want with those pirate ports, capture them or burn them or leave them alone.
каждый парус контролировать это смерть игре. в игре не будет управления каждым парусом. (если мы и говорили про это то только в контексте потенциальной параллельной игры симулятора)
I am in a constant heavy fight with our art director. Fleet was fresh painted before Trafalgar (source http://www.amazon.com/Line-Upon-Wind-1793-1815-ebook/dp/B002AU7MVI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375050474&sr=8-1&keywords=a+line+in+the+wind) and i want my ships nice, clean and taken care of. Our art director wants ships to be worn, a bit "rusty", sails dirty and with patches. i guess compromise can be found eventually.
well. honestly we cannot see the game without a chat. it's a standard now. It is much faster, clearer and avoids confusion, All signal books will be posted on forums or wikis and will be available to everyone. Players not using chat and only signal flags will be at a disadvantage losing game to people who use TS or Ventrilo or even chat. And in this game organization and focus fire is key. POTBS had this problem. Organized and trained groups of 6 were pwning everything on the map, killing fun for all the rest. There is a famous pic that summarizes newbie POTBS experience. potbs bleed players because of that. Parties of newbies could not do ANYTHING against a trained group of people. WOT/WT for example do not have this problem, you always get something after the battle (even if you lose) and you always have a chance to hit and kill someone. We don't like fake features and we believe that signal flags that give commands is a fake feature (unless you are sending a special message to an enemy team, or showing off). fake feature - feature that no one uses because there is something better or you can achieve the same result by other means. for example - Oliphant Indiaman or Halifax Schooners in Potbs are fake ships. They were done, coded, integrated but noone uses them. 80% of ships in POTBS are fake features because noone sails them. In World of Tanks for example almost every tank is usable and can wreak havok with right usage.
открыть карту мы имеем ввиду - открыть новую землю, выйти в неизвестность рискуя потерять корабль и дойти под парусом до неизвестной земли, О которой можно рассказать только своему клану, нации или всем. или оставить для себя, пока ее не найдут другие. Но есть пока очень много но,.. Мы начнем прорабатывать эту тему после того как закончим с боем. Вопрос будет реальная карта или вновь созданная не решен. Выбор не сделан потому что любая неизвестная земля через неделю будет в вики, на форумах и так далее, и все и так будут о ней знать. Решить вопрос с постоянным сохранением новизны теоретически можно: например в Potbs (корсары онлайн) был рестарт карты, при рестарте карты можно генерировать новую землю, которую надо будет заново открывать и завоевывать. Но тогда будут страдать игроки которые хотят стабильности. Или можно иметь стабильную часть карты (безопасные зоны).. а оставшуюся часть постоянно регенерировать после победы одной из наций.
фокус показать просто корабли из чего состоят тоже команды всей эскадре тоже если в открытом море обычно вопрос кто адмирал решен ))) то если это организованный рандомный fleet action 20 на 20 то там уже практически неконтролируемый вопрос.
пока чернила не кончатся))
супер ресурс спасибо. мы до конца еще со временным периодом не определились. и как он будет и в какой очереди подаваться игрокам. Но замечания полезные. спасибо.
даже и не думали пока про огни)). смотря для чего. по игровому миру есть два возможных направления. 1) это реальный мир, карибы, фьорды, лондон-амстердам. атмосфера, погружение в эпоху но все понятно где находится и куда идти. 2) проблему неизвестности и действительно приключений и исследований решает новый мир. то есть теже города, нации, и так далее - НО на новой придуманной карте. То есть полная неизвестность, отсутствие карт, кубу еще надо открыть и найти, выйдя в море можно потеряться и пропасть. Только полностью новый мир действительно создаст ощущение новизны.
we currently have a deck view and an outside view.. good battle camera is lots of trial and error and we are still searching for one.
can you elaborate more on this?
Thanks Digby. this is very useful. We have experimented with communicating with flags and they are not readable on medium or longer distances. And player is usually too busy with combat and mostly looks at enemies. we are currently thinking of giving ensigns and banners the following usage. looking at the ship you will be able to tell 1) Nation or guild or corporation 2) Rank or Court title 3) Achievement flags (how good a player he or she is) 4) Special awards or recognition flags
Welcome aboard Nemesis We plan to work with such communities like yours very extensively to improve our ideas on guild and clan content, and within a couple of months will open a special forum for clan, guild and community leaders.
The systems, render technology and combat mechanics we are currently finishing will allow 3 products to be developed. 1. Hardcore single player ship simulator - with sail and yard trimming, individual sail control and deep crew management. 2. Session based fleet action a-la world of tanks or war thunder - we call it Faction Warfare or National fleet duty 3. Open world RPG with conquest, crafting, trading and pirates 2 and 3 can easily co-exist in one game and reinforce each other.
I don't understand why you are separating naval battles and playable realism from player's fate and sandbox. Current developments in technology and design can allow both to happen in one game with minimal effort. Potbs was a cartoon and FLS did not think the topic through. There are multiple games now in the market in other settings that actually showing the way how it should be done. On the core gameplay The game will ship in blocks. We mentioned Minecraft as our potential development model. Game will evolve according to player feedback and we will only work on absolutely needed features. for example Potbs had lots of content that was not used. It wasted a lot of resources of the development team taking time away from important features, developing things players did not want or did not need. Core gameplay is ship combat and sailing. It is currently done as a organized fleet warfare. All other elements will reinforce the core gameplay for those who are not only interested in combat: elements like exploration, trade, crafting, guilds and conquest and of course piracy. Game development is hard - seriously hard. Whatever any developer says will probably be not delivered on time. There is only example right now where promised 2 week content updates are delivered on time - Guild Wars 2. But we don't know for how long they will be able to keep this. So please forgive our vague answers that we give on certain questions, because we are only working on combat now and want to show it as soon as possible. That is also a reason why we are not doing any PR on the game at this stage and only work with select communities - we have not answered certain important questions yet. While in another game - http://www.ultimategeneral.com/ - we are actively working with the press, were mentioned by major game related publications and even have been named a "second most exciting wargame in development" by Rockpapershotgun. Because we have the final vision on how that game will look like. PS. Our creative director, and most of our team considers open world and piracy and trading as important as fleet combat. But what we can assure you that in our game you will never be forced into activity that you don't like, unless you are hauling "Navy issued" brass cannons near the pirate controlled zone. more info will follow.
1. bow wakes are not final and will be continued to be improved, but in a computer game to connect ship to water visually some exaggeration is needed so ships do not look hanging in the air. 2. yellow warm color - questionable.from references we have there were lots of variations of color and we like this one but again this is not final. 3. damage and patches - computer game to work with normal fps needs less textures. if we have unique textures on every ship that will kill the performance. Adding unique details to textures will make all ships have the same damage patch at the same spot and that will look very ugly. 4. lighthouses - there are references we have that show similar colors and that really makes the visuals a lot more beautiful. but this is currently the only model and a lot more will be added in the future (historical and beautiful). But please post lighthouses that you want in the game in a separate post.
you should have seen lighthouses by italian architects in st petersburg russia the art work is from 1860 something but they were painted this way on the day they were built in 1810
а модель WOT это по сути LOL только без золотых расходников (без pay to win)