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  1. If the battle plan can be ruined by 50 degrees wind change - perhaps the plan was not good enough?
  2. This means only one thing. We perhaps should stop listening to commenters and should just continue making the game for ourselves the way we - makers - want to play it. We had standard wind turning into a predictable direction. It was the request number 1 to randomize it. Let's harvest the fruits first before requesting standard wind back. From now on we will not accept feedback on core gameplay factors if it is not thought through and does not provide detailed in depth analysis like it comes from NW on the ship HP, from all points of view (defenders and attackers) Wind in life is random. And its strength is also random. In many cases it could just die down in battle. God and Glory will guide your hand to win the battle despite the wind.
  3. Lets lock this until next event.
  4. We have even more magical feature. Teleport to capital once every 8h hours))
  5. That User Interface.. oh.. wait...
  6. care to explain in more depth?)))
  7. Keep in mind the balancer. If you bring more than 25 people they will not get in If someone misses it don't worry - we will do it next week one more time.
  8. Приветствуем Капитаны. Мы снимаем видео для релизного ролика. Приглашаем всех желающих поучаствовать в трафальгаре в эту и следующую субботу. Цель в евенте заснять эпичных моментов Поэтому желательно в первой части сражения красиво строится и воевать линией если получится во второй уже вести себя как обычно)) подробнее тут http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7786-important-trafalgar-invitation/
  9. Hello Captains. We have relied on your help doing most visual promotional content for the game. 100% of in game screenshots on FB and website were done by someone like you. In this matter we have a request Player IIN8II who is doing an awesome job helping us shoot them. We would like to invite those who can attend this and next saturday for the large trafalgar event. Player IIN8II who is doing an awesome job helping us shoot them. Goals. Create source material to show line fighting and awesome epic action. Provide source material from various angles What needs to be done Next 2 events are not going to be about winning but about dying in spectacular fashions. Part 1 - first 10-20 mins of battle Instead of rushing into action immediately we would like to request players to form beautiful lines (if possible) Let both fleets form before engaging Try to be on TS or at least follow commands Try to fire as a line sometimes even if it wastes your shot Part 2 - the rest of the battle Once melee starts try to board ships, and wreak havoc. Fires are good.. so don't put it down. If you are shooting to demast - try aiming higher to provide varied visuals of demasted ships. And of course have fun. We just need to capture a bit beautiful moments. Captains who will also be making videos at the events please do so with the UI switched off with only aiming line and sector or without it. After making the video please upload the source file to dropbox or elsewhere and provide the link to this topic If you won't make it this week we will do additional cinematic work next saturday as well..
  10. I personally loved the requirement to sail every ship and we know the reasons why some players did not like it. We have read all proposals carefully and new progression system will revolve around classes and some orders will require a particular ship. We will post it before starting coding it for player review.
  11. The main possible reason is the network you are playing on. What is your location?
  12. Does this issue still persist for you?
  13. Pirate trading is actually very lucrative But you friends might attack you. ps. lucrative because neutrals cannot enter pirate ports so all resources are yours for the taking.
  14. we do believe that 1v2 2v2 battles drag for too long right now. 30 mins to sink 2 brigs in a brig is too much
  15. If you are referring to sometimes uneven bot distribution or gangs of bots that are too big this will be fine-tuned. But regarding their gunnery i don't know. I definitely cannot say they shoot extremely well. I create a player every month to level up and it has never been easier especially with orders.
