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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. That shouldn't have happened. Please F11 when it happens so that Game Labs can fix the issue. If you are pirates, this is a known issue. Thanks!
  2. This will be considered once server/database load stabilizes and is analyzed.
  3. Please use this topic: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/9267-prevent-basic-cutters-from-pvp Thank you! Locking as a duplicate.
  4. I'd like to see the battle marker disappear the moment a battle closes myself.
  5. The Port User Interface is in minimalist mode until the game is more fully featured. Expect a prettier interface while in port at a later date. Locking this as a duplicate question.
  6. Avatar Combat was, by far, one of the worst things about PotBS. At this time, AvCom is not planned for the game. A more tactically rich boarding mini-game, however, could be an option.
  7. I definitely agree! Having to destroy the value of that upgrade to sell it defeats the point. Great suggestion.
  8. I have a similar concern. This will be something that we'll need to watch closely, and please provide feedback on the forums as to how this change is affecting you. If it is found to be too disruptive or rife with abuse, it will be changed.
  9. We have a new patch! You can continue the discussion here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/9735-patch-963-iron-crisis/
  10. Patches 9.0 - 9.5: Patches 9.5, 9.6: Discussion thread for Patch 9.62 is here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=168480
  11. Next time, the easiest, fastest way is to right click the person's name and click "Report" on one or more of their toxic statements. This case is now under review by the Admiralty.
  12. Those ships were granted as a thank you to players who logged in and helped to test the servers just before and right around the Early Access launch. Early Adopters, such as yourself, were promised (and received) a Yacht. While I know you may think it unfair, those ships were granted to those who were able to help Game Labs stress the new servers right before Early Access. There will be additional ships and rewards handed out throughout the testing process. Stay active and help reach the Developer's goals and you'll be sure to receive some of those.
  13. Did you right click and report any of this?
  14. At the moment, that's about right. I doubt banning would be the first response, but it is currently against the rules.
  15. Please provide feedback on Open World size in this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5185-open-world-world-size-port-locations-map-problems-discussions/ Thank you!
  16. On the 21st, there was PvP1, PvP2, and PvE1. Please check all three of those servers to see if your Redeems are there. Did you redeem anything on the character you deleted?
  17. No worries sir, just squashing rumors.
  18. Please right click his name when he's being toxic and click the "Report" option. This will send what he is saying to the Developers so that he can be sanctioned. Reporting here without a screen shot will not work since we can't see what he's doing.
  19. They're a bit buffed to be sure.
  20. I wanted to correct items 1 and 6 on Mr. Benyovszky's post immediately - there was a copy of PvP1 made onto PvP3 around a week ago - any assets, etc. that you had on PvP1 at that time were copied over to PvP3 - they now operate separately just like the rest of the servers. There will be no character/asset transfers from PvP1 to PvP3 now or in the near future.
  21. Unfortunately, people are able to stealth/ninja capture right now, and you're best off not trying to ram or bump to break their boarding. It's being looked at and discussed internally, but a good solution hasn't been found just yet. You are not responsible for the grasscombing lubberly scrubs in your AI Fleet ramming other ships. Anyone operating in close proximity to those scrub AI should sail with extreme caution.
  22. Based on what I've seen, I do not believe waves affect cannon aim after you've hit the fire button. A number of times I've had the ship pitch up sharply during a broadside, causing my aiming bar to jerk up due to exceeding minimum elevation, but still seen the remaining cannonballs fire at the original elevation.
  23. The Pickle is not a ship, it's a blueprint. It will be in your hold or warehouse, right click and use (I think) to "learn" how to craft a Pickle.
  24. You said you "logged in", but then later you say you "made a player". Did you create a character before the 21st on any of the servers? If so, which one(s)?
  25. When you say you logged in as requested: When exactly did you log in? What server (or servers) did you log in to?
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