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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I thought 36 or 48 would be a nice balance of a day and half coold dewn. If it was once a week I want my money back. I honestly did not expect it to have the same cools down as the yacht. Fixed that for you, #soon we will have balance of other ships. I honestly think they need to bring back the test server agin as we got really good feed back of bugs and stuff we caught before it went to main. Sadly they didn’t listen to us about the Wasa when we tested it on the test server.
  2. We had dual rooms which I think is coming back soon but again that is NA:L which failed. This is an open world sand box game not an arena lobby battle game.
  3. If he was trying to tag his alt to pull the other US players in that is against the rules. Sounds like he wasn't able to get the tag off and lost the group as they where all in that area when it happen. His first comment about mistag was done before the other two US players entered the fight.
  4. We had NA:L if failed......
  6. That was me more agreeing with you...lol I would also love a clan tax to help pay for things where every one in clan pays a small percentage of any rewards they get from missions, AI and such. It goes directly into the clan warehouse to help support things. I found that you have a lot of times same folks over and over doing all the hard work even inside clans. I mean you can boot them but it would be nice to just charge a flat % fee to help support the clan too.
  7. No remove safe zones you kill the game. In fact we actually need more true safe zones around the three easy nations capitals regions: US, Spain and French. Hell toss GB in there too. The rest of the nations are suppose to be hard mode any way so they don't need them.
  8. They can make Mort a neutral port like how Pitt's use to be/Free Town that every one can use, in fact that whole region could be such. Though I would honestly give the pirates Kidd's island as a capital but no safe zones around it. Pirates shouldn't be picked at chargen either, you should become pirate in game like it use to be. And lets say you don't want to be a pirate any more? Than you use your forge papers to switch to a nation or just delete your char and make a new one.
  9. Why shouldn't they be able to get the reward for there hard work. I see folks bitching about ports dropped or lost, but never once seen those players out doing hostility or in the PB's or fighting. Why are they getting the rewards off our hard work just cause they make tons of trade runs and are filthy rich. Let my clan set the price and they buy off us instead of the port so we get more than just the tax. I'm all for the OP with a little tweek I'll mention below. It's been suggested before and Devs mention they like the concept it just will have to be coded though...which is where we need to push for it. I suggested this before too and it was a little diffrent. 1. Open to All - you set the port open to all and every one of any nation can put contracts down. 2. Open to Nation - It's like normal locked to only players that are of your nation. 3. Open to only friendly clans - Have a list like the PB one but only for trade clans. This would prob need to be for each port not, but they could make it a simple Friendly Trade Clan list. I would say make it so each port has it's own list. That way if you want to be the only clan to have resources from that port (contracts) than you add no friendly clans on that port. While you might have another port you only want to add the clans that busted there butts to get the hostility and port battle done as a team. So yah pretty much the same thing you posted just a bit more details on the last option.
  10. They will also be the first one to complain when you use a port but you never see them on screening or defending. They act like it's their port too just cause they are in the same nation. I'm going to call BS on this right now. You want to know where my clan gets most of it's Cart and Copper? OW AI Trade ships and well bottles, and epic events. While the last one needs a group of players (just same nation not clan) the others are things you get solo on your own. SO even if a clan locks you out of a port resource in your nation there are still means to get things. I agree clans need more control over ports they own. I shouldn't have to out bid my own nation to get a part of the drops from that port even though I get the tax back it's beside the point. Also any Clan that is being a dick about the main prime goods won't get support from the rest of the nation. Way devs can fix this is make them high BR ports so you either better have a really big clan or you need to have your nation and other clans back you to defend those resources.
  11. Though I think they should tone it down a bit, I did very much like this and merging the servers so there is one server and they only have to work on content for that one server until the game goes live, than they can add more servers. I would go with French and Spanish being the PvE friendly nations. Give GB and US a small zone around the capital, but make all other nations hard core with only reienforment zones. Than the last are the impossible modes with the three nations without ports (they really should be dropped and mechanics used for pirates).
