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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. You have a weird sense of humour when talking about hobbies Plus i didn't even notice you were here, so wasn't really meant for you, but hey... Full respect man.
  2. Wanting to experience the age of sail living world that the game provides, with winnings and losses appropriate to the age, with victories and defeats, be it in glorious conquest or utter destruction of own fleet should be the norm for a game of this type with this setting. Accepting severe loss is part of the game as much as emerging victorious in a epic battle and smashing enemy opposition. Everyone wins, everyone loses. Wanting everything at a click, in half an hour, might bring more short span attention for a while but definitely dilute a lot of the age of sail feeling, with ships of all types and those same trade wars in the high seas, those big fleet engagements that destroyed a nation power, those duels that made history, that makes age of sail so enticing. Game is more balanced towards everyone. Accessibility is granted to all captains everywhere. Getting a ship of the line still takes time but is not a impossible task for a group, neither it is for a solo wolf. Only difference is, by playing 2 hours a day, a group of six friends will do it in a couple of days. Solo will take more than a week. Sailing is mandatory. Stick that to your skulls and bones.
  3. Do not generalise so much. When many of us login into the Naval Action West Indies we do try to emulate, gamewise, the XVII and XVIII centuries type of character play. Not the XXIst century mindset. And yes it is a game with a ton of non realistic mechanics, and we all must accept that fact. Game is balanced for all at the moment. But not every game is for every player.
  4. 1) free ports and national ports. any port really. 2) need doubloons to access Admiralty shop and other buildings capabilities, like crafting, labour, etc. The inverse is also good, clan turns doubloons into reals to pay for resources needed, equipment, etc. So it is a question of saving time if a player has enough reals to exchange for doubloons.
  5. That's a different game, the way I interpret it. Not Naval Action.
  6. That's Nassau Patrol many many times. Begone
  7. There's already a declination of 4 degrees most of the time, so yeah, no need for more without tides and winds. Agree.
  8. Cannot stop calling enough attention to this detail, developers and players. Whatever the design decisions and gameplay choices , Focus on multiplayer game and mechanics, please. Not solo-do-it-all-fast, even in the Peace server reality.
  9. Latitude aye. Longitude until the end of the 18th century, so so. Once outside the sight of land was by estimation. Hence many logbooks state - "easting" or "westing" as per appropriate estimation of the captain and navigation crew. And if latitude couldn't be measured - Pole Star is nice but not everywhere, especially not in a storm - they added "northing" or "southing". The Buccaneer Atlas is great with all this kind of Navigation difficulties carefully logged and with the entire process well documented by the men of their time, not our century looking back. o7
  10. Excellent. Want to see that happening then. Talking is one thing. Actually setting up the Conquest chain is another entirely. I hope you are right. New blood needed to drive Conquest, not the old salty crew.
  11. Thanks for clarification Admin. That makes sense I guess. Next step, include all coin in the market transactions maybe ? So I can buy resources with reals or doubloons ? ( or a coin stock exchange )
  12. The interesting part of this was, after yesterday patch, me and a buddy attacked 3 NPC fleets, a trader, a lone frigate and a fleet of frigates (3). All between 2 ports, we didn't sail much. The three i looted had accumulated iirc 2100 doubloons. That was more, in an hour of PvE, with unknown risk of course, than one hour of PvP in the Nassau Zone ( immediate access to PvP). Maybe the increase was too dramatic ? We felt, somehow, like hitting a treasure ship at every corner. I feel good with unified monetary system, no split between pve/pvp and the road to the somewhat correct 1/32 value rate ( as admin said, stabilise at around 30 reals ). Not sure how to feel about adding a extra to the Event rewards, maybe the doubloons pay plus a paint.
  13. What if there's a storm at the time the position would be taken ( noon ) ?
  14. Sums it up for a lot players, for a lot of cases. +1
  15. Sure. Mid-day spotting. Mark. Next mid-day, mark. Have the debug F11 coordinates removed entirely ( from API as well ) and all good. Let them use the Perk if they must.
  16. Printed on the side desk. Same as other non-GPS games.
  17. Yep, that's correct. But a 3rd rate is not 1/20th of the cost of a 1st rate. The navy board just decided to invest treasury another way ( strategic option and to contain costs - a small repair was listed as £12,000 or something around that ). Same as you can do in your clan. Invest less in 1st rates and more in 3rd rates.
  18. Kent (74) Build & Fitting £43391.11.4d Victory (100) Build £57748.1.7d + Fitting £13296.0.0d 1/20th ?
  19. Okay. How to start a PB then ? That's the kickoff point.
  20. Like the french buccaneers usually said during the 17th century, seven well handled fusils are worth a cannon. I wonder why they would say this.
  21. Al'right, that makes it more simple. Back to the drawing board.
  22. Mod stacking / Books does this madness. Same with Speeds, same with Reload, same with everything. Regarding Muskets, yep, if getting into boarding and stacking up all Firepower they do devastate morale. Firepower always did that, since forever. This new Muskets and similar stacked with some Books and exacerbated with marines firepower will devastate morale in a single blow, no matter if your melee if stronger. If you miss a round, that's it. Doesn't need to be in a Le Requin. Module stacking or entire system ( not only muskets ) needs to be reduced to marginal gains.
  23. For sure. Waiting for you own proposals. I like wargames with logistics and commitment to the fight.
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