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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. That last part is really why they need to get raids up and working and than they can make that a Pirate thing so they don't have to do conquest and can only work out of there free ports, certain ports (like kid islands should be a capital) and the ports they raided.
  2. Lothar is who built the one I captured from a brit player. I haven't seen him around in a while. Than again I only been popping in to run econ myself the last few weeks and that is it.
  3. Was going to say BLACK has two members with it. Other than that I'm not even sure who else has it. I think the Dane's has one or two folks with it, but other than that no clue. Maybe one Brit player as I have seen a few with them. I would have to log in and see the name of the one I captured from a brit player to be sure. They really need to just let the H. Rattler, Ag and L. Ocean be gather by more than a few players. That and some of the folks with the BP's have logged on in months. Which makes it even harder to get some of these ships made. I'll be honest the speed nerf made it pretty much made it not really worth running any more. It all ready had bad wind directions compared to the Connie and Ingerland and than they took it's speed down it lost the one nice thing about being able to run other ships down on good wind.
  4. They have almost all ways been on Thursday mornings maintenance when they have done them. Though they might just surprise us some day. Though I think they need to do maybe a bunch of mini updates and not drag things out for a month or two and do big updates and have most folks not want to play cause they waited so long or when the updates happen it is such a large drastic change it runs them off. Shorter time between updates mean they can do more tweekings faster with hotfix in response to the problems. Still do mile stone updates though but some of the smaller stuff could work out better doing them more like little mini patches.
  5. The main thing is they need to get the National stuff in order. Than once that is done than lets get us some cool pirate mechanics so we aren't just another nation.
  6. Any update on this cause we are getting close to the end of November.
  7. To be honest if they start lobby stuff for missiosn and such I'll just stop checking in. I think they are listening and trying to please to many folks and loosing direction. Hell there is less to do in Star Citizen and I been playing that more this week than Naval Action. Actually I been playing some old school ME mostly to get ready for next year when ME:A comes out. Going to do the family thing tomorrow and than prob will be on that eve and most of Friday just to give it a chance knowing that more folks might be on with the holidays. I'm even going to make me a crappy little privateer for the hunting.
  8. You have paid for the game. Nothing more when it's released you just download the version/patch and play.
  9. Oh I should of added in read the forums and maybe post something. I think this weekend I'm going to run the shallows just for the hell of it and go hunting. Been seeing a lot of traders in them and well if the stupid ROE actually work and keep out the AI's than I'm game for the hunting.
  10. Pop into teamspeak and lately it's been about an hour before servers all go down. Than I log into the game with my Main Piratea nd my alt Pirate. I do econ to burn the hours (do this about every 2-3 days). I see if there is any port battles and than just chat in TS until servers go down. When they do I log out and go to bed. I been playing other games lately just to do something different. I think many of us got the burned out bug and I think I have too. Hell I actually been playing WoT lately and I retired from that game like a year ago. I'll prob be on a lot this weekend since I won't be going any where for the holidays and be mostly home alone. Maybe we get that new patch with some new stuff to mess with soon. I don't mind the new crafting system. What I don't like is every wood I been doing is 99% compass wood I get on the side and not the fine wood so I'm stuck with all this wood I don't really need tons up and while I need compass wood I don't need that much of it. I been trying to level the alt char up to Rank 10 and Crafting 50 like my main, but it's hard to make ships for folks that want special orders when you can't get the fine materiel needed even if it's the common woods of Oak, Teak and Fir.
  11. To be honest this would be a good week to do it as I bet numbers for US players atleast will be up cause of holiday weekend. That and well it's pretty much end of month, but I don't see it being this week since they haven't gave any updates. So prob next week.
  12. I'm all for a delivery system like we have for goods. Cost so much to send them from port to port with no cargo, just weapons and mods and mybe medkits? It takes about the same time it takes for goods to be delivered. Though we need to remove the magic teleport after a mission too. Prize ships should be sailed back to a safe port. If your going to still allow the magic telport do it where a prize crew has to deliver it and takes so much time. hell do the same with the delivery. Each delivery takes up a small amount of your crew for that set amount of time. That way you are limited to how many ships you can have being moved around by how much extra crew you have. I think if we tie up more crew it will also make folks use less AI fleets. Cause you need to have the spare crew to get that prize back after a battle, but if they are tied up on the two ships you have with you or in deliveries than you won't have any extra crews to get the ship back to port. Than add in any you lost in the battle?
