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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. It was level 3 which is the company that runs the backbone lines that many other company's used. Apparently a major fiber line got cut and it mainly effected Comcast, but Verizen and other users where effected too. Seems like they fixed it as I hadn't had issues for a while.
  2. and it's funny the folks that get most of those rare mods...>PVErs< cause they only drop from grinding AI. The guys that only PvP and don't grind have to buy them off other players. Sounds more like folks just want the easy way to get something in game.
  3. As much as we have clashed over time I got to say this is a great concept man. More folks should do stuff like this just to have fun and well make some money. Se how many ships they can capture without being sunk by the warships protecting them.
  4. I hate to be a broken record of this example, but it did work on the other game, much similar to this one. You see those red zones, those are PvP zones so every one knew where to get PvP. The rest of the map pretty much you where able to freely PvE and do what ever you want in freedom. Just about every MMO out there has PvE zones and safe zones and you have to be certain levels to even enter the PvP zones. You can't camp a capital of a faction or newbie zone. This game has a unhealthy habit to support the PvP Seal Clubbers and gankers with the mechanics slowly changing them to give more and more false hope of security. Why shouldn't folks be able to PvE in safety if they want and than go off to RvR and PvP if they want to? And don't give me that crap, "They should just go to the PvE server." Than you would have no one to hunt. Casualy want to play the game at there own pace and than if they feel like some PvP than go do it, not have it forced down there throat 24/7 by guys that seem to have no jobs or any other life. This game was never promised as a PvP only game, about as close as you gotten to that was NA:L and we all know how that failed. It will not survive on a Pure PVP note, you need the casuals and the carebears to make the game work and last.
  5. It is free. Delete your char and make a new one you can change your name all you want. its Friday and almost end of month so I take it no Econ hotfix?
  6. I remember on POTBS when the Fortaleza da Luz mission came out (think that was it with the ghost and such) no other clan was beating it and folks where complaining how hard it was. Well one guy asked to join us so we can walk him through it. He joined our clan and we ran him through the mission and finished it with no respawns. We later found out that person was one of the Devs wanting to see how we where the only ones able to do the missions. What he found out is every one in our clan did every mission and decked out all our chars/ships with the best gear so we would destroy other Clans in Avcom combat cause we did all the missions and got the best gear. This helped us in that mission and well it was just simple team work and supporting each other. So yah it's good for devs to play the game too cause they get to see what we see by playing with us. He stayed in our clan and would test out new things or do PB's with us when he was free.
  7. No the problem is you have 4 nations camping a capital killing every thing that comes out. Just look at the Combat news today. I have counted French, Dutch, Pirates, Prussians all kiling US players tonight. I hardly see any of those nations killing each other in front of Charleston. If they wanted PvP so much and as you say it's mainly found at the capitals instead of killing one nation they would be fighting each other too but they refuse to do that. They want easy killls and that is it. As for RvR I bet you if one of those nations attack another nations Ports in Prime time for that nation they will get RvR and PvP but they won't leave the easy kill zones of the main nations that get a lot of new players and casuals who tend to stay around there capitals.
  8. If it was ever finished you so should release that "outlaw" paint for the Heavy Rattler...I know shameless plug for return of paints. Ok well by this week I'm going to assume by next week since this one is pretty much almost half over and we still haven't gotten the Econ Hotfix added.
  9. One the thing that been killing us when we had several ports with timers is that the few ports that get profits than get taxed to death as they make more and more money. It seems your tax rate is 50% if you make over a million (which pays for the port cost here) but stays at 50% the more you make so you really don't make a big profit enough to pay for other ports that don't make hardly any profit. Than you get nothing in return. Oh and I have made over 2 dozens 6th rates in Marsh Harbor since this patch and I gotten nothing but None Perk Blue ships and Perked blue ships with one 5/5 Purple Niagara (no perks). I know RNG just sucks for me, but you think the odds of getting better ships in a clan owned prot would be higher than that. That is pretty much a the same odds I have had in a safe zone port on the US coast line my main craft gotten. Out of about two dozen Bellona's I only got one purple and it was a 5/5 no perks and it was an accident where I had the wrong woods picked so not what I wanted to mass produce for the clan lol. What I would love to see is those tax's go into you being able to adjust your BR rating for the port so if you want to have a big BR cause you have a big clan you can boost it up to allow more ships into the PB or keep it low so your small clan which might be elite can defend it easier against bigger forces. That and the trade clan restriction options we talked about. Open to all (all contracts allowed), Open to nation (only your nation), open to friendly clans only.
