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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Funny how short memory is after 9 months
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  2. True, the balance between reality and gameplay is called credibility hence rulebooks are made to play a game about reality. Also true that a fleet leaving Toulon in early May lands in late June in Egypt Works both ways.
  3. War Fleet was assembled, had a 'secret' objective and made way without being intercepted - - 1798, French fleet was known to be supplied at Toulon and still it managed to slip through and make way to Egypt. British tried to find and intercept it and almost made it on the 22/23 June. War Fleet was assembled, had a secret objective, slipped through a screen blockade and made way to the final objective where it was intercepted by a chasing-screening fleet - - 1796/1798, French fleet slips bound to Ireland. There was little info, war fleets made the slip, first wasn't successful, second was intercepted by screening. There's plenty of good examples as we start moving backwards in the NA timeline.
  4. An Atlas section ( bring me memory of seeing this long long ago with coast profiles and all, before we had GPS - link )
  5. Would like, tbh, to be like a Gazette, with editorials, stories, period style chronicles, and illustrated/vision media tutorials of course.
  6. Hidden posts are available to Developers Keep the proposed layout when posting Up vote posts you think are interesting.
  7. This can be a good library of guides and tutorials. Hope the community brings helps your way for good content. Moved it to Guides and will look to updates on the project.
  8. Mind that many players moved to PvP2 due to the less-than-friendly-and-respectful ambient in PvP1 overly competitive nature of RvR.
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  9. Thanks for the name idea, might use it on a project. Roll a D6. On a 1 to 5 the lookout notices nothing. On a 6+ the lookout notices a battle.
  10. Hope he doesn't rests in the deep
  11. Prater, by all means persistent War Zones until a victor is decided sounds absolutely delicious. A Tug-Of-War of ships sunk, supplies brought in, supplies captured, etc.
  12. So there's only sword icons if the player is already deployed at sea. Ones previously observed will be "lost" once the player enters a port. Sounds reasonable. So the entry point for the battle would be at the far edge of the Tag circle. Sounds reasonable. 15 minutes in average speed of 11 knots in the OW equals >250km !? view distance of sails in the OW is roughly 50km ( you can stand at the tip of Cape Fear and see the sail show up coming out of Wilmington ), at bad speed takes about 3 - 4 minutes to reach it
  13. They don't "know" the destination. Screeners have to find out and be kept away from finding out ? A couple of War Fleets could be used as a ruse also.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. The 6 hour window and 2 hour attack window is a compromise, as i see it, to have one unified server and not the split everyone is so eager to have. Regarding non regulars ( I dislike the "bloody casuals" ida«ea ) they are not left out. They can form up a War fleet right ? It is open to all unless I wrote it unclear. What it promotes to the clan though is a more organized way of conducting their agenda without interference from foreign agents. Any player can for a War Fleet and invite whomever he wishes. .... Yar, I would love Hostility / Stability to work but...we don't make it work. We players rush it as much as we can to suit our needs, not the envisioned path that the game needs. Hence I suggested this path. A inverted flag system that relies on "blind" strategy and the need for screening.
  15. er... they are only a Glorified group, with the special thing of being up to 25 ships in the group, so of course no lobbies no random folk joining in, etc. War fleet commander invitation based so it will deliver a proper validity to many of the clans and groups requirements for PBs. They may have screeners and be intercepted. As it surely be everything within clans or friends having spies and alts will require more finesse.
  16. Dynamic visual representation of the use being given to the land around a port by the players !? Having the plantations and mines visually there ? Hell yeah. Gives life and clues to the OW.
  17. Lord Protectors chose whatever time window they want for the port, like in the old flag system but now it is a 6 hour interval. War Fleet commander choses which 2 hour interval he wants from the 6 hour interval set by the Lord protector. As per the example, Protector chose 16 to 22, War fleet chose the 18-10. Both sides have a saying on WHEN. Regarding strategy layer. War fleets will be more common with clans for sure. Also ad-hoc groups of friends can do it. Further not knowing the final target... Your own fleet has to discover where the hell they sailing to. You will have two clues 1. Time chose for the attack 2. Where they sail from So means some degree of planning, scouting and screening from both sides. The 46 hours is for advanced warning and timeframe for war supplies, if needed and not stockpiled. The War Fleet can be created at any time, just like old flag with the added advanced warning that is being created, which time will be attacking and when it has sailed out.
  18. Need a sponsor fer yer rovin' ? Keep them tales comin' capn'
  19. Salute Capt Gosnell. You may start a Diary ( text, video, whatever you feel like to create ) of your naval career on the National News I guess. Have a look at a couple examples, there are way more and sorry for now pasting them all.
  20. Nope. Raids are unannounced and only to destroy enemy capabilities. This would be like a war fleet for conquest. Actually regular global message of 50%, 75% completion could be added to mimic spies on the war fleet naval base. As the war fleets could become a "clan" based thing the disruption/usefulness for spy alts could be diverted into proper spying.
