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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Yah no problem with that, but when your sitting there waiting to see new post about the game you play and half or more are for another game it gets a bit annoying. The last Topic section really should be split or have some marker to mention which section the topic is from. Though I might have to check the game out later on some time. Yah that is where I keep seeing the topics pop up.
  2. Good points. POTBS and I hate we have to keep comparing this game to that one I think did it every 3 months and the winner was who had the most points. It wasn't just an auto reset of every thing. The ones that one got so many points for trade in and the second place and so one all got points even the looser got one point. Those items where used to trade in for other things like mods and sheep deeds. It gave you incentive to fight to the end and get the most points. Though that system was ports not regions also. I also think there should be a system that allows folks to switch to the weaker nation after that time to get more server balance, but the high pop nation can't get folks to join them to keep folks from all rushing to the wining team. As for the Capital part I can't find a confirmed answer if they did or not add it. So if they didn't or even if they did and the other nations decide they won't take that last port than you will not join there nation and total conquest will never happen. You will have a nation that is stuck in one port with no alliances. Our poor Spanish right now have lost almost all but the starter capital ports on PvP2 and the other regions they still have are all regions that don't give any crafting bonus. They are worse off compared to most other nations with only a few players. Shouldn't it be better for some one to just finish them off and make them allianged with there Nation? With that system since right now Pirates can't have alliances, if they take one Nation down to there last port and capture it will that Nation be now in an alliance with them? There are a few things that the Devs never made clear on these things that would be nice to know. I get they want us to discover some of these things out for our self, but if the for mention problem of super alliances and cease fires happen we will never be able to test these things.
  3. I been seeing way more post for that Civil War game we share the Forums with. That are it's just the same amount and our post just died lower to theres. I keep getting excited and than I click and find it's the other game...lol
  4. Not to mention seems like there is still way to many SOL"s fleets around areas like that. I'm all for some frigates or light ships but when it's all ways SOL's I won't even tag AI traders cause of to many SOL's in an area that should be more neutral by free ports. There is nothing wrong with speed ships, but what I don't like is things like being able to just poof out of a battle when your close to each other Area Control should be an auto thing for all battles. Same with the Doctor perk should be for all players. Remember there is all ways going to be some one faster than you. The only problem is when it becomes the norm and folks do nothing but run unless they out number you. I pretty much make my tank builds for PB's since most folks don't run in them (well until they start loosing) and the fast ships for OW fighting. Bring a mix of ships in your group so you have your taggers and folks to brawl once they are slowed down and caught up to. Than you don't have an issue. Nothing like watching a Fir speed built ship just get decimated when some one tanked gets beside them.
  5. My only thing is if it's paints and skins is that I should be able to get the exact same thing in game without paying for it with real money. If they do that than I'm ok with it. Even if it means a point system you trade in for such things, but it should all be able to get in game too. I don't think it should just be given to us, but worked for with missons and such. Before we get any skins and paints can we get at least clan flags first. Every dang ship looks exactly the same in the OW and we need the flags to show there too not just in battles. Though I would love clan flags so that we can tell two connies in a battle on the same team from each other cause half the time you can't tell the names cause your to close. Which they can fix that by having a better in battle zoom out when your in broadside fire mode. Oh and hell no to arena battles. They have small battles for that and if they start to do that with events than they will loose me as a customer. I don't want to be playing CoD at sea. If I do than I'll go play WoT/WoWs or something.
  6. I agree only 2 allies and really there should be some system to keep super alliances of the two biggest nations. I hate to say that after so many rotation you are forced to break that alliance. RIght no for example on PvP2 British and US are Allied and they are the two largest nations. We asked them what ya'll going to do when you crush the pirates and ahve no one else to fight. I think they pretty much want it to turn into a PvE server. In the past folks left there nation to come Pirate cause they weren't fighting us back. Even though they had way more numbers than say 15-20 guys that was doing a lot of the action. Right now most of my clan is AFK and MIA cause we got burned out fighting two nations and they are taking advantage of that. Well fine take the few regions we have and than see who you have to fight? Even if you don't capture our national capital it just means we will stop fighting too. Than even more players won't log in and the server will be even more dead. They like to point out isn't that exactly what we just did. Not exactly cause it was only 15-20 guys and they where all ways able to fill a full PB against us even if we didn't have 25. Right now we are having a hard time getting 10 players to show up to a port battle. Doesn't help that every port battle has been very early in the eve when most US players are still at work are just getting home from work. There was a reason we tried to keep all our port times to a certain later slot so the max number of players can show up for all sides to fight. This problem can be fixed if they bring in the governor port protector concept they have talked about. Sounds like PvP1 kinda having the same problem too with off hour attacks. I personnely think the server should reset it self after every say 3 months. This keeps from super powers keepign things stagmented and not pushing total conquest or fighting each other and every one doing pretty much a cease fire.
  7. I'm going to bet that you can't send any cargo with the ship. Prob stripped down and only mods, guns and maybe medkits but I would prob guess you can't even have those either. It will prob be the same as what you can put into your fleet.
  8. I think my clock is broken cause I'm pretty sure it says it's the first of December. Though since they said Tue/Wed I'm going to bet next week we might hopefully see it.
  9. You do know there are NO ISLANDS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO. Well other than those all ready in game for the most part. That is a big empty crater created maybe back in the dinosaur days when a rock feel out space and killed all of them. Well maybe that how it was created.
  10. POTBS fixed this by doing a stacking bleed. Every mod you add with that trait gets less and less of it's percentage. Like the second one gives 75%, third gives 50% and so on, but this was just for mods. They can do something like this to keep from stacking to much of certain things. 89 cm thickness just means you can't be sniping a mile a way. I looked at most first rate guns and it looks like they will all pen under 500m or even 250m except maybe the top deck guns. So if your doing a proper broad side to broadside that 89 really isn't going to mean much.
  11. I think the only good thing was the flag system told you exactly what port they where attacking or trying to. The problem we have not counting the war supply issues is that a region is big and it can take some time to hunt down that fleet that is running up the agro and some times we can't find them cause of the missions timers. Seems they got shorter or something cause they don't seem to stay open 30 mins any more. What I think they should do is have a ping on the map. Kinda like when the region is contested it flashes from one nation to the other. Well if there is agro going up near one port of a region than that port does the flash thing. So you have a better clue what area they are doing the missions at. That will stimulate more PvP. When your spending most of your time searching or moving supplies cause they are even more harder to get than your not spending time fighting. That and while I'm more speaking from PvP2 experience I feel that some nations have a balance issue. Specially when there are supper alliances that happen and no one fights each other other than one or two groups going at it. It needs more tweaking I think and I think the War Supplies need a big change. They should only allow so much turn in at a time and never can flip a port in a few hours. If I remember right POTBS had where you could only turn in so many in a set time of each type of war supplies and once that type is maxed out you couldn't turn in any more until the next block of time you can turn them in. It was split up through out the day and gave you time to counter it. The other thing