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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. Added risk? Other than a PvP enemy dropping in, missions have zero risk if you're able to realize you're losing early enough - just sail away.
  2. Likely not. What is deleted is deleted.
  3. Sometimes you're going to get dragged into a battle. It happens, that is not an excuse to be a jerk to the person - especially considering how many new people we have that are still learning the mechanics. We do not tolerate people being jerks. Let's do a little rules reminder (http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2346-forum-and-sea-trials-rules/) - and yes, these rules also apply in game: Looking at the chat screens above, I believe that all of the parties were violating the rules. The person reporting it was making comments, the people being reported were making comments, I see culpability on all hands. If you don't like the way someone is speaking to you, if they're breaking the rules, right click their name on a rude statement, and hit "Report". Follow that up with right clicking their name and selecting "Ignore". Done. If you start going back and forth with them, it A: Encourages them, and B: means you're being almost as bad as they are. Your case that you are being abused or bullied starts to become rather thin when you're giving as good as you're getting. Stop responding to them, ignore them, and move on. Case dismissed, unless everyone involved would like to risk a chat ban?
  4. I have to agree with Llewellyn, there is no abuse or exploit here. Case dismissed.
  5. You need to upload it to an image sharing site such as imgur or photobucket and then link to it using the little square icon with the tree in it on the post editor bar.
  6. I'm not sure it's modeled, but in theory, you should gain a little speed with optimized ballast all other things being equal. +1 for great thinking from me as well.
  7. Press F11 when you encounter this issue after getting as close as possible to the mission point, and filling in the details of where you got the mission will help a ton. Thank you.
  8. Please use the following thread for this discussion: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/9405-battles-runners-problem
  9. The Suggestion is to allow you to send the ship, with its cargo, back to the outpost without having to sail it there yourself. Overall I like the idea. I think that since you risk getting the ship back to port yourself, there should be some amount of risk in sending it back laden from the end battle screen.
  10. Hah, I personally would not. I was providing a few examples of how the rules work. My comment regarding mothers was meant for the direct address - that is, something I'd say to her face if we were having a disagreement. It's never ok in game to address another Captain with profanity/obscenity.
  11. Changed the thread title to be a little more descriptive.
  12. The rules for the game (these apply to both forums and the game itself): http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2346-forum-and-sea-trials-rules/ More specific rules about profanity and how you may address other players are here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3722-profanity-usage-in-game/ ---- In short, if you wouldn't stand up and say to your mother's face, don't say it to others in game. A few examples: "The weather is shitty." Ok. "I finally killed that 74! Fuck yeah!" Ok. "That asshole stole my ship." NOT Ok "Those guys are shitbags." NOT Ok. "Fuck u" NOT Ok "Fuck this shit, I hate these shitty controls, fuck it." NOT Ok - Be moderate in your use of profanity.
  13. Hacking is not possible in this game - everything is server side, no local changes to files or the client program can affect what happens on the server. If you suspect that a bug or other flaw is creating an issue, please F11 it with as much detail as possible.
  14. Brogsitter, does the explanation from Tatann and Admin satisfy you?
  15. The Moderation Team is in contact with the OP. A number of posts were hidden that maybe should not have been. They have been hidden, not deleted. The team is working with the OP to restore the thread to its former glory. Please refrain from discussing Moderation in the open forums. I believe you should see this thread come back in the next day or so.
  16. This isn't much difference than sailing from a port near active, enemy held territory. As long as they are each fighting each other as hard as possible, it's ok.
  17. In Software Development, 10 seconds costs 30-45 minutes of productivity. Patience please.
  18. The ability to change your name isn't high on the list. Hopefully it will be implemented eventually, but for now, I wouldn't hold my breath.
  19. Dragging issues from other threads into their own thread isn't going to work here sir. If you'd like to ask this question, minus the reference to the Port Battle Timer thread, please do so in the Nations forum.
  20. Head to the Bahamas - lots of shallow water, lots of little ships. Profit! The missions are a levelling crutch - you'll get lots of XP and have lots of fun fighting other players, get out there in your Privateer or Pickle and have fun!
  21. Actually, I do believe firing on a friendly captured prize is against the rules. I'll double check. Thank you for the report.
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