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  1. If you look at the painting above (made by Nicolas Pocock, who was present at the Glorious First of June). Most of the SOLS are demasted. How did they get to port if they could not repair in the open sea. There were still some fighting for 2 days after trafalgar, does that mean they were fighting jury rigged? Mast repair is an abstraction. As well as many other gameplay issues. Time compression helps here, if we speed up game time to let's say sail across Caribbean in 2-4 hours - then the whole trafalgar campaign also goes faster, meaning that repairs also could go faster as a necessary abstraction.
  2. Realistic mast damage will look like this. It was on for a week. All British ships got to home bases after this demasting event.
  3. We noticed that you post screenshots on outside forums. Some of them are spectacular. Would you guys be so kind and always cross post screenshots in this topic. We will promote better ones on our facebook and website including your in game name. Use imgur or other outside hosting software.
  4. That third stage might never happen. But yes I know many would love to dress their virtual doll in historical clothing and uniforms.
  5. I think friendly fire is not counted. It was checked before the second sea trials patch. If someone can confirm or disprove this it would be nice. griefers can't make people stay in combat. As wins are not important at this stage if you think someone is grieving you just exit and start a new battle. We are not locking your ship at this stage. Damage from old battle will be properly counted. Also can someone post those full articles of war in the history section?
  6. Big thank you everyone for the kind words. It is truly a pleasure to have you here, Gentlemen.
  7. Well. Yes The end is coming Unfortunately we won't open open world for EA this year. I think. Infrastructure is untested, Valve does not recommend us to launch pre orders on steam. And sea trials took some time away, but we are glad we did it. Probably you too.
  8. I wonder what other functions an in game historical chronometer could help with? Fuses? Mortar fuses? Time to explode for your fire ship? Or enemy fire ship? If you knew the enemy reload is in 30 seconds, what would you do with this info.
  9. Neptuno 80 guns, sank in 2 days Rayo 100 guns, sank in 3 days San francisco 80 guns, sank in 2 days Santisima Trinidad, 136 guns, sank in 2 days Redoutable, 74 guns, sank in 2 days Interpide 74 guns, blew up in 3 days by crew Achille, blew up during battle Berwick, 74 guns, sank in 2 days Monarca,74 guns, burnt in 3 days San Agusting, 74 guns, abandoned and burnt in 6 days Additionally many SOLs were wrecked, because they were hard to control or masts were weakened by gunfire. HMS Java sank after battling USS Constitution despite all efforts to save her. There are many other examples like that.
  10. To Captains On death and bravery One thing that limit realism in combat in all games is fear of death. People don't like to die in real life. And this changes the mechanics. You can't force it, unless full permadeath is implemented. Also while we can provide tools for captains to exhibit bravery and courage in ship to ship action, we cannot give such tools In boarding combat; it's impossible so we downplay it. On surrendering We are of course aware that sometimes goals of age of sail combat were to board, not to destroy, because of prizes. Hardcore games like ARMA or red orchestra do not cater to encirclement or mass surrender mechanics which is prevalent in real infantry combat. Nobody demands this from them. People don't play computer games to surrender, they play them to be a hero. On sinking Java sank after Constitution encounter, many allied fleet ships sank after Trafalgar. In real life ships, that were fighting to the death - always sank or exploded. If your opponent is willing to fight to the death (he can't really die and this increases his desire to fight to the death) you will have to force board or sink him/her. Permadeath can solve this. + Time for our usual statement. Naval action is not a sim. It a realistic action game. ...... I had a fight yesterday, I was engaging two English Leda class frigates in a super frigate. I damaged one of them heavily, another one had repaired and returned to fighting. But two ledas had enough firepower - my ship was sinking, one more minute and I would have gone under. One of the opponents was arrogant enough to come close, I boarded him and won. Just like captain blood from a Sabatini novel, I saw my old ship going down bringing down dead comrades. My crew was just enough to have good controls of a repaired enemy Leda and I sank a second Englishman. Opponents were in awe, I was surprised myself such things are possible in Naval Action. Ps some people have even learnt that you can play dead )) hiding crew, dropping sails when submerged a bit. I did not shoot at a brig thinking it was dead, and it returned in 10 mins and raked me.
  11. Feel free to post the videos that do not focus on bugs (which exist).
  12. Captains for some reason most videos people are uploading to youtube shaking.. (all new videos after patch). As if camera is shaking every 3-5 seconds. Does it happen to you when you see them..or.. i played too much its just my video card glitch?
  13. Let's be civil here. Arisu a long term tester will be warned in private. Now The main problem with spread is that having realistic pistol shot distance kills options and kills tactics Carronades disappeared exactly because of accurate long 18 and 24 lb guns used by French and us captains Staying at Longer range should be a viable tactic.
  14. thanks for bringing this up. We did not even think about it.
  15. it seems very glitchy.. did it lag during recording? impossible to watch almost.)))
  16. it does weaken them. but not enough.. as it is rotating (in theory) instead of hitting directly with force. It was possible in certain situations at sea. In combat it was not possible But in NA masts will be repairable in combat - even lower sections. Its a must for gameplay.
  17. Repair visuals are fine for a computer game. Nice try. Lets not waste time fiction and just use facts. We can prove everything with have in the game by written research or references. if you argue them provide scans of sources. Ships were carrying spare yards, mast parts and canvas. Very often.
  18. 2 heavy broadsides demasting a brig is very realistic. On all paintings ships after battle are mostly demasted but we know it's game changing and boring. Realism does not equal gameplay. One solution is to separate mast repairs from hull - making it a skill on a cool down. It is not magic because ships carried extra mast parts and canvas and could use existing broken parts for repairs. Another one is to give 4 repairs.
  19. в следующий будут желтые утки
  20. Steam itself is coming. We just don't know exactly when because Valve actively discourages pre-orders and we want to connect Open world prototype and add some more ships before we actually open early access on Steam. On the shop on the portal we are researching the topic to do it safely. We are an indie team and don't want to compromise player credit cards even if the price is less sales. If we find the right provider we will open up additional means of selling the game of course.
  21. Knowing from potbs people will play to destroy Having mixed decks reduce efficiency Others will just force you to be efficient You will eventually use one type of shot on the side
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  22. Well It took football manager (formerly known as championship manager) 15 years to get from the excellent text engine to the 3d engine. We know its possible but there need to finish basics first. Better to under promise and over deliver.
  23. This book has extensive naval gunnery tests table. http://www.amazon.com/Frigates-Napoleonic-Wars-Robert-Gardiner/dp/1591142830/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417607418&sr=8-1&keywords=frigates+of+the+napoleonic+wars It has testing results for multiple types of frigate cannons and carronades. Most large caliber cannons could shoot to 3000 yards at maximum elevation. Carronades indeed had shorter range. 18lb guns had biggest range and final graze was at 3400 yards. Whats interesting is that 42 and 32 lb guns had less range than 18 and 24 of course spread was enormous at such distances.
  24. Ветки не создать думали но не получится Корабли отличались к началу 19 отличались кормой носом ну и немного формой корпуса. Разницы между фрегатом hebe Франция и фрегатом Леда (тринкомали) нет. Будут уникальные модели в разных нациях но линеек не наскрести на 6 стран
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