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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Cape St. Vincent during the Liberal wars. Liberal fleet was under Napier. http://www.marinha.pt/pt-pt/historia-estrategia/historia/nove-seculos-servico-portugal/Paginas/Batalha-naval-Cabo-S-Vicente.aspx
  2. To ensure the enemy crew would be battered into submission by violent broadsides, casualties or sheer collapse of will, and boarding, interestingly enough the two biigest ways of ensuring a victory. Do we need morale ? I admit it is tempting. Will it make a good mechanic ? Many doubt it. We want to fight to the last board, to the last nail, to the last line, to the last hand abord. Are we doing anything wrong by NOT selecting the leeward to dismast but going in close and either sink or board ? After all..."Never mind the maneuvers, go straight at them" was as true back then as it is in NA. Leeward choice in game is terrifyingly useful, when it wasn't.
  3. I really like the suggestion that the Conquest cycle is unified, that the changes are valid for an entire cycle.
  4. Then I rather go with reviewing the armament and gunpowder charges. Maximum effect in the age of sail was achieved at under 250m engagements.
  5. A 3rd rate was assailed by a 4th rate, 74 vs roughly 48 guns. They fought for a long time and eventually the 74 did strike colours after being boarded. None of the ships had tremendous damage that would sink after. The woods had marks of impacts, from pistol range, of well over thousand of shot. Some three hundred cannon ball were actually encrusted into the wood. Delicate balance between both armament power and true walls of oak. I'd actually review the armament, for any mistakes, and leave the ships to their truest form and thickness.
  6. Yes. Mechanics. Repairing an entire rig arrangement. Constructing a "new" entire ship ( almost ). At sea. During battle. Multiple times.
  7. Correct. Also do not see entire rigging and standing masts being erected ( other than jury rigs ) nor entire ship length planks being nailed and caulked so to build a new ship almost. On that vein I can see the effect of the wind scattering both formations at first and then coming to a halt for moments as continuous cannonades brought the air to stand still at moments. Can also see the individual duels between ships and captains of ships remaining conscious of their crew and surrendering instead of fighting to the last man. Also do not see any sinking.
  8. How is this not similar to the last 2 big battles I watched ? ( sweden vs russian empire and danish baltic fleet versus french fleet ) Started with good lines, at a moment notice there was a break through and it evolved into local "duels" and boarding and chases.
  9. All good on my end, both office and home, Edge and Chrome.
  10. " From being a hated, hunted and ready to-be-hanged Pirate... to becoming a respectable and celebrated corsair of France. Such is the quality of the Forged Papers i was given by the master forger." - Captain Hethwill Eskeath, also known as The Red Duke, corsair of the republic
  11. If there's two nations with ports conquerable at similar times then there's Conquest content. Choosing not to attack that nation is a player's choice, not a mechanics problem.
  12. And many clans in Prussia(DE) are multi continent multi national.
  13. The idea of display all ports from all nations split by time window is nice information for everyone if done complete and overlay that info in the timezones map. Such as adding the Nations overlay %% across the entire map. 0% is nothing. For anyone it means that that nation has no ports.
  14. Nice suggestion when the camera is fixed 1st POV fixed at the helm.
  15. sounds good, it is a way to make it dependent on separation. Having closure rate means to get to target, while gaining separation means it would escape eventually. I like it.
  16. Leave politics out. That was your specific suggestion and there's a running thread about thickness already. Use it.
  17. By the way, want to say thanks to three captains for yesterday evening combats. A truly gruesome affair versus the yankee privateers, Lionshaft and Jwell (?) if I'm not mistaken in the names. Close affair with a ton of mistakes done by us, we were hot headed and in red-rage mode . Great to be back to my favourite vessels. In true fashion of the RL records, the smaller the vessels the more bloody the affairs. Snappy salute. Next time it will be us, who knows. Second to spanish empire caballero LMM for his intrepid raid on a trade convoy which I had to defend ( much to the protests of my crew which signed up to steal trade and not to protect it! ). Was really a great naval action moment. No screenshots but reckon both may inspire a piece of "wannabe naval literature" in themselves.
  18. There's no ganks, just absolute application of superior force at a given place in a determined moment. ... *drops smoke bomb and disappears*
  19. There's a blatant difference between both chain boarding 2 opponents due to better use of wind ( and ship capabilities ) - seen several cases like this in streams and videos even with sinkings and not boardings under 5 minutes (!)... and simple boarding farming, I assure you. Do not witch hunt, put down yer torches and pitchforks, but report consciously the odd cases - F11 Exploit - and oh... jump their battles, you'll drive them mad for the interruption and immediately spot the oddity.
  20. Can be even be more iirc but not under. You can chronometer it in a short run even, for example from La Tortue to Port de Paix. Sail in OW. Then do it in a battle.
  21. #nosafetyzones #joinpvpimpossiblenations
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