  12. The concept the Devs thought is that if you didn't know that is Billy Badass PvPer in that ship you will be more than likely to attack him and fight. What they don't understand is as soon as some one gets tagged by Billy Badass PvPer/Ganker it gets called out and folks avoid that area (well for the most part). Are instead they just assume that is Billy Badass PvPer in that enemy ships when it could be Joe Newb lost in the wrong waters so they don't attack him. There really is no reason other than a few very very few elite hard core PvPers that want no names (they are the ones folks avoid fights with any way). Just like there was no reason to remove the grid on the map recently or even before that map cords, but the very few hard core players want game a certain way that keeps running off the majority of the casual players.
  13. I can see both sides of this, if you change a nation I don't think there should be a list, but some one that is trolling in a nation changing there name every month is and can be abusive of the game. I personally don't want ya'll to know when I roll a char Pirate which I plan to before release, but if I was just changing my name in US to avoid folks I think it should be shown, specially if that person has a history of chat bans and such.
  14. Remember @admin has mention that upon release of the game they will add I think up to 5 more ranks to the game. Which makes me think they will do this to add more crew so you can fleet with your AI if needed. Though I just like the extra crew so I don't need as much rum when out grinding before I return to port.
  15. This game honestly needs to move into a beta stage. I wouldn’t be surprise if they keep putting off this patch cause once UI is done it’s basically in beta stage all the core mechanics are in game. #soon
  16. but early this week we had 80% humidity. Hint why I said you feel like your in the 90? When we had 80% we where hitting over 100F.
  17. I don't duel so this might be a good thing if they all go off to the in game NA:L...I mean DUEL ROOMS.
  18. Every time I been through there it's been winter, makes me want to next time get a lay over during the summer if I fly through, not that the ladies didn't look lovely in winter clothes though. So your saying it's basically in the 90's? Houston is 93 F with 37% humidity today, About time it's dropped down cause that 80% humidity crap early this week was not fun at all when we where around 100-103.
  19. Yep forgot about that, which should be things they could do with a hotfix instead of waiting for 'THE BIG PATCH." #SOON
  20. I see what you did here, sneaky, and it worked...lol Any chance of a hotfix to make the Le Requin a 5th rate like the Hercules until the patch drops and the new ship balance is in place for 6th rates? #BIGPATCH #SOON #NOPAINTS
  21. That is fine, the problem isn't really the wait, the problem is lack of info and updates letting us know hot it's going. That and not doing hotfix for things that need changes like the 6th rate balance issues or making the Raquin a 5th rate like the Herc until those balance are made.
  22. Hot weather? What are you actually calling hot weather? Are ya'll talking about this heat wave? We been getting 100's F this week with 70-80% humidity...make that about 5-10 degrees hotter with the heat index....yah I'm glad I work nights....but it's been crazy humid/muggy at nights cause of the weather.
  23. While yes store bought ships can do just about anything a DLC or other ships can do, but your forgetting one thing. It's not just any one that does those things, when you see some one use Cerberus and other store bought ships like the Snow it's players that have a lot of hours in game and a lot of PvP experience doing it. You ask some casual or new player they will get curb stomp by most other players that have same or more experience in better ships.
  24. Last contested PB I was kinda involved in ( they had full fleet and I showed up late). While it was US vs French the pirates where out side ganking folks left and right. They had two Trincs screening for a shallow water port battle. The rest was a mix of Hercs, La Req's and a few other 6th rates. So that isn't going to change anything. I notice the shallows are a lot more smaller now a days compared to the OW map that shows it being a lot more area you can't get deep water ships in. I been able to get a deep water ship very close to a lot of ports in the shallows we couldn't before.
  25. I don't know you will prob have to ask the OP that question. I just remember some one posting about it in the past and back than you had to reload the image into game every time you start a new game or something like that so I figure that was to much of a pain so didn't even try to mod the ship for something only I would see since I don't record or stream. Yah like I said before i lost a good number of them and officer lives getting to close to a bigger ship like that. I think it should stay in the game, and maybe effect a few other small ships against big ships. Really wish they gave out the BP for the Gunboat again, trying to luck on a note off epic missions is getting to be a joke. #RNGHATESME
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