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Everything posted by admin

  1. Naval Action Cannons, Ammo and Shooting based on old sea trials - so some elements maybe outdated
  2. Naval Action Getting Started by Young
  3. Not at all. it is just we add content faster than we write pr texts
  4. Thank you for the kind words. The information is incomplete and this will be addressed during the early access. But having said that: we are firm believers in the secret menu: content that you can only find by playing. Not sure if it is possible in the internet age.
  5. You can click on any component of the ship and see what resources are required to craft that component it also allows you to immediately craft it as well (if you have materials).
  6. We are sending keys out every evening until the end of the year (or until keys run out).
  7. When launching the game try to wait until the game screen comes up itself. It crashes for me if i try to click on the game icon before it fully loads. But maybe there are other reason. We will take a look - we get all crash reports automatically.
  8. Topic for video guides for new players. Naval Action Beginner's Guide by Olav Please add things you want to be added to the guides in comments. Things you wanted to be explained or we missed. Feel free to post other good guides in comments
  9. if you mouse-over your rank in the up right corner you will see a hint pop up on the next rank and crew requirements
  10. Никогда еще штирлиц не был так близок к провалу
  11. admin

    Steam Keys

    batch will be sent after 22pm kiev time
  12. You need to add the game to your steam library by using (redeeming) the steam key - it is on steam but hidden until release.
  13. через 30 дней точно будет Портфелио какой есть. Пейпал городить быстрее чем прочие инструменты - опять же карточки не собираем, что безопаснее для денег клиента. А вообще давно тут сидим. За два года наверное должны были войти в доверие
  14. admin

    Steam Keys

    Trying to arrange one today.
  15. Hmm please ask in the french forums because some players there use the keyboard you mention
  16. Keys are sent on fridays usually - but sometimes earlier. The second link does not work i believe.
  17. Dear Captains Purchase page is open again! http://www.navalaction.com/purchase/ We are planning to release the Early Access version this winter and most likely it will happen in January. Valve was kind enough to provide extra keys to allow additional captains to join before the holidays. If you want to lock in alpha access please purchase early – as we can still run out.
  18. постановка парусов взята отсюда - и проверена у боцмана корабля Lady Washington (который сейчас работает на Гермионе), который заявил что сейчас все ок. (forum - ryan21) http://www.amazon.com/Seamanship-Age-Sail-Man-War/dp/0870219553 более или менее сделано как в этой книге.
  19. Port conquest will eventually force some nations to haul for much longer especially if neutrals are disabled.
  20. Delivery mechanic is not final and will be improved. You have to remember people will appreciate deliveries when they consider them from the 1000th route perspective. It is fun to sail 5 hours the first time. It is hell when you spend 5000 hours hauling. Now NPCs will do it for you.
  21. How many player traders did you sink? I caught one since crafting was introduced - his name was alex connor and he was in a cutter. I have heard one guy has a brother who also caught another one, but he had to let him go because some pirates don't sink danes. So this makes it two.
  22. You are the mogul not the waiter. Game transports for you - you make decisions.
  23. You can make millions in trading just for trading
  24. there are the same from the game perspective - player waits 3 days for his Santisima if all materials are prepared. but There is a big difference with performance and implementation. Wait for 3 days (collect labor hours) and then click - requires only 1 counter that gives all players X labor hours per hour. Click and then wait for 3 days (construction time) - requires at least 40000 live counters if 10000 players build 4 ships each. In reality it will be even higher because Weekly users are higher than daily users and many counters will overlap. Estimate is 100,000 live timers. A lot more expensive to code, debug and maintain . All systems when designed have to take into account the production cost and most importantly fixing problems cost. That is one of the reasons germany lost the WW2, their tanks were too complex to fix fast. Shermans and T-34 could be repaired in the field. Tiger had to be brought back to factory in most cases. This will be a first and last game design lesson this year
  25. Random works strange ways. Imaging getting 20 shipments of hemp and losing 5 shipments of gold.
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