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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Let battle start in 5 minutes no matter the numbers, minimum 2 players. Change clerk message to [captain] sunk [nation] player in Fleet Practice. - or - Simply remove messages from Fleet Practice all together. ( who needs it anyway... )
  2. ( Thanks Cecil sir, reading this carefully... on the immediate I hope the elevation/traverse indicators are just illustrative of the idea and not a UI request. )
  3. The example given above, rubli vs enemies was never in a 3 v 12 fight, numbers as an example. They were always in several 3v2 fights in the same instance, globally 3v2, but pretty much 6 different engagements. They always had superiority at a given point. Many saw the streams. One thing I like in other games is the "replay" function to re-watch battles and see how bad I played any given situation. Video recording serves the same function with some limitations, but it is a great tool.
  4. OT: I can't understand why ppl would get mad at the combat in the high seas ( as someone writes up there). This is no "information era" universe. This is the age of sail. Safety goes as far as the guns can shoot. There will be enemies beyond the horizon. That is a fact. Another fact: If we all use plain store ships and no repair possible, the "pros" will still rule the waves.
  5. We would appreciate the fact that paints are included in the main package with further acquisition needed. I find funny that so many worry about the NA Admiralty treasury and propose DLC solutions instead of promoting the multiplayer game by bringing friends into this awesome game and playing together
  6. OT: means logistics ( the entire stretch!) and combat.
  7. Agreed. A Captain's Cabin ( and chest ) surely have a bookshelf, or several. Not cables and masts and folded light hammocks and barrels of superior gunpowder...
  8. Ah ! Looks like a good idea to test. Many thanks.
  9. Quote: "all npc ships will become capturable (with special debuff making them useless in pvp but still keeping the great quality for pve)" Granted, I'm curious about what it is. Some good suggestions have been given about this which do not interfere with the PvP at all.
  10. It is a multi player game. A team starts with 2. Not 1. Although the game provides enough room for solo play and to be able to emulate battles such as 1 to 5 from history. Rare, extremely rare, both in history and in game. ( HMS Mediator versus five enemies )
  11. Expectations high !?!?... oh boy oh boy... where to start... 1. Modules, perks and knowledge books reviewed into marginal gains. 1.2. Module/Knowledge slots for specific parts of the ship - no stacking. 1.3. Fully equipped ship never over 8% accumulated benefits at any specific system. 2. Rewards balance - navy vs mercantile - to proper values of the age of sail. 2.1 - trade makes the most hard cash - 8 times more comparing 1:1 cruise 2.2 - navy yields navy board pay and reputation ( and any prize taken ) 3. Removal of marks into captain reputation currency - exchange for admiralty honors, non tradeable items. ( special stuff, see number 1 ) 4. Removal of Pirate ranks. Every pirate sailing will be simply...Pirate [name] 6. Addition of a Free Port in the Florida Keyes.
  12. The establishment of the Rover privateer venture under the auspices of the Kingdom of Prussia is concluded. The benefits reaped on behalf of our patrons, which shall remain unnamed, include: - proving that a nation without a capital, without a safe zone, can trace realistic objectives for their size and achieve them. - the establishment of a colony to receive the newcomers, namely Green Cay, otherwise known as Hog Cay ( if using different outdated map charts ). - the participation in the establishment of a corsair haven, open to all, in Spanish Florida by assaulting the Rio Seco port. This has proven that a frank harbor with enough depth for large ships is needed in the area. This enabled a rapid growth of the Colonies and population which exponentially grew in a matter of days after the taking of Rio Seco. Plenty of yank refugees and louts from every corner of the Caribbean flocked to the black eagle flag. We appreciate the payment given by the envoys of the King in the West Indies. We also appreciate the extra service provided by our employers by contacting the Master Forger to create all the appropriate papers for a safe transit back to our origins. Our job is done and our contract fulfilled we find ourselves not employed by any of the European powers anymore and return to the black brotherhood until the next campaign. Candle Bay awaits.
  13. There enough "play by post" forum games out there. I think you can create a Club for those and keep all forum games in there http://forum.game-labs.net/clubs/ Actually a good idea.
  14. Not disagreeing nor agreeing but the AI will always, always try to stay upwind from any opponent. Take it as a "lesson". Keep the wind over the opponent. Never miss another "loot".
  15. How can I fulfill this one being under the jolly rover... Nick Nick Nick... what have you done... ...
  16. Several subjects have been escorted to the correct tavern in town to spill all they want regarding politics and engage in finger wrestling. You will find most of the posts in the following thread http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/23216-caribbean-invasion-news
  17. Record video, upload it. F11 at any time and on the bug description add the link to said video.
  18. This is the Suggestions board about a specific mechanic, not for today or tomorrow, not for a nation or a clan, but for the game as a whole. Discuss it if you can. Stay away if you cannot. Keep posts to the point without ulterior considerations of personal power or comfort. Any more National News posts and, especially, personal attacks ( which warrant a reply ) will not be tolerated.
  19. Hell, i'm bad with vocabulary. Sorry for that. The context remains as proof of effort. It is good to have a worldwide community sharing the same server with access to all mechanics at all times. Let us not forget that all nations are enemy to each other by default.
  20. What about Spain, France, Pirates, Kingdom of Prussia, Commonwealth, Sweden, Denmark ? Surely they have Conquest ports that can be attacked by clans operating in the same timezones ? Anything that impedes the conduct of attacks to said ports, on the mechanics side ?
  21. I can log on at any hour, early, late, or dread late, and have the server populated. I am no longer hostage of CET or EET prime time. That is a good thing. Regarding the rules of Conquest there's space for adjustment.
  22. Thanks ! Can read the exact questions that gave way to those answers, and now it makes sense.
  23. Give original post/thread link. It makes no sense out of context
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