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Everything posted by admin

  1. Hello Captain.. There are already topics covering in detail many things you described. Feel free to talk about your ideas in them. In some of the things you mentioned we went pretty far in discussions.
  2. Nice work... A bit too much bloom (hint) to my taste but I know a lot of people will love it.
  3. Evening captain Friday evening kiev time
  4. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2306-profanity-in-chat-captain-qadir-asad-ilham/#entry48069 it was moved here
  5. admin

    Load game hangs

    Interesting nickname someone will respond tomorrow Please post the game version and date you played last time.. maybe it is patch related
  6. Everything the same except for 3 things 1 changes needed to work on iPad 2 2 Different design approach mostly caused by tablet market demands 3 No mouse
  7. Что-то есть Какие еще будут предложения?
  8. We're you referring to gettysburg? Or naval action. I got confused
  9. You still can play offline. Steam can launch in offline mode iPad is being actively worked on.
  10. Will investigate once such things happen again please report it using F11 in the lobby - it will also send logs to us.
  11. Our tech would be more than capable. We are planning to make a single player short game called Bismarck journey some day, where the player will have to get to France from Norway. We already have beautiful north sea storms covered
  12. Please refer to this topic for advice. We will help tomorrow. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2018-help-missing-steam-key-email-what-to-do/
  13. because we see what weekly changes lead to what retention.
  14. If you bought the key before 19th Dec you will definitely get it on 19th or 20th of December.
  15. Looks like a great map for a 3 day operations scenario on a 30 40 km maps with re spawns, supply drops, fort repairs, troop ships to re supply land defenses.
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  16. I think depending on the mile definition - there were several types
  17. can you elaborate more on this? + file the F11 report once it happens in game.
  18. It is lacking some things and we are not prettying the User Interface (UI) becase adding new elements will require redrawing and rethinking the composition again - once we get all mechanics in we will finalize the UI.
  19. We prefer not to talk about the future and want to do everything we can to lower your expectations. Also we like playing our game with you and talk to you on forums. It pays greatly - We have so many great ideas from you that we would never come up ourselves and want to get some into fast production. But it takes a toll and we don't have time to build hype - we just give the features to try for the paying user. Short version of the summary you requested. Currently we work on improved ballistics (particularly carronades and double shot) improved damage model open world sailing prototype connection to infrastructure new ships commander tablet some other minor secret things creation of new bugs Some warnings as well. Three key risks Damage model will change the gameplay and will require some rebalancing, but it's needed for long term and it will be final. Infrastructure of OW is untested for mass usage, we are going to suffer together. UI will continue to suck for a while.
  20. Write to support email indicated in the post in the news section.. Post name - missing key or something like that. Writing from the phone. Can't link.
  21. Мы делали опросник по таранам - там все решили что таран должен быть вреден обоим кораблям. Так и сделали - если не следить то после тарана обычно оба идут ко дну (особенно если скорость при столкновении более 10 узлов (дельта). Корабли в начале года сцеплялись, но играть было невозможно . баг фичу убрали.
  22. Users of that forums are provided with the opportunity to fire full broadside without single using shots. I would love to have them as enemies more often Also they are trapped in the realism tunnel and start to contradict themselves - they went into that tunnel so far that now they are trying to implement limits that did not exist in real life. Captain could fire a single cannon. They want to take it away. Those forum users also forget that broadside is actually a collection of single cannon shots fired together. Ship is not a shotgun. Also realism is the main limit of human imagination
  23. Double tap locks the rudder right or left. Just clicking on the opposite button once centers it.
  24. you should have received it. if you have not - please check spam first and if no key there contact support@navalaction.com with your paypal full details.. (adress, name, paypal email etc)
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