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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Maybe I'm looking at it from a incorrect perspective. Sorry But when I read Career I really mean it. As a Navy officer you'll be tied to rules for that career, which means you ain't going to be ruling over a trading empire and you shall be appointed ships, not buy them. Same way as a Trader overlord you shall not have access to Navy resources, including naval bases but have access to economic building and have a private shipyard which may or may not supply a Navy with ships and/or essential resources. I have the feeling I am not seeing it as you envision it... :\ ... which is inflation of all that is good without any exclusion effect and without making choices matter. But yeah, it is a suggestion that may see the light.
  2. Regarding ships we are over the EA statement. This discussion is about possible Ship Packs to expand our selection. Is it that hard to stick to the subject and not divert to a generic outburst about everything else ? Thanks
  3. I get that. What I didn't see is exclusive career while losing access to functions that are not from that career. For example being a Trader mogul and still being able to command navy ships !?... Or actually take advantage of the sandbox and draw lines in the sand and make your own path and fun We can't have it all.
  4. Another thing is that the Career topics are confusing. Are you pointing to a Navy Career, a Maritime Trader career, navy board Political Career, or something else ? The fleet I can see with a Navy career, production and trade buildings for a Trader, etc etc I can't read any exclusive and inclusive suggestions.
  5. Union leader is in chains. Something about.... mutiny.... or refusing to man the guns... NONSENSE !
  6. PvE is a part of Naval Action even on dedicated PvP servers. There's no way around. Even power-gamer PvP'ers will PvE to grind whatever they need. So, PvE content is good IMO as it is just another way to play the game.
  7. Our crew has no issues with being assigned to any task, just move them about with the crew on/off. They are good at all things . In reality not so much. It is a gameplay vs reality check.
  8. One thing we have as a bonus in game is riggers being also proficient gun crews, cool heh and they don't affect efficiency. We use numbers not that far from the gun crews as presented in here which I tend to use as guideline myself as they fit both sloops/brigs and frigates.
  9. er... gun crew services 2 guns with several elements on rotation.
  10. Fleets do not stop daring raiders that try to play a credible way but many go by without being attacked for obvious reasons. Rovers do play safe. The ratio in place at the moment is 1 trade vessel for 2 warships. You mean to change to more historical ratio or what... ?
  11. Continue the suggestion in the link posted above. Thank you.
  12. Not sure Checker. IIRC the price may be different from port to port even in the same configuration.
  13. Practice was 2 escort man'owars per state sanctioned convoy, usually 6 to 12 transports which could have also some guns. The big dutch anglo trading fleet that went to the mediterranean, 100+ strong, had some half a dozen warships included. Let me rummage through the port reports and see how private trader small entrepreneurs handled it...
  14. ... remember one funny thing. Planters and all other resource production did have to go through trade ventures - so technically a producer of goods was tied to the companies. Any attempt to simply trade them without going through the system would be considered smuggling ...
  15. hmmm good selection of 200+ crew ya harr...How to keep them lads happy for days and days without plunder... Reckon anything under a thousand pieces per hand at the end of a cruise would end in crew leaving to another more successful venture That's how Pirate crew management should be. By shares profit. No shiny stuff no crew will stick to the capn'
  16. Best thing about black flag is that everyone is a enemy and friends are made in a individual basis. Pirate Jesus gospel was planted in their hearts long ago.
  17. Okay. So I suppose those were in the light of fortifying the states own legislatures in the light of a union congress ? Sorry for asking so much.
  18. No BOTH option for obvious reasons. There is one of the options presented that represents the most time spent.
  19. week -OR- weekend
  20. indeed. A leads to B because C is dependent on D which enables A.
  21. Not a USA citizen myself, but aren't ( weren't ) the States foundation based upon the Union itself ( articles of association and confederation and ultimately constitutional states )?
  22. Taxes as opposed to proper smuggling with nation players in "free ports" ? Buildings, when most of pirates were running from plantations, mines and most were dedicated to sea and being professional seamen ? No attacks onto pirate ports ? Pirates to be unique must be the hard choice, the one where the career matters and not how much grinding is done. One captain, one ship, a crew. And shares per crew. And infamy for the crew and the captain and the ship. And no holding back any thoughts of a safe life unless the player choses to end the career and start a new one Pros: freedom of action. Renown/Infamy counter. all free ports are Capitals. Cons: One ship. One life. How does this sound for Outlaws ? As for Pirate Republics let's let it run as a "nation".
  23. Thank you for a thoroughly listing of all the possibilities. I am sure it will be consulted and used in due time by the warring sides.
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