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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. That fine but when you have 30+ guys and they ask why can’t I go to the PB cause you have to send in your best guys every time cause one screw up with 5-7 guys can cost a whole PB compared to having 10-15 guys in them. The other thing is this fine with a small pop server but it won’t cut it if numbers where higher. That your going to see nothing but multi flips. Also if you can’t fill a big BR PB than you shouldn’t own it. This game is called Naval action not Squadron Action. The lack of big SOL PB has actually made a lot of guys I use to clan with stop playing. They played for the big epic fights in SOL not in the kiddie pool boats.
  2. That fine pick a small br port but US coast line is almost all small BR ports and we have at times 20-30 folks on PB nights. It means small elite teams can tie up ports that larger nations that can fill larger PN can’t properly use there numbers
  3. Many deep water ports have to low of a BR we need more of them so 10-15 guys can fight not the same 5-7 guys every time.
  4. The problem with that is some shallow waterr ports have more BR tha. 25 BR 80 ships would fill and still doesn’t change how OP it currently is compare to a HR, Prince and Niagar
  5. Ahh than it changed good to know
  6. #soon but really if they just bump it up to 5th rate and bigger BR than now it will keep them out of shallow PB. Not touch the stats just the class and BR until other ships Conan be balanced. oh and this is one of many reason I keep bugging them about an update ETA for the patch cause some things need to be release now not wait weeks upon weeks while the finish up other patch things. The balance patch should of been out last week not next month.
  7. It does help having folks that know how to plau the kite circle game with them and not get sunk. I’m not to worried about them in deep it’s the shallows they need to be removed and brought to 5th rates with the hurcs than see how they fair. I see the Day time EU French are getting a bit groggy on the coast there. They showed up at Albertross last week and defended it for him.
  8. Lol I really need to stop post from my phone at work. Need to edit that last post some lol
  9. @admin @Ink also an updated ETA would be nice instead of just saying #soon. and stop adding things to this patch. Get the UI stuff done with and added along with the Econ stuff and add the rest afterwards. Seems y’all have a habit of pushing patches back to add more and more stuff to the patch that could be added in with smaller patches afterwards. but really an ETA or update please? Another week and it will be yet a new month again and still no patch.
  10. Making it a 5 rate would fix the crew stacking and other mods issues and I believe the over use in shallows PB. Best way to balance it without tons of stat changes I. Other ships. what the hell does the moral look like when those guys board? Crew space and hammocks would be -30 moral from the start? The other thing I think stacking crew should give you a grape debug since more crew to be hit by grape specially on open deck ships. While I haven’t done a bird with a crew stack Req yet, we have just flat out sunk them or I done an anti board pull on a few none crew stack rage boarders while every one removes the armor and structure. Simple barricades, axes and muskets does wonders against rage boarders with no clue. Beaten guys with marines many a times with that combo or even swap out the musket for 5rings on my main.
  11. Name change doesn't, but if you change your nation your Lord Protector status is reset to zero. It kinda would be nice to have a log of what port you have the status in.
  12. Yah if I remember right you have to add the file edit every time you start a new game, but I heard you couldn't do it any more so maybe got some wrong info. Would be nice to know.
  13. Back before the wipe hen I had the BP this was how I lost most my gunboats. If you get to close to the bow you can be pushed over and rolled. Honestly that how it should be cause of you did that in RL you would gotten rolled over or pulled under by the larger ship.
  14. Since it’s limit to three ships I would limit it to 6vs6 fights. The other thing could be any missions taken in the zone is a FFA fight anything go but I would still limit it to something around 12 players tops.
  15. AI also do use Double Charge and Double Ball. I noticed they tend to go to single shot when your close to them and it looks like that is double ball and why it does way more damage.
  16. They should allow it one time, close the PvE server than do a wipe....lol
  17. Good to hear the issues are being resolved, but can we maybe get an update on the patches status today since it's a new week? Being told only SOON a week ago and no other data kinda sucks when folks have been waiting on these patches to come out for a good while and there might need to be some things to be ready for them done too. For the players just a short update of how things are going and a rough estimate of when to expect them maybe? Thanks
  18. I also notice if the Requin player doesn't know how to manual sail you can easly break out of a pit to try to push you into irons. Though my fav was in a PB my L'ocean hit one with chain broad side and brought it down to 43% sails. The Santi behind me pretty much one shot sunk it. So even in deep water fights you can keep them out of circles and control the zone. Just have to be smart about it. I knew he was going to try to slip by us so I switched to chain on that side and it didn't work as he planed.
  19. I keep telling folks to just take out that front mast. I done it a few times and it pretty much puts them dead in the water.
  20. The problem is that is your and my expeirence cause we played the game so much AI is a cake walk with only epic AI giving a challenge, but to joe blow casual who only gets on a few hours a week they might be the hardest thing in the world for them. I still watch folks struggle against other 1sr rates in hostility missions all the time and yes they are RA that been in the game for a while. They are the same guys that still haven’t figured out manual sailing yet either. not every one is a Vet/Pro in the game. In fact we prob only make up of 10% of the game.
  21. Nothing he just left the port after Elitedeta killed him, not sure why he didn't hit send to outpost when he got killed. Was in TS when he got hit both times, he's a very below average player but love the guy cause he has heart for the game but he's very straight lace on rules. When heard about that exploit he said he won't be using it. I did find out about the over load thing and F11 it, but didn't know about the cutter thing until some one told me. Hay that is why we are here to find the bugs and such. Though kinda glad Elitedelta posted the first screen shot he made it sound like he wast instant boarded at the very first, but looks like bad wind on the tag is what got him.
  22. You dropped ports cause as soon as we started to flip your ports in your time you set you stopped showing up. Yes some GB players showed up but it sure as hell not you or your clan. Which proved that the timer when you set it wasn't the best for your clan to defend it, it was just a harder time for others to show up and flip it. You even tried changing the timers on the weekends to random ones so when folks showed up to flip it during the pre-set time they couldn't and than wasted there mornings (for us US guys). That is what caused the multi flip on you too, your attitude and port changing times to avoid fights. Than when you couldn't defend them from straight up port flips on Sat mornings when we can be on at that time you stopped showing up and dropped all your ports. If you had any real balls you would of put the timers in US or GB port timer prime time instead of dropping them and let the British that wanted to defend them show up and do so instead of just dropping the ports. I heard a good number of Brits was pissed that you just cowardly dropped them. I don't think it's about the Teak, they have teak in Bermuda along with WO. I think it's more the location than any thing. Though I'm sure the teak is a pluss for owning that port. Many folks don't want to attack such nations as swedes or Say Denamark cause why do we want to be on the side of the map when all the action is more in the center (which it should be). You also need good launching locations too.
  23. What I never understood was why is a successful defense you only get a 48 (or is it 24?) hours cool down while a successful attack and capture it's something like 72 hour cool down? 2 vs 3 days shouldn't both have the same cool down? In fact a successful defense should really have a longer cool down as they all ready just buckled down and defended that port so they are ready for any other attacks.
  24. That why the r ward should only be paints or flags. Than again it might be good for a few ports to trade hands. Maybe some one won’t want to t are it back or it gets flipped before they can.
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