  21. Flavor of the month - nightflips... so so old...that's true... it's huge...very old. I've seen a resurgent wish of bringing Lord Protectors back. That's good, if it means the flags stay buried. Scrap that, bring flags back as War Fleets. Hence my suggestion to bring both back working the other way around with a twist. Oh and scrap hostility, it will be needed with another name that you all hold dear in your hearts - war supplies. Let's look at a imagined cycle of Conquest: Lord Protector choses defense window for Region - defense windows mean a interval of 6 hours - Example: King Arthur sets Defense for Les Cayes / Server Time 16:00 - 22:00 some clan decides to create a flag - a War Fleet is announced for the server Example: "Mordred has created a War Fleet in Santo Domingo" is splashed on our screens. Note that there is no target announced, just where the War Fleet is being assembled. War Fleets are composed of 25 ships and need to be supplied with War Supplies. The more War Supplies into the War Fleet the more BR per ship slot. Example: friends, buddies and nationals deliver War Supplies in Santo Domingo - right click - send supplies to War Fleet Mordred Mordred last action before exiting to the open world with the War Fleet Banner ( not visible on the OW like the old flags ) is to decide which 2 hour window will be used on the intended target which remains undisclosed but the time window becomes public. Example: Mordred choses to send the War Fleet against Les Cayes and selects 18:00 - 20:00, which is within the Defense window defined by King Arthur as Lord Protector. The server receives a splash "War Fleet Mordred attacking @ 18:00 - 20:00" Mordred sails out the War Fleet. It has to form a group with ALL members beforehand that want to be in the port battle. Example: Mordred invited his 15 clan members and nine other friends for a total of 25 ships slots according to the amount of War Supplies available. In the case of War Fleet Mordred it is composed of 5 first rates, 10 second rates, 5 3rd rates and 5 frigates. Entire server receives the message "War Fleet Mordred has left port!" Attention: There's a 46 hour limit from the announcement of created War Fleet until it must be ready to sail out. Two hours window to make sail. So Attackers can use that time to build up their War Fleet and defenders prepare their strategy. No target is announced, only a origin port and a attack timer ( within the intended defense timer ) so Defense must play a scout game and logistics game. In sum: - hands over responsability to Lord Protectors set to his regions generic defense timer period - hands over responsability to build a war fleet, as they wish, to the attackers and specify the - hands over strategy to both attackers and defenders regarding time tables, distances to cover, scouting for attackers, screening for attackers
  22. Magazine has a HP threshold as well. As we have it now it is really rare but is dependent on where the fire is and what ship is being affected. Snows used to blow up regularly, long ago, due it well placed shots below the waterline which ignited the magazine and made it explode. As a similar module example, Rudder also has a HP value, it is not only a white,yellow,red. Thing with the magazine is... once it gets fire going there's little that can be done unless the fire is already being contained. It is ship dependent as there are several magazine powders in some of the larger ships, smaller boats have one.
  23. Mind you Pierre that all ships are capable and fit different roles. There is no such thing as end-game ships unless you are strictly speaking of Port Battles themselves. A custom made Cutter is not a Free Cutter and can give hell to way bigger ships. That's one of the points that separates newcomers from veterans - the longer you use a ship the more you learn its particular "quirks". If I am not mistaken the present situation limits tagging by 4 times BR difference ( or is it 5x ?! ), so a 40 BR schooner, the Pickle, can hunt large trade vessels and even some cruise frigates. Your suggestion will funnel a lot of playstyles, and speaking on my behalf my interest on the age of sail and particularly the west indies is focused on sloops, schooners and brigs not of the frigates and ships of the line. I already impose myself limits as I cannot hope to win two thirds of the engagements due to firepower or coastal defense support let alone if I am reduced to a mere 2x BR tagging... It means "death" for the 7th/6th rates. One thing that has been requested by many is that Free Cutters are not allowed to tag players. In this I agree.
  24. Important problems to be solved Perks & Modules - It breaks combat dynamics. Perks should be Career based to access assignments ( hunt, transport, patrol, escort... ) or crew and officers. Modules should be totally done with and have the shipbuilding renewed so it comes out of the shipyard in a configuration as designed. Diplomacy - Full diplomatic possibilities including Peace Treaties, Trade Agreements, etc. Pirates - Have the split. Outlaws and Pirate Republic where CLANS decide which Nation to support; no diplomacy but direct choice ( french buccaneers, anglo-saxon republics, etc ) Conquest & Timezones - Unify the community instead of dividing it. Having 1000 players in one server and 8 factions is definitely better than 500 on each divide by 8. ALT accounts - this is highly disruptive. Features (additions or cutting) Add expanded log and ability to save it on exit game ( see suggestions board ) Cut on Profits - Decrease to credible historical values albeit inflated for gameplay sake - cargo and prized ships are worth money. Damage not. That is all. Add Morale to Crew during the entire combat to provoke credible age of sail engagements where striking colours was the norm. Cut durabilities to one on all ships. Add temporary camps to Outlaws/Pirates. Raid staging areas. Add Conquest "boardgame" rules - conquest must be contiguous regions. Special European Court Events that can break the status quo, Risk type cards to access Conquest rewards... Tiny extra - paints for sloops, schooners and brigs Tiny extra 2 - remove PvP tagging ability from Free Cutters ( or have it specifically at 1x ). PvE as normal.
  25. Voted. I support full no limits. Full running unified server 24/7. Have AI present when no players are, both in the OW and on the PBs. Hell, even have them act aggressive when a Region is contested. Other war MMO games do it. NA is not a private hunting clubhouse and must provide to all, veterans, newcomers, and all those that will join after release. Evolution.
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