  13. I do think 20 secs is way to long. You can be half way down the cost that long and in a bad spot from when you started it. 20 secs is actually a very long time if you been in actuall fight before. 10 secs does seem like a good middle ground to go with. I don't mind the little and big circle. I actually watch how I hit ships even AI better now cuase of them. My issue is why are there so many SOL's on the OW? Those should be rare if your going have AI fleets they need to be more trader and frigate levels. So even if they get int he fight they aren't going to make the tide turn majorly. Every time I pull in an AI fleet and it's not shallow it's all ways a bunch of SOL ships that I have to get the trader fast and hope they don't get to me before I finish the board of AN AI NPC SHIP. Now lets make this a player ship. You kno they are going to go towards there AI help so it's pointless you turn away and hope for a better day and that your not going to get ganked like crazy when you leave the battle or just log out in the screen. These things are what hurting PvP in the game. That and I'm so sick of the guys that have to bring AI's every where they go and on top that they are getting AI fleet helps in there water. I don't want to remove AI fleets, but I think we need to get a bigger hit some how on them if they have them or they get no OW ai help fhtye have fleets.
  14. I think the biggest thing is they need to fix the mods thing so they are all perm any way and you can craft them either for a few slots (like three devs mention) or they are all perm when you build the ship and can't be changed. Than folks will stop freaking out about there beloved GOLD MARINES or other rare mods we can't craft. Make all mods craftable or part of the crafting of the ship and than there is no excuse. I actually like the new crafting system and them going down to maybe 2-3 levels of crafted ships. Basic that the stores have. Than have common is the normal level ship all build and than exceptional ships that take the special woods and added stuff to craft. AI fleets can have chance at getting captured all three types. This will put the ships being crafted as more the special thing about them than the mods that are installed. We are getting there but we aren't there yet.
  15. One way to do this is to have the ships for these rewards more broken down like PvE reward special Trader/Exploration ships that are more PvE nature. Than have the PvP ships more just that your combat ships. I would love to see some more traders that have more guns but less cargo and can do better escort trade work.
  16. Are do a mix so that even though you might not be the top 10 players every time, you get points and will be able to get some of those paints and redeem ables (save the BP's for 10 guys). This will allow it to equal out so not the same guys only get the rewards. Say some one goes there very time and three times a day but they get sunk a lot but still get a fair share of kills just not enough to make the top ten. They get points for effert and after so many points can turn them in. These same points can be gained in OW normal PvP but at a slower rate. Now my biggest issue is the shallwos. There are still some nations that don't have the H. Rattler and I don't care what folks say if it's in a group of good players it's going to dominate most other ships. This BP needs to be released more to other nations or the game as a whole. So it better be one of the main rewards in the shallow water so it can get spread out to more nations and players. That way you can see just what ships are winning all the time. IF the top 10 players are all ways in this ship than you know it's the meta and is OP to other ships and shouldn't be locked to just a few having the BP. PvP2 is a prime example of it as almost every us player got one now cause they have several BP"s of it and few other nations do or have active players still around with it. I rarely see any other nation in the shallows any more cause they don't want to get attacked by a swarm of Heavy Rattlers with a fleet of Heavy Rattlers and be way out number. Glad your making Fleets not be able to enter these battles. That will make it more about Player Vs Player. I don't like the fact the PvE missions are not on the OW. Those should be part of missions that you set goals for them. Makeing it an Arena type thing is going to just pull more and more folks off the actual OW and have less players out there. Again make this a point thing you add up over time and than trade in to get the goodies. Never a big fan of elite boards and leader boards cause they tend to have the same players/clans on them over and over. That and I don't want folks to know I really suck at the game and I'm not a hacker after all (sorry haven't been called one or OP Pirate in a while...lol). I think your going in the right direction and hope to see these out soon. Was hoping this patch was going to drop before the end of this week cause it's a holiday here and more folks would be free to be on. I'll be honest I only been logging in to burn my econ and nothing else cause the game kinda gotten stale at the moment. I don't evne mind the new crafting, but getting nothing but comp wood from my wood farms is really starting to piss me off.
  17. Specially when you have dedicated clan builders this way they can take orders and than move the ship to the clan dockyard and not have to be online to give that ship to who ever order it in clan. Just one of the officers can pull it and hand it out. Also handy when you give ships out to new players in the clan as they level up. Though with this they need a tracking system of who puts what and takes what out of the clan warehouse. We all ready got something that tells us when we buy and sale stuff and who buys ships from us. So it shouldn't be hard to do the same for the clan warehouse.
  18. There is way to many folks sitting on millions of gold and resources that it makes hard judging the true econnomy when you have that from old systems and econ. I hear it all the time. Oh I don't care I'll just put a buy order and out bid every one cause i have 100 million on hand or the other dreaded one. Oh I have an alt or will re-roll him to get that. FOlks need to play the game as if they don't have 20 alts (and yes I do have one alt myself). When I look at game mechanics I think of just as if I'm playing with one char and only that one char like 99% of most of the casual players will be playing after release.
