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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Did anyone read the opening post ? I mean, it its complete meaning and subject ? at all ?
  2. Attack Empire of Spain. Attack Russian Empire. Make them lose the points.
  3. There's Trafalgars every single day all around the map. Inside port battls and outside the port battles.
  4. http://www.virtualpilots.fi/feature/articles/bookofdweeb/
  5. Make sure you do. Please edit your comment, it may be misinterpreted and taken as fact. Thank you.
  6. working flawlessly on my end Can you please record your game screen while using the rum ? Reminder, the recovery is very slow and the cooldown is extended.
  7. Please show me where this is written by Admin or Developer.
  8. One measure I suggested is: - removal of PvP marks for legal traders - reward is the cargo - maintain PvP marks for smuggler traders
  9. If said videos are commented on why choices were made, on why players are doing what they are doing, as sort of video guides, then they are not. Kind of a Doran's guide but in video.
  10. OT: LaLaLand !!! ( singleplayer open world warhammer naval is corsair manowar, but it ain't remotely a NA lol )
  11. Evidence is required. vide 11. Player experience and new player experience.
  12. What was your ship ?
  13. Okay. No evidence and word of mouth is meaningless as there's a lot to learn in the game ( starting with wind positions at battle instance start ) Do you have at least the memory of what ships were involved ? That could help and fellows could explain some tips and tricks.
  14. As a rule of thumb, same two players with shop ships, no upgrades, the "elite" captain will come out on top - he sunk a thousand times to learn a lot of things, duelled incessantly, sailed in fleets all the time, shared time and tips with others. The modules simply exponentially enhance the gap.
  15. My memories of OW since the inception and throughout all the ages was always three eternal wars ( sorry for dismissing the eternal US vs Pirates bahamas eternal war ): - United Provinces versus France - Spanish Empire versus United States of America - Great Britain versus the Pirate scourge.
  16. Did you record any of these combats ? Or at the very least a screenshot of the battle ? What were the specific ship models involved ? Thank you.
  17. I was thinking of actual battle to prevent the enemy fleet arriving at destination - sinking of Alliance fleet before it could sail to the Channel and cover invasion army crossing to England - Was not in powergaming meta mindset. Sorry for that. Will step away.
  18. Good use for the battle groups. I'd still use the 10% damage threshold for the assists and associated screeners reward
  19. That should be the baseline Extra bounty for fancy messages and kinky gestures.
  20. And Hostility Missions only open to suitable shallow/deep.
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