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  1. To: David Fair You are just bitter for noone making a game of your dream, and as every person is different UGG is probably not for you. We know the ratings, you see them too. We are one of the highest user rated indie strategies released over last 5 years. And we are selling extremely well for a 2d game about one battle. When you start saying that making and balancing realistic games Is easy we all start to wonder if you really know what game dev is. The moment you start discussing our brains or dna you lose all credibility completely. This is unacceptable Note to users We always welcome heavy critique of the product, but that guy starting talking about mental abilities and dna. He may have meant it as a joke but he crossed the line. Soldier will be subject to bucking and gagging for 14 days. Subsequent attacks will cause a permanent ban.
  2. есть еще другой перевод HMS "Рассол"
  3. Представляем планы разработки на зиму - весну 2015 1. Новые корабли Следующие корабли будут добавлены в игру до конца весны. Некоторые могут задержаться изза штормов. Бриг Меркурий Ла Бель Пуль Ингерманланд Ла Реномм Приватерская шхуна (на основе линкса) Флотский бриг (на основе брига) HMS Соленый огурец/ или Рассол (Pickle) 28 пушечный легкий фрегат Канонерка 2. Будет выдан открытый мир для тестов расстояний и скоростей 3. Кастомизация кораблей Рандомизация параметров кораблей Простая система апгрейдов Простой лут Простой крафт (пока пушки для теста) 4. Геймплей Новая модель повреждений Улучшение механик судов с косыми парусами Улучшение механик поворота и руля Командирский планшет Новый тип боя: Операции – 24 часовая карта с респаунами и береговыми батареями. 5. Прочие улучшения Улучшения чата Гид по игре Запуск на стиме Благодаря пре-ордерам мы можем работать быстрее. Благодарим вас за поддержку и фидбеки по игре. Особое спасибо всем морским корреспондентам, стримерам, и производителям контента на ютуб.
  4. Hello Captains. Here are our development plans for this winter and spring: Jan-May 2015. 1. New ship models The following list of vessels will be delivered for testing by the end of Spring. Some ships might get delayed by storms. Mercury brig La belle poule Ingermanland La Renomme Privateer Schooner (based on Lynx - with more guns) Brig Navy Edition (based on Brig - with more guns) HMS Pickle 28 gun light frigate Gunboat 2. Open world distance and speeds testing 3. Ship customization Ship parameters randomization Simple ship upgrades Simple loot Simple crafting 4. Gameplay Updated damage model 4.0 Improved sailing of for-and-aft rigs Better turning and rudder mechanics Commander tablet New game types: Operations gameplay – 24 hours large battle map with respawns, and shore defences 5. Other improvements Improved chat Manual Soft launch of early access on steam With your pre-orders we are moving significantly faster. Thank you for the continued support and feedback you are providing us with. Special thanks to all community correspondents, streamers and youtube content makers, who are making awesome videos about our game.
  5. We are waiting for the response from paypal to confirm the new store is ok and they have no problem with the account. Most likely the store will open tomorrow.
  6. Hello all. We promised long time ago to be honest and direct in communications with players. So here are the responses. UGG is our first game and the tactical engine is done from scratch. We of course made some minor or major mistakes in technical design when making the foundation for the game. Some of the issues you mention are very hard to fix and could require full rework making it impossible to drastically improve UGG. We know those issues and when making new games in this series we will try to avoid them - generating new bugs or issues as a result. We also found that historical games are a lot harder to balance due to historical factors - most battles in reality were not balanced and realism a lot of times interferes with depth or tactical choices. But when making a historical battle game compromises are usually impossible because people want to participate in that specific event - not some generic balanced and interesting battle. We believe it is a reason why there are not enough historical battle games in the market: to make them fun developers have to compromise, and grognards don't want to see those compromises.
  7. финальное голосование http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2994-player-selected-ships-2015-final-poll/
  8. We did it for decluttering purposes. By the time you get a frigate you will learn to remember which guns reloaded. + you have whistle signal that tells you the deck reloaded. But lets discuss.
  9. page is passworded temporarily we are waiting for the final confirmation from paypal on the status of the transactions to avoid issues like we had in the past we might be switching to contributions (instead of pre-orders) because paypal TOS is very very strict on the preorder purchases.
  10. does the problem still exist?
  11. It's totally expected. It's an alpha and the goal is to just test ships in combat. People test all ships for in the offered line up and then wait for new content.
  12. You pick the name on your first launch of the game. Current naming is temporary and will be changed in the future.
  13. Приветствуем вас Капитаны В каких играх вам больше всего нравится система инвентаря. Какой вы хотите чтобы она была в нашей игре. Вопрос касается капитанского сундука, складов в порту, и трюма корабля.
  14. пока рановато про нее думать. для начала сделаем базовый функционал .. чтобы можно хотябы группы создавать и иметь ID клана
  15. Faith and religion played a huge role in the society and the fabric of life in 18 century. Do you think faith and religion have place in Naval action? If yes in what form?
  16. Books claim speeds up to 16 knots for certain frigs. If you have not played you won't be able to judge. Game looks faster on videos than feels in game. Higher speed perception is also caused by outside view that is making things smaller.
  17. Leaks or their performance?
  18. Paypal issue will soon be resolved Will keep you posted guys
  19. yes steam provides a lot of useful tools from build and patch distribution to payment systems that we don't have resources to code ourselves.
  20. please report your latest feedback on turning of lineships vs frigates and turning in general.
  21. It is a game that will be available through Steam. We currently do not have plans to provide it separately. Internet connection will be required to play the game.
  22. We are going to. Thanks for reminder.
  23. Guild Wars 2 model is self sufficient if done right. Store will provide extra revenue by selling premium ships, life comfort or cosmetic items. Also the price for the game will go up. 1) No steam ships and no ironclads. As a separate game in the future - maybe. But not here. 2) You will have to make trade runs, combat npc's or other players, capture their ports and hear lamentations of their women. You will also be able to modify your ships.
  24. Not exactly a vision document.. but will try to answer your questions. - what size of player base is anticipated on a continuous 24 hour basis (the answer would impact world size and mode travel) Server initially will support up to 1000 simultaneous players located on the map (and more in ports) - testing will show if it is feasible or not. - what is the goal of product: must all items be based on realism, simulation, or is balance of game play to realism the objective (meaning realism will be conceded for game play in some instances). Realistic action game is our goal. Magic is not going to be in game. Some sim elements will be avoided to improve playability. Some will stay in the game according to test results. Key focus of the design is to try to reduce tedious time tax on the player. This will be reflected in the ship loss mechanics - ship loss in the open world will be punishing financially, but will have a very low tax on player time. - what modes will the product initially include? (open world, instant battle, simulation?) Open world sandbox is the ultimate goal. Instant (instanced) battles can tie into the system in form of fleet orders. They will be tied to the open world gameplay.
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