  19. To be honest they should of been doing a few more wipes since EA to many folks have got attached to there pretty pixels and many of there resources and gold was gain during bad patches and econ workings in the game. Kinda can't wait for an all resources wipe which they do kinda need to do. When they go to BETA stage would be a good time to do that. With that said they prob should do something redeemable for us when they do the ship wipe. Mainly cause while some of us have meterail to build ships, it still sucks getting things moved around and built with a basic cutter lol
  20. The game is still in alpha test stage I think getting it to run smooth on another OS is something not on the top of there list and there are ways for you to load and run window games on mac's now a days. Way more easy than having to make dual boot partions like in the old days.
  21. Are do what they plan to do soon. Just wipe all ships and start over with us getting some new redeemable ships. I'm sorry we are ALPHA TESTERS in a game so all these fancy pixels shouldn't mean a thing. Even better lets just do a complete wipe and give every one packages to do things like craft new ships and such. The econ and materials are so messed up right now cause you still got folks with tons of resources they got through bad old mechanics. Hard to figure out a new crafting econ system when most of us just need the new fine stuff to pump out our 1st rates as we had stock pile every thing else to make them. No I'm not one of these guys, but they are out there. You also have folks sitting on 100 millions they have collected so they just go out and over bid some one and buy the resources they need.
  22. I still think some ships need multi dura for lower level players. If you remember how many times you sunk when you level up in that silly basic cutter it would be a pain to buy that one ship and only have it sunk before you get to the next port. I would say an easy break down would be: SOL's 1 dura, Frigates 2 dura, and light ships 3 dura. That or if you keep the current dura system than when you sink your ship and new dura level should not appear at the closes friendly port. You should show up at your capital in the ship. As if you had an extra one back there in dry dock waiting to be used if the other was lost. So that way the dura isn't abused for getting past blockaids and such. Also any capture ships should not be tel ported back at end of battle. You will need to bring that ship back as a prize ship with your crew. This will cut down on the use of AI fleets cause you will need to keep a fleet slot open to capture a ship or you will have to sink that ship to take control of the prize ship. It will also stop folks that fleet in there SOL's and than when some one shows up to PvP they use the battle screen to enter the basic undercrew ship they had in there fleet and sent there SOL's home. Also make all mods perm. If you sink you loose them. If it gets capture they go to the one that captures your ship. No more of these temp mods. This would work great with the new system where they want to lower it to only 3 temp mods. Than do so by making them more perm or the way you build the ship is more what mods get put on it and is perm from day the ship is built.
  23. Just merge the servers to a RUSSIAN site and we will all hate them more....just kidding. Just figure that would be some where odd to put it since we keep complaining about location. Though to be honest if it's central EU than maybe a more western EU server location would give more folks better times. Remember the players are from all over the world so even putting it in the US some one will have bad ping. While we are in a ALPHA TEST stage I say we might as well just merge every one including the PvE guys into one server. When we get closer to say a BETA stage than bring back the multi servers and do it properly by wiping every one so we can test things over with no resources (keeping the level and crafting). My only issue with the EU server isn't yet the ping, but all I been in back before it was mirrored and now is small battles. My issue is when my 130 ping spikes up to 400-600 for no reason randomly all the time. This means it's the server location for me and it seems a lot of others get this. Maybe it's not even the server location but who they are using? Remember a month or so back all the server issues we where having on both servers? Put that money they currently have in 3 servers into one good server and location for now. Than as the game grows or even if it takes till release than add other servers. Never understood why we had 3-4 servers in the first place. And yes I know folks keep saying they will leave. Well if they are going to leave over the server merge or even a wipe than they probably was going to leave any way. They will prob come back for patches and or game release, but you don't need 2K players to test an alpha game any way.
  24. Yah I think it's funny they always complain about us pirates being the gankers when if you count the AI it's normally the other way around 15 vs 5 instead of 5 vs 5 or even worse the one battle it was 29+ vs 10 which would of been 15 vs 5 if you remove all the AI ships. In shallow water even with the newbie ROE every one keeps two ships in there fleet. I hate fleets for the most part cause the AI is retarded at times and it can be used against them. We have fought and won a lot of fights that would be equal until you add all the AI's. They become a crutch and the player doesn't learn how to fight 1 vs 1 and they end up getting sunk any way while we are learning how to fight vs 2-3 ships to our one. The fastest way to take an AI out of a fight is just hit it with a broad side of chain to slow it down while the player is running half the time. Than by time they catch up and you sunk the player either they get surrender cause the player rages and leaves or you can just fight and sink them. It's even more funny when we tag players that escape and they are undercrew cause they left there AI's and crew back in a fight. You don't want to see how many ships we get this way cause they are undercrewed after a battle. Here is a hint...>REPAIR AND MEDKITS< folks...lol
  25. Just go there and start over you keep your rank and crafting level. It's not like they aren't going to wipe your stuff any way and why should you get to bring stuff over that you gained on a server that doesn't have the same econ and social play as the PvP servers?
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