  10. Agree Xebec should stay 5th rate, allow both in shallow but not in PB's and your fine wiht the balance and the 5-4th rate perks will tone them down form the other 6-7th rates in shallows. I like the Blueprint thing cause I like ships like the LVG Refit, but i don't want a stupid note I want the BP to build them where and how I want and when I want. I think your onto something about doing a redeem of a permit to build them but make the rest of them craftable and you get the BP from the redeemable the first time or any time you delete and make a new char. One of the biggest issues right now is they where saying they where going to balance out the other older in game ships and have yet to do so, so why would I use a H Rattler or Prince when I can use these ships in OW?
  11. I found mediums seem to work best with ai if that is its perm job. The only time I put other cannons on an ai ship is if it’s a back up taking to switch out too. as for shipknowledge and I believe this goes for mods to no the AI doesn’t us them. That is why ship knowledge is wiped if you switch to a fleet ship and have to be reset. @admin will in the future I I’ll AI fleets use ship knowledge and mods we put in the ship?
  12. Instead of maybe nation bonus maybe nation crafted ships bonus would work better, but than I would love to see regional bonus brought back kinda.
  13. The nation you plan is pretty much the Newbie clan
  14. Just look at the kills and assist in that first fight ya'll keep your damage on all targets and got a lot of assist. As for that trip home. lol I bet he was bitching a lot in nation chat about it...lol
  15. With the changes of free towns being removed upon release what are they going ot do with the impossible nations cause ya'll won't have any ports to live out if you loose all your ports than. Wonder if the Devs thought about that and might be something we bring up. Prussian and the other Impossible Nations don't have perm ports so what one day is your zone of owner ship might not be months from now so that won't work. I honestly think they should be true hard core nations. Pirates should only be able to join through game (like old days attack your own nation and you become pirate.) If you don't want to be a pirate any more delete your char and make a new one. The three other nations should be removed but if not make it so that like other games that have hardcore races you have to reach a certain level before you can even play those nations. Thus you make RA and now you have an option to play one of the hardcore nations. For a bunch of hard core guys they do complain alot, maybe it's best we just remove the nations and go back to the core ones? Could always give the Pirates the game mechanics they they can loose all ports. Turn Mort into a Neurtral port that all can use at risk (it will be pretty much a PvP zone).
  16. It really won’t matter cause upon release the ports and will be wiped and we start conquest all over.
  17. It’s a port behind enemy lines. It should not be easy to raid. when I was pirate on Global we use to raid the US coast from kids when we flipped ports. It’s a long sail but we came 15-20 1st rate strong with repairs to last a long fight. We never expected it to be easy.
  18. Cause unlike other folks some of us have lives, family and jobs and can’t be on at all hours of day or night. What part of past 1am do you not get? The majority of the players on this game only log in for a few hours a day during what little free time they have after work and family time.
  19. One of the biggest complaints i Hear from folks is, "Why can't we get into the PB." Even though we have tons of guys on. Saddly the few big BR ports we have on the coast line is locked in extremely late PB timers so it's a pain to get numbers to stay up that late, but other ports are just to small BR. I bring this up cause it's not just US ports it's most of the map if you look around. A lot of folks I know that stopped playing was cause we don't have 25 vs 25 big battles any more unless it's in the shallows. Not saying we should have 25 vs 25 1st rates battle any more, but it would be nice to get some 10-15 guys into a fight other than OW screening now a days for some of these port battles. Hay one day we will get the guys to stay up late and maybe flip San Aug to have a big nice fight between the nations, but prob not any time soon with 1-4am timers.
