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ballistics is under improvement currently. carronades and double shot will no longer look like frogs jumping, some dispersion tuning will also happen.
Hello Captains; At least 3 captains per day register at our forums and don't get their email validated having no access as a result. If you have registered on our forums and have not received the validation email: there could be several reasons validation email is in the spam you were automatically suspended on spamming suspicions (happens rarely, but could happen to legitimate users) you were automatically banned, because you are a known spammer somewhere else, but want to play the game here you are a spammer with tons of Viagra If you did not get a validation email (and cannot find it in spam filter withing 1-2 days) then the best and fastest way to solve the problem is to register a clean email on gmail.com or other reputable service and re-register. Second and slowest method is to contact us at info@game-labs.net and ask to investigate. We are a small team and cannot guarantee the speed of this.
Hello Captains New batch of sea trials invitation to pre-order buyers will be sent today. Everyone who bought the game before the time of this forum post will get it by the end of weekend. If you have bought the pre-order and not received the key please first check your spam folder, if key is still missing please contact support@navalaction.com.
да.. если это так (абордаж прекращается при потоплении вашего корабля) то это баг. Хотя надо подумать так как в абордаже никогда не участвовала вся команда.. что должно произойти например если утонул тот корабль кого вы брали на абордаж? (учитывая что они сцеплены)
Remember the first week of sea trials. Pre-orders usually are bought by very motivated people, especially in our state of the game. But still there were team stacking, and some griefing. All other offenses leave the record, wind shadow does not, like keeping you in battle for long time for no reason. Wind shadow also needs to be calculated for every ship - thus potentially reducing the server performance. It also needs to be server based, otherwise hackers can switch it on off in the client. At this stage of development it will also take away resources from other important features. Later we can come back to this discussion.
С абордажем планируется на ЕА следующие изменения. В морских тестах их ввести нет времени. Добавление новых команд и возможность стрелять с орудий нижних палуб. Введение crew focus "абордаж" который будет готовить команду к абордажу, с соответствующим звуковым сопровождением. Добавление абордажных апгрейдов (таких как Marines complement) Офицеры с абордажными перками Будет переработана концовка абордажа Будет доработано начало абордажа (само сцепление) Длительность увеличим. Абордаж серьезно изменится даже с текущей механикой когда появится разница в классах команд офицеров и модулей. Сейчас 200 на 200 зависит только от команд - в будущем опыт на абордажах будет существенно менять расчет.
Геттисбург абстрактная игра где минимальный юнит Бригада с составом от 300 до 3х тыс человек. Механика боя где минимальный юнит человек совсем другая. Особенно учитывая особенности рукопашного боя в замкнутом пространстве. Начало работ по такой механике замедлит все остальные так как это по сути еще одна игра. В будущем можно углублять, но не сейчас. Капитаны иногда участвовали в абордажных схватках. Но чаще отдавали команды. Нельсон не мог особо махаться с одной рукой и одним глазом. Больше все таки выполнял роль Кутузова, сидя на барабане. Тесты показали что даже с такими скоростями боя (низкими) бой идет 15-20 минут если нет осознанного маринада. Абордаж считаем не должен длиться больше двух минут. Но можно экспериментировать. Предлагайте как можно улучшить глубину текущей реализации. будем пробовать.
This flag bug just can't die!
Какой нибудь 90 пушечник
Basic Game Instructions???
admin replied to The Deacon's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
Tell us what you find most lacking or most confusing? We need this for our guide. -
Feature is in prototyping and will be rolled out after a new damage model comes out. Let's discuss rewards for getting orders done, making and how to make orders meaningful. From what I have seen over last 3 weeks people take a lot of initiative and do make better decisions than I orders I would give them. For AI this system is a savior. For players it maybe needs to be less heavy handed.
Шлюп sloop мог быть и 24 пушечным трехмачтовиком.
Мужик сказал - мужик сделал. Что собственно очень положительное качество для разработчиков. По поводу абордажа Футбольный менеджер (championship manager) 15 лет жил с текстовой визуализацией футбола Нельсон с одной рукой и одним глазом шашкой точно не махал - поэтому такой боевки не будет. Капитан отдает приказы. Тем более всем известно что потбс подкосил именно абордаж. Когда зарелизив игру они на полгода засели его переделывать, в результате не решали проблем с игрой, абордаж не улучшили и от пинга не отвязали. Текущий абордаж работает с пингом 400 также как и с пингом 10. Развиваться пока будет текущая система. Лучшие идеи в рамках текущей системы будут быстро претворятся в жизнь. 3д бои или бои от первого лица можно не предлагать. Это долго и дорого.
Music is very hard to make right due to diverse taste. Also it is very low on the priority list.
Some heretical thoughts here. We warned you 1. Some people are saying that our ships should turn faster for the speed they are going. They say the turning radius is too big and frigate could turn on its length. Videos of modern brigs turning show nice and smooth tacking with almost no backing force. Which is not the case in our game. But this was not the most important thing what is key is this. 2. We want to challenge the old concept that we believe could be wrong. For many years in computer games developers made Ships of the Line turn slowly like a brick. We were doing detailed research on "rasees" some of which had very detailed sailing quality reports to the admiralty Indefatigable (razee from 64 gun) or Saturn (razee from 74). Basically most of these ship had very good sailing and excellent maneuvering qualities. They sometimes rolled more than needed, were leewardly (wind drift), or had excellent speeds only in strong winds. But none of the reports said they were very slow turning. I wonder if this assumption is wrong (that SOLs had bad turn rates). We wonder. Why should 74 turn significantly slower than a Constitution for example? At high speed yes. it would be risky due to height (Vasa), but at an average speed, with its sail area and rudder size what would limit its turning? If 74s were bricks why it was mass produced. Lets say I trim my 74 perfectly well, close lower gunports, why should
А с маркетингом чего.. извините? чего рекламировать то - пока ничего нет.
Течения зоны штормов, мели, глубоководные гавани возможно будут. Ветра меняться будут Цвет воды посмотрим Будут задания адмиралтейства, губернаторов, крафт Игровое время ускорено, но у него нет конца и оно абстрактное. То есть допустим время перемещения ускорено в 300'раз, а время смены дня и ночи в 24. А боевое в 3. Спасибо за геттисбург Онлайн мы делаем с учетом современных реалий. У кого то есть только 15 минут и даже он найдет что поделать в нашей игре.
У нас тоже такое объявление было (вроде) в разделе новостей. Ключи отсылаются каждую пятницу. Перевода долго не будет. Поддерживать два клиента пока кишка тонка.
Cannon recoil & crew animations
admin replied to Sir. Cunningham's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
Spinning chainshot will be done. Recoil was in game but was switched off during optimization campaign. Someday it might return for high end systems as a setting. Lower decks automatically stop shooting (abstraction of closed) if they heel to much into water. If we move this burden to a player, there will be 10x more unexpected sinkings in battle -
Friday as usual
Naval Action on Youtube
admin replied to Thomas Blackwell's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
epic battle indeed.- 829 replies
Please don't make us sink everything
admin replied to maturin's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
On the topic of sinking. several points You already can de-mast and board. Using grape shot in raking can turn an enemy ship into derelict - 2 direct broadsides into stern from a super frigate at close range destroys all crew and makes enemy throw the white flag (probably needs nerfing a bit). In reality there were lot of cases of ship destruction during combat (due to fire or unrepairable damage to hull). In game currently if you are trying to board, and enemy is trying to sink you you will probably lose, if you don't have necessary tools or skills. We can't force players to play by a book and always fight to capture. I personally sail to destroy, its more fun. But i board when the situation allows, or I do need that ship. We have tested the no-sinking in summer in one of the internal patches. There was no closure unfortunately, ships were losing cannons, and crew, and by the end of battles turned into slow hulks making the game boring - almost unplayable. There were no boarding then, but you would not be able to close as you were also demasted and slow turning after sustained combat. Time compression abstraction. It took 5 weeks for Columbus to reach Caribbean. Let's assume in game time it is 2 hours of sailing in the empty ocean. In this case time is speed up 348x times. 29 days*24hours*60mins/120mins. Trafalgar major action lasted for 3 days. Or just 12 minutes in compressed time (math could be wrong but you get the idea). This means that ship sinking during a 1 hour battle is no longer very unrealistic. Game inflation, could also be an issue. In many cases real life captain did not decide if he gets to keep the ship or not. Admiralty took the ship and gave the prize money to the captain. Thus whether you have the ship on the map or not could be a bit less relevant in the game environment (unless you are the pirate and KOS for everyone anyway). Surrender mechanics right now is useless because there is no cost of repairs. We want to make surrenders important and it will come to play at a later stage of development. Surrendering players could for example have much lower repair bills, and will surrender a lot more than now. Some will still fight to the death. Player control is very important to us. We believe it is very bad design when control is taken away from a player. If the player wants to fight to the death, why take this opportunity away from him? This could also increase a number of ships sank. It is a game, you don't have wife and kids to return to and you don't have the strong connection to your crew trying to save them from the perils of the deep blue sea. Ship value. Right now the ship is just unlocked, you did not buy it. Once it has a price and once you have to earn money to buy it, mechanics will probably change. People will destroy major threats and will try to capture valuable targets. But if game inflation is very high, then again, ships will have no value and people will just sink them to get the objective faster (e.g. capture the port). Basically - inflation, player control, ship value and ship cost are all interconnected with the outcome of the battle and need to be considered together. We are not trying to defend current outcomes of battles. There is just no motivation to capture or save the ship = thus players choose the method that is most fun and fast. Also - it is alpha we are willing to experiment and we will add this topic to the list of test we will do together. -
Masts and rigging damage
admin replied to NorthernWolves's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Agree, but... We have to look at the demasting together with the open sea. At Trafalgar Nelson/Colingwood were sure that enemy fleet is almost destroyed. They were safe after the battle. In the open world environment, someone might be waiting for you on your way to home ports. Exiting the battle with your fleet damaged with demasted prizes will make you unrealistically vulnerable. With 1000 or more live players in the open you will most likely be destroyed right after a success, if you don't have a tool to at least partially repair. Our goal for gameplay is to maximize enjoyment, increase number of battles and reduce unnecessary tax on player time, that is why repairs currently are in a more abstract territory. But it is just computer code and if needed we will rework the demasting system.