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Everything posted by admin

  1. Ballistics and Damage model 4.0 To make the gameplay feel real and provide more tactical depth: we will be gradually moving to the final damage model, which has passed several iterations before. To find out how previous systems worked please refer to the Damage 2.0 and Damage 3.0 posts on forums. The new system is in development. Testing of this new model will start by spring of 2015 or earlier. Key new features Penetration classes Penetration exists now, but needs to be expanded for faster development and additions of new features. It also needs to be improved to allow for more customization of ships and weaponry. Cannons and ships will have a penetration class that will determine the ability to go through the armor. We believe that will provide more tactical diversity to combat. Ship armor will not be unified any longer. There will be weak spots to be exploited. Heavy planking at the waterline will make ship of the line more effective against lower level ships. Angles and ricochets Hitting a ship at narrow angle will ricochet from the ship hull. Longer guns with higher cannonball velocity will have better chances to penetrate at angles. This will make positioning very important. This feature is completely new and gameplay might change significantly and will require testing. Exact colliders and positioning of internal modules We are moving to the exact collision models that fully represent the shape of the hull. Same will be done with important internal modules. To blow up a bow magazine or break a frontal pump you will need to shoot at the front part of the ship. Pass through shots Gun ports will be implemented in the damage collider models. If the cannon ball does not hit anything it will pass through the ship and could hit the next target Crew damage Crew damage will also change significantly as crew will no longer be a unified mass of people. Crew will be located deck-by-deck creating the situations where you destroyed everyone on the top deck leaving intact gun crews on the gundeck. This system also will allow for potential expansions of detailed crew management if the need arise. Ballistics changes We were very unsatisfied with the ballistics of carronades and frog like double shot and have reworked the formulas to allow better customization of cannons and fast additions of new features. Reload penalties will be added to certain types of shot. New system could also allow for types of powder charge type weight if this feature is be needed. Gun sights experiments will continue and we will test a couple of implementations of the sights next year. Carronades will receive long overdue love and will be a formidable close range choice of weaponry. Feel free to provide suggestions, feedback, and improvement ideas.
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  2. Keys for pre-orders done before 18-30 kiev time will be sent within 1 hour.
  3. Hello Captains.. Thank you very much for the continued support of the project! We plan to send out the next key batch tomorrow this Wednesday - 24th of December. Everyone who bought the game before wednesday 18pm (Kyiv time) will get the key the same day. Happy Holidays ps official holiday greetings are also coming tomorrow.
  4. Guide forum section is coming. We will post our draft sections of our manual there and will improve them together. Wiki is not currently under works.
  5. I know that elite dangerous did a special voice pack for voice attack confirming commands. In the future we might also do something like that with your first lieutenant shouting back confirmations.
  6. Thank you for proposing this. You can already donate on our pre-order page. This could seriously speed up the development. Donations are not free gifts. All donations will be rewarded with exclusive in game content.
  7. You have been on the forums since 2013 You might have missed this http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/535-player-selected-ship-winter-2014/. You also missed the selection where you could have said something.I don't see your posts in those topics. This ship was selected by Captains and Testers. Respect their choice please. Santisima and forthcoming Ingermanland were also chosen by players.
  8. Right now the only requirements to progress is damage - because we are testing ships it is not important if you are winning or losing. So you can safely exit the battle if you lost contact without court martial
  9. we actually have a better one.. but it hits FPS strongly. (as well as wake and more smoke) for EA we plan to have a bit better graphic setting options to provide more variety for powerful machines
  10. Keys for people who bought before this time 21-30 kiev time will receive by end of today. We will also send a batch tomorrow.
  11. Dear Captains. If you have bought the pre-order late Friday or over weekend you will also receive the key this weekend! Due to multiple requests we are going to do it one time (just because large battles are epic and we want you to experience it)
  12. November 21st seem to be a mistake. Was it from the email? If you got it you should have the key
  13. We will post in the pinned topic when servers are up. Hang on there
  14. Всей старой гвардии планируем подарок кстати Корабль и вымпел. корабль пока в секрете.