  16. Average player lands most broadsides into you. Why bots should not be able to do it? They actually miss a lot more than players. But you have to remember those Bot captains have their own stories. They sail from their home cities or free towns to make their living, feeding their families or trying to become someone like you. They learnt how to fight well over the years of being battered by other captains and they learnt to run because their life depends on saving that cargo. Where do I start to explain this.. Our philosophy is to not chase what’s popular, but rather make games we want to play. Games have a potential to be something that nothing else can. They can let you experience something that you never can do again in real life. Naval Action can let you sail a ship that has been long gone, visit towns that are no more, conquer the world and be a hero, and admiral or a common captain who just lives his simple life in the Gulf. Regarding the difficulty Naval action will be too difficult for some people, because the game does not try to dumb down the experience for the benefit of the so-called mass-market appeal. Too many games try to cater to a casual crowd by making NPCs bend over for casual... raking. Naval action is a game that does not treat a player like an idiot. The game knows that you are capable of incredible feats and it knows you are an intelligent being. Naval Action is difficult not for the sake of difficulty. Its difficulty comes from the design philosophy. Overcoming the challenge brings immense satisfaction. You will struggle and be victorious at sea or you can give up and retire to the quiet life on land. We also are not afraid putting the things into the game that players will miss or will not notice. We will not compromise on the design just so every player sees or knows everything from the start. The learning process can make player experience infinitely more valuable and pure. Regarding the empty seas Naval Action is a pure age of sail combat experience with in an open world sandbox. The seas will invoke danger, loneliness and solitude. They are vast and empty and full of danger. The environments sounds are only nature, your ship, and your crew: nothing artificial to misrepresent the mood of the world. “Nothing looks better than land from sea” is an old age of sail saying. In the open world design we wanted to convey the feeling of loneliness and vast distance. We wanted the player to experience what a real captain would feel in the age of sail. The search, the chase, the combat would feel much closer than in all other games made before. You will welcome the sight of land on your journey and you will worry when you see the sail on the horizon but still will be happy because this player is someone like you. The game is not hard. But it is hard to get into. You have to learn to position yourself properly, shoot at the right time, tack and use the sails: you have to learn to play. Some players will even argue that this inaccessibility makes few first days of struggle and torment very rewarding when you finally learn how to play and start crafting your own stories, but maybe they just forgot how hard it was in a Lynx.
  17. npc hauling will be implemented some day in a future.
  18. I have just read the constellation frigate gunnery practice handbook and it says a good gunner must be be able to accurately place the shot into the target 800 yards away in calm seas. Or maybe i am reading it incorrectly or maybe it is because its a book from 1870 https://books.google.com.ua/books?id=AXlk5AAACAAJ&dq=constellation+gunnery&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y
  19. planking and pumps upgrades were added to check longer survivability and need to be nerfed current bonuses are too big.
  20. No-one will send you to Tetris. We are searching for the right balance. 1) Quest/Orders system now helps those who don't have time to search for enemies. Admiralty finds enemies for you 2) Events are still there and you can always ask players to join the small/large battles and it will be easier once online 3) NPC hauling will be implemented for crafters - they will transport goods for you.
  21. Which is why 74 was a workforce of all navies in Europe (not a heavy frigate).
  22. Also would like to add this. Sometimes feedback despite being reasonable brings unforeseen effects on the fun. Current large events look like this Battles turn into individual melee and small group duels (from 1v1 to 5v5). It is how it was in real life. Maintaining the line is extremely expensive and requires careful planning. Keeping the station also reduces DPS as you don't purse stragglers to finish them off. Nelson understood this and as a result most decisive victories relied on individual skill in a general mess of the battle, not on the line fighting that was ineffective for decisive victories. It is fully replicated in Naval Action line fighting does not bring decisive victories and enemies usually escape. To bring tactics back several things must be brought back 1. Reduced survivability - increase the cost of mistakes and cost of getting out of the line 2. Nerf of survivability upgrades - increase the cost of mistakes and cost of getting out of the line 3. Minor increase to speed - increase ability to keep station reduce time required for planning fleet maneuver 4. Minor increase to turning - increase ability to keep station reduce the time required for long term planning 5. Increased accuracy - increase ability to deliver damage at long range to make line fighting more effective The sad thing is that there are some old timers (like verhoeven, flgibson) who were major proponents of realism and history and pushed hard for more realism. But they don't participate in events for some reason (or participated a lot more during more casual sea trials1) PS. The first stable group of 10-15 ships with an admiral who is able to force his fleet to keep the line/station and focus fire will win majority of battles (OW or in Ports)
  23. so its suddenly more fun? Nothing has changed except for BR fixes. BTW.. the line tactical fighting is still possible. It is hard to make a good line and maintain your station but if you do you can focus a lot better.
  24. Collision leaks depend on ship mass and speed If you are rammed or rammed someone at high speed most likely both ships will sink if they don't take precautionary measures before the collision. Ship mass and speed are now the main factors for water intake. System works this way. If speed vector difference is below 4 knots leaks won't happen. Collision angle now matters. Mass difference now matters a lot more. Cutter colliding with a First rate at full speed will sink very fast while a First rate will suffer minimal damage and vice versa. Collision leaks are much bigger and take more water than penetration shots but are indicated with the same UI.
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