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  1. just to clarify We use hosted forums as a service solution by Invision Power. We do not keep anything related to your accounts or information internally (we are very paranoid in terms of important data security).
  2. We recommend people to not use important passwords on the forum.
  3. totally agree.. but will be fixed after the EA launch please remind us if we forget
  4. Bots were accidentally switched off in missions on PVE Shard. Will be fixed by end of the week. You can sink bots in the OW or return to PVP server temporarily.
  5. The mini map shows your immediate surroundings. In the age of sail there were no radars and you could only see what is around you. It is already a big compromise.
  6. 99% reloaded still requires finishing ramming that ball into the cannon. if you are attending to wounded or coming back up from bracing you still need to finish reload.
  7. right now it is possible to get it if you hit the enemy for approximately 8% of the overall armor in under 5 seconds. which translates to 15-17% of the broadside armor
  8. You always talk about some mythical changes that took skill away. Put them in a numbered list please - 7 will be enough. Then we ll talk. Otherwise its looks like yelling at cloud and stop talking about upgrades. By this time you everyone has all the upgrades (especially those who sail ships of the line or advanced frigates)
  9. Events were there since Trafalgar moved from Plymouth sea to the lobby. Ask Puchu.. he is like ALL IN on events, he only wants events. Ask him about his event based levelling.
  10. OW is hunting Events are a boxing ring To each his own (or its own)
  11. last weekend there were around 1500 battles in the OW and 70 events also you cant run from events.
  12. Sorry guys This topic either have to be locked or moved out of the tribunal All nations at some time in the past have attacked the enemy to delay port battle flag installation and there is no way to prove that they did it to grief. They did it to stop the port battle from happening achieving their goal sometimes. The best way to avoid such events is to employ a screening fleet yourself sending it forward to clear the area. This will bringing tactical depth to assault flag gameplay. But we will continue thinking of ways to improve mechanics. Bring your ideas on how to improve it into ROE (rule of engagement) topic or port battle feedback.
  13. I think veterans just cant see the valley from the mountain of 1 year of experience. New players are still struggling fighting with a cutter. And i think that asking for more realism people feedback slowed down the game so you cant see skill anymore. Its just too slow and deliberate where mistakes could be corrected even before the other side notices it. And because its slow skill threshold is lowered. Imagine Counter strike at 10x slower speed. Thats what we got thanks to realism lobby
  14. 2 ships modestly skilled ships will a;ways win against a solo ship as i said reload shocks are not for solo players but for small groups. If 2 ships can focus fire you are dead - way of life. unless that 1 ship rakes them both turning the tide
  15. for those who will continue saying bring old times back - BE HONEST if you want game to be more casual (and as a result more skilled) say it directly. don't hide it under other false pretenses dont talk about repairs for example that actually increased tactical depth. here is the consti broadside on a trinco from the sea trials (damage is a lot higher then) https://youtu.be/bhQSclnDdKI?t=946
  16. I think you dont know what are you talking about. That means bring 3 sail repairs /or 3 hull repairs back That means bring stationary rotation back - current rotation is like 3x slower than before That means makes speed faster (it was much faster before) and speeds were nerfed like 20-30% across the board (turning as well) That means bring laser accuracy at 2 km Also rolling broadside is historical and locked unlocked sector actually brings historically possible convergence, which was impossible before. That means bring back slow unrealistic cannonballs That means bring many other things that were gone like HP that was 3x lower No ricochets also We remember you always were a negative kind of person. Perhaps you want combat to be more CASUAL (like it was before) without actually understanding it? Where it required split second decision making because you could be dead in 3 broadsides but then repair everything back and come back in full health
  17. regarding Reload shock. Its purpose is not to help in 2v1 Its purpose is to help smaller side in 3v6 or 6v12 Perhaps i can explain it in detail Origin of the reload shock. There multiple references when ships were able to break reload routine for the enemy sometimes silencing the opposite side for almost 5-10 mins. Glorious first of June had a couple of examples described in Sam Willis books. We decided that such stun can have place in NA Purpose In 2v4 or 3v6 or basically any other engagment where your side is at a disadvantage but you can gain advantage by focusing your fire properly But you have to fulfill two conditions You sail close to each other preferably in a tight line You focus fire and shoot AT THE SAME TIME with your group members If you are able to inflict significant % damage over broadside length (5 sec) - you will shock enemy crew by flying planks, splinter and deaths of comrades stopping their reload. It becomes important to shoot AT THE SAME TIME not spread over time. If you are fighting 2v4 and if your enemy is not organized you could theoretically keep 2 ships on constant reload shock (with the right positioning) It also makes lower calibers more dangerous (faster reload allows more reload shocks) Same with crew shock or with rigging
  18. We have said it somewhere already: Pirate on pirate xp will most likely be switched off sooner or later. It provides too many loopholes that cannot be controlled in any other way. Though we know that introduction of assist XP kill XP has reduced the damage farming needs for the gentlemen. What was unexpected is the pirate organization and unity - which is actually a good thing . And because they mostly fight other nations they don't need XP on each other.
  19. We welcome all suggestions so thank you for the feedback. Current state of things is the following. Pirates in real life were limited in numbers. In game pirates nation is second biggest after Britain, there is nothing you can do about it. Many new players will continue joining pirates and some of them will organize into large fleets. Game mechanics already allows pirates to attack each other with no consequences, but even with this mechanics pirates have decided to act united. Nations are provided with all the tools to keep pirates in check by sinking them and denying them ports. If you capture all pirate ports it will be harder for them to build ships.
  20. there are no plans to do android for Naval Action
  21. which game are you referring to?
  22. You can push a 50,000 ton tanker with 2 tugboats
  23. ранения и убийства экипажа не трогались с августа как. если вам кажется что урон большой делайте скрини и репорты - так как мне непонятно откуда больше потерь. на словах не принимаем. писал напимер Логном.. о том что вобще 40 человек с ядра.. а когда попросили показать как это сделать или послать репорт пропал по штрафам от экипажа смотрим и слушаем - будет плохо поправим
  24. мы знаем что значит выражение - вы сказали гайки огласите весь список пожалуйста
  25. Thank you for the suggestion. It was suggested multiple times by many players (thank you too Wind and others) its just we don't have enough time to manage it (yet) But we plan to start doing it after we release on Steam. with monthly content patches weekly tuning patches We also planning to invite several staff writers to write about age of sail. We will post this announcement shortly
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