  15. A free exchange of ideas is essential in development of the game and community. Here is the simple guide that will help you understand what this forum is and what this forum is not This is a Game - Labs, Inc development forum and our goal is to limit unnecessary friction, which will only delay the development. As a result discussions that do not help to make the game better or make community worse (for example lack of respect to other members) will be removed and members who do not make this community a nice friendly place will be removed. Due to the quantity of users on this forum, there will be no second chances. Anyone who is acting overly aggressive or contributing to an overall negative mood in the forum will be removed from it, without hesitation. Show respect to your fellow users and keep the forums clean! Here is the list of simple rules. 1. Respect The goal is to support open exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion. We understand that there could be conflicts that happen when people voice opinions. This is a nice and a friendly community (mostly). Users are expected to be courteous when disagreeing with others. Update: forum and game has zero tolerance for assholes and jerks. Policy for Assholes, shitposters and jerks is simple: ban first, ask questions later. 2. Ranting and trolling A rant is a post that is filled with angry and counterproductive comments. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Trolling is when you structure your posts to anger and insult other players to achieve an emotional response. Please post your thoughts clearly and avoid trolling. 3. Personal attacks, racism and discrimination are prohibited Personal attacks are posts that insult another forum user directly or discuss user’s personal life or situation. Posts that include race, religion or sexual preference based personal attacks and trolling can result in immediate suspension. Such behavior will not be tolerated and can cause immediate ban. 4. Discussion of real life religion and politics is prohibited. 5. Profanity/Cursing. A well timed curse can lighten up a conversation in combat, but use of profanity directed at other players is prohibited. This includes the partial masking of letters using numbers or alternate symbols, and any attempts at bypassing the profanity filter. Use of profanity is discouraged on forums. 6. Posting of personal information is prohibited. The posting of personal information including but not limited to personal contact numbers, email addresses, account names and passwords, home addresses and real life names or any other private information is strictly prohibited. Game-Labs respect the right to privacy, and will not tolerate posting of real life personal details. 7. Posting of private communication is prohibited. The posting of private communication between the moderators, developers and administrators and forum users is prohibited. Posting information from private subforums is also not allowed. Breaking of rule 7 may result in removal of all posting privileges. 8. Discussion of moderation, warnings and bans is not allowed. Such matters shall remain private between Game-Labs and users. The discussion of forum moderation actions usually leads to flaming and trolling. That is why this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the forum rules. During the development of the game there is usually no way to appeal. 9. Spamming is prohibited. 10. Redundant threads will be locked. Please use search find information you want to discuss. A lot of threads on the same subject delay the development and wastes resources causing lots of good ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread. 11. Player experience, New Player Experience, False information posting. Experienced players are encouraged to participate in assisting new players. Players taking a lead in help chat will be rewarded by rare ships if they are pointed to us by the community. Confusing players with incorrect information on purpose is not allowed. Spreading false information without factual video proof is not allowed (this includes information about non-existing cheats that some players love to explain their losses with). Spreading false information ruins experience for others - such players will be banned with no right to appeal. 12. All posts must be related to Game-Labs products. Posts regarding other companies and products or services are prohibited and any content of this nature will be removed. Posts regarding other non-competing games are permitted in the general forum (forum about other games), but could be removed without explanations if they look like advertising. Posts and links to other games in product related topics are prohibited. 13. Off-topic posting is prohibited. Off-topic posting is permitted within reason. Deliberate attempts to derail a discussion may result in deletion of comments. 14. Ban evasion is prohibited. Bypassing a suspension or ban via the use of alternate forum accounts can result in permanent revocation of posting ability. 15. Abuse of Game-Labs employees and forum volunteers is prohibited. We have a zero tolerance policy on abuse of employees and volunteers. This includes but is not limited to personal attacks, trolling, brigading and impersonation. Forum is a place where players and developers can exchange ideas in a constructive manner with the only goal to improve the game. Players breaking rule 15. will be permanently banned with no right to appeal. 16. Posting of inappropriate content is prohibited. The posting of pornography, discriminatory remarks which are sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive as well as excessive obscene or vulgar language, posts which discuss or illustrate illegal activity, or an instance of providing links to sites that contain any of the aforementioned is strictly prohibited. 17. Forum format. It is much easier to follow a topic, when it is formatted properly. Please edit quoted messages to not post walls of texts. Avoid epileptic gifs and large signatures. If you are in doubt - that usually means your signature picture is already too big. 18. Naming Forum Accounts. (update October 2018) If an Account is assigned a name which is not in compliance with the established protocol, a warning notice will be issued. Account owner must change it as soon as possible. In case of ignoring the warning or repeated offences of the naming rules, an Account may be blocked. The following types of names of Accounts are prohibited: directly or indirectly offending another person or a group of persons or containing profanity; or having a hate speech / racist nature or discriminatory of any social group of people; Containing the real, in game, or forum name of a Forum Administrator or Moderator, or directly or indirectly alluding to ownership of the Account by Administrators or Moderators;  containing information that violates applicable law or ethical conduct norms 19. Accusations of Exploits or Cheating Accusing people or groups of cheating, or exploiting in the public forums or in game chat is not permitted with the following exceptions: If you have video or other effective and conclusive proof, you may post that proof along with the accusation in Tribunal. If you do not have video or other effective proof, but instead suspect there may be wrongdoing, you may use F11, or Private Message Ink and/or an active Moderator on the forums. Please provide as much evidence as possible, and please F11 and note the bug number where applicable. If you're messaging Ink or the Moderators, it helps to have bug numbers (they look like NAB-12345, but bug numbers are not required) so that your complaint can be properly investigated. Those who violate this rule in game are to be reported via right clicking the person's name where they made the statement, and selecting Report. In the forums, please click the "Report" link at the top of the post. Violation of this rule can result in withdrawal of your in game chat and/or forum posting privileges. 20. Real Money Trading/Gold Selling Advertising messages selling items/gold/ships for real world currency is strictly forbidden. Players posting such messages in public spaces will receive permanent ban from chat without warning. Please report such messages by an in game report function and by posting in tribunal. Multiple reports on the same steam id (mass advertising) could also cause permanent game access bans. Keep in mind that we only accept in-game chat reports as proof, as reddit, discord and other platforms posts can be fabricated to badmouth users. Always remember that a good portion of of gold sellers are not there to sell you gold but to steal your credit card. Do not engage in transactions with shady brokers as you might lose all your money. ------------------------------------- The Administration of the Forum reserve the right to make a final decision on the compliance of the names of Accounts within the rules.  Warnings and bans Policy The list below shows the structure of our warning and suspension policy. This policy may be bypassed completely in favor of permanent revocation of a forum user’s posting privileges. We use automatic point system and if you accumulate enough points automatic punishments will apply. If you believe you were punished unfairly send message to forum mods or admins explaining the situation. People can make mistakes. Additional warnings can result in a permanent ban depending on the severity of the case.. Suspension & Appeals Forum users are fully entitled to appeal against any actions taken that result in a warning or suspension of forum posting privileges. During the development of the game the only way to appeal is to write a letter explaining the situation to our general support emails. Game-Labs will make a decision based on the case presented. Decisions regarding the status of forum posting privileges lie solely with the community management team, and any decisions made are final. If you are suspended you can ask a reputable captain to make a case for you in the Tribunal section of the forum. Appeal can also be done through the forum support section Permanent Banning & Appeals A permanent ban is only issued in severe cases where a forum user has grossly violated our rules. Permanent bans are final in the Sea Trials until release of the game on Steam. Complaints If any forum user has an issue or complaint regarding the conduct of our moderators please send us an email, or ask in the forum support section. Any complaints received are taken extremely seriously and will be fully investigated. Rule set will be updated regularly. If a situation is not covered here, post the case in the Tribunal forum.
  16. There is no confusion there.. keys to the limited sea trials are sent every friday. It is indeed very clear on the pre-order shop page To everyone who bought before 18pm kiev we will try to send out the keys on friday (no later than sunday evening). here is a news post about this http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2018-help-missing-steam-key-email-what-to-do/
  17. Line ships definitely will suffer from such stern stuns unless there is a good cool down (invulnerability) after such event. But agree that such feature could be done in a fun way and can add some depth - like shooting the tracks in WOT.
  18. Hello Captain.. So what exactly is wrong with the promises on the store page?
  19. Such short term stuns are a great idea, but will create a "first shot" problem. In most cases a player (especially a rookie) will not recover making the rest of the combat unimportant time sink. This will make players a lot more cautious. And increase combat distance. For the raking fire only - this might be a good idea, but needs to be tested.
  20. admin

    Hi To All

    Welcome leo
  21. Good day Captains.. Welcome to the sea trials. Goals The goal of this event is to test ships in combat, the battle mechanics, to understand what is fun or not. Feel free to experiment with mechanics - this will help to find bugs and improve the game for everyone in the future. We need every ship to receive equal attention - that is why the progression is locked and damage based. You are rewarded for active combat, you progress even if you lose battles. Don't be afraid to run straight to the enemy. How to play For useful short cuts, commands and mechanics refer to the following topic http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1964-quick-keyboard-short-cuts-list-keybind-suggestions/ We deliberately are not supplying the guides, tutorials and manuals at this stage to find areas where the game needs improvement to be intuitive on the first try. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on forums or in game chat. Two important things for the new player are wind polars and using yards How to tack properly How to use manual sails Light ships vs The rest We found that light ships are harder to sail. Wait for the brig and your experience will improve a lot. For best results get close and use double shot. There are 4 battle rooms in the game. You can fight against bots (somewhat dumb at this stage) in the PVE rooms. You can also combat against other Captains in PVP. PvP is more fun though. Some battles last longer and if you sink you don't need to wait for the end of the battle. You can just exit and start new. Exploits If you find something unusual test it and post about it. The goal of the Sea Trials is to also find potential loopholes and close them. Behaviour For the sea trials we want to build a nice and friendly community - a place where you will feel comfortable and welcome. Negativity, flame is destructive because our goals are to improve the game. We actively discourage profanity personal attacks, flaming and trolling at this stage of the game. You can refer to the Royal Navy Articles of War to understand what kind of behavior is acceptable. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2214-royal-navy-articles-of-war-1757/ Feedback We have created several topics where you can provide feedback on various aspects of ships. You can find them in the Sea Trials forum section http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/forum/33-sea-trials/ Technical issues If you encounter bugs, or just anything strange or weird use F11 bug reporter tool. It works in combat and in lobby. Alt Tab has issues for some users - alt tabbing in full screen mode might crash your game and maybe a system. You can reconnect to a battle after you restart (in most cases you will still be alive). If you crash - please use NavalActionCrashSender.exe program located in the game folder. (game is located in Steam folders). Enjoy
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  22. We don't have a formal policy on this (yet) but we somehow feel weird when people try to sneak in advertising into their posts. Why don't you just post directly in the tavern- here is a game guys, please dont delete because i think it is awesome because of the following reasons. And if it is worth it we will keep it here.
  23. admin


    I had the first pirate herc on Roberts. Some of you might not even remember people like al pliskin or Jeremiah doroe or Der Zomb
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