  20. I really don't mind it being there, the problem I have is way to many of the Florida/US coast line ports are low BR so that you can only get 6-7 players into the port battle. Important key ports like Little river should not be 2500 BR that a small group can control it should be the ports we have 15-25 players fighting over and defending or attacking. I get they wanted some ports small clans can capture and control but majority of the US coast line is very small BR port battles and it hurts the bigger but less experienced teams cause all it takes is one mistake and the game is over. If you look around the map there is a lot of ports like this not just around the US coast that are key ports with major econ and very low BR for port battles and very rare are the bigger PB's If we can muster 20-30 guys for screening than why can't we get more than 6-10 guys in to defend our ports. Give some ports booster BR or allow the owners to have the option of what BR they want (within a range) for that port.
  21. Though I do think it should be 0 gold too, it even says that you can't sale the ship but you can still sale it directly to port. I tested it out and got me 23K for a herc now I'll redeem it on that char once the timer is up to see if I get a better Herc than the first. The Xebec I got my first perk (Very Fast of all things, would love Very Cramp) and not going to touch that one. I might test the break up to see what we get if we do that. I assume crap for mats but still the option is there to just keep destroying them every day. I honestly think the Herc and Xebec need a longer cool down and not the same as the Yatch. Maybe something like 2-3 days?
  22. I always think it's funny when folks talk about prices. I went to the bar Friday and hanged out with some friends. My tab was 45 dollars mainly cause I bought a round of shots before we left (just three of us). My point is one little trip to the bar and I spent what the game and DLC pretty much cost (think it's 50 bucks total on sale right now).
  23. It's 23K for each ship give or take some, and that is every 24 hours. You can do a mission or two and make way more than that. As for breaking up for pefect builds that is way to much work, though some one might do it and it might take them months to get what they want.
  24. I would love to see Poods and other guns brought into game and used on those ships. Pavel had Poods on it, though it was only a few guns per deck. This would give them a reason to force the L'Ocean to only use 36 lbrs (along with the Bucc and Santi). While keeping the 42's on the Vict (and maybe give it the 68's it had). Than have it where we can craft Bronze cannons or other special cannosn that can only be used on certain ships. All ships will still have option to use normal cannons, but those speciall cannons are restircted to certain ships. That are just make it part of a prize
  25. Cant wait to see her fully, we need to get the game back to be about fighting in mainly 6-4th rates not all SOL like half the battles are. Still think some ports need a limit on ship that can be brought to PB's like no SOL only 4th rates and below or even 3rd rates and below. That will get folks using more of the mid tier ships instead of the most heavy they can bring. If this Connie is going to have stat changes too than maybe we can keep the old Connie as a generic 4th Rate frigate so we add more ships instead of loosing them. We could always just test it again, but maybe tone down the effects some what. I remember getting leaks and protecting your bows back than now folks just ram away trying to push folks into boards and other things. If they take just as much or more damage you will see less folks doing it. Make it a grave action to ram some one, pretty much a instant leark/sinking for the guy that rams, but not as much damage for the one being rammed depending on ships mass and size and such. You know you can run Determined Defender and that will stop rage boards. I have yet to be boarded even before that perk returned unless I wanted to get boardered so it's prob the person sailing the ships not the fact you can get boarded. I see folks do it all the time, try to tack through wind get instant boarded as they are stuck in irons. Maybe don't go through irons with an enemy ship right next to you? I'm hoping it's a whole new ship not a sking, but yah this would be a great day to release it.....I mean what better day than the US Independence day? You really need to bring back paint chest even if you plan to change paints later. We have two paints in game right now from NYE and most folks ran out of them ages ago. I don't know why you don't allow them back into game until you make the changes. Remember like the Improted ships anything I can pay real money for I should be able to get in game too. So if your going to do paint chest DLC later than it won't hurt if we get them in battles too for special rewards.
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