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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. This game is not Career based. Every player is a "Navy". Skill tree for what ? Let's focus
  2. Yes, we should all have all of them automatically and access to all Books and Modules in the Admiralty shop. No more Animal Farm parody then. That's the way to go then we go full, no half measures.
  3. Give new midshipmen 2 perk points instead of 1. End of discussion.
  4. This is how it looks in Notepad++ Most issues i ran into were open/close the " " and missed one somewhere
  5. He has a perk, 200xp away. 1 battle. Let's move on.
  6. My entire point is that new account ( if doesn't want to do tutorial ) - midshipman - starts with 1 point for perks. 200 xp later it gets the 2nd perk point. The perk costs 2 perk points. Was a comment towards the request to be given automatically to new players.
  7. I don't think. I arrogantly know how my newcomer experience was. I can write the entire account, especially of the first circumvent, as i remember everything in detail - that's how awesome the voyage was ( and the terrain models were still the old ones ) How do you think the guys that made the first maps for NA did it ? There's was no map. No M key. Anyway, there's a map and GPS little icon now and is 200xp away. Done and over with.
  8. space and time notion is warped for many. In map the ports look like they are close but in truth they take, say... 20 minutes accelerated OW travel time. Step away for a bit and come back and suddenly get confused... did i pass it already.... am i still en route ? OMG I'm looooost.... where's my gps ! Thing is, after going over the initial learning curve - one of the things many guys did back in the day was to "circumvent the map" in a exploration drive - no captain gets lost, especially not in the areas where said captain sails most. the geography will tell him exactly where his relative position is without even looking at the map. But yeah, takes a bit dedication ---- By the way New account starts with 1 perk point. For 2nd perk point it is 200xp, that's 1 battle. So he gets GPS immediately after first contact in battle and first victory. If new account does both Exams he immediately has the 10 points.
  9. No. I posted 1 mission found in a port. There's plenty like that, mostly 6th rates . not designated ships. Look, you can look with whatever mindset you want to the picture, truth is missions like that are out there. That is the only reason I posted it. To show the possibilities, not the absolute certainties. Sail and you shall find. Whine and you shall grow salty. It is not intended for salty vets. It is intended for a new captains that may pass and read the words.
  10. More sailing, more ships in the open, more war planning, more logistics. I don't even consider the "arena" gameplay. That's not why i play NA. The amount of outposts is perfect. If you have to juggle around, plan accordingly and sail. I loved the game more when we had no teleports, but that's long gone ( and we had 3 full servers btw... but means nothing ) Extra Outposts is the same as a 1st Rate DLC. And that's my opinion. You may have yours.
  11. No more Outposts. Maybe a couple more Buildings.
  12. I don't know man... Seems like a good deal for a newcomer... Oh yeah... has to sail...
  13. That is not true. You may intercept the enemy trade ships and steal their cargo hold contents. You may still engage enemy warships and plunder their hold and, if interested, capture their ship. The logistics are quite on spot. Modules and Books and Perks are entire different and separate from ship building.
  14. Cannot test right now, but does it update all the time or at intervals ?
  15. I see no problem with that. Same chances for everyone. If we must have "magic" then all must have access to it.
  16. IMO translation groups should make Clubs and then post the latest translated versions into Language sub-forums.
  17. How could it be different then ? That's a good example, but ... if in a different way, how would/could RvR ( entire road to and pb ) be ?
  18. Those are Kill missions. Can be done in full safety of reinforcement zones. That's how I reason their low pay. Rear Admirals hunting for excellent rewards should sail forth and brave the open sea, together in a multiplayer environment.
  19. 7th and 6th rates are 1v1. There are missions that are 1v2 for those that want more challenge. 5th rates missions... well... better to go out and hunt them.
  20. Random... but not so quite... 6k doubloons in a LGV inbound Great Corn ( free port ) 2.5k in a LGV outbound Key West ( old free port ) average is 300 - 700 from my notes.
  21. Idea is for ships to sail and engage enemy nation ships ( ai or players ). Kill missions are nice for newcomers, but not for hardy veterans ( on War server ).
  22. We have to wait. I'm eagerly wanting to see what they conjure. Still, given the mission system is so new, report the odd situations. Example: - hunt missions for 12x 5th rates giving a Mission Chest + Silver chest - hunt mission for 8x Wasa giving the same. - doubloons were the same for both. BUT... there's no prerequisite, so can be done with any ship. So in a 3rd rate both those missions are peanuts against AI. But if they had rate requisite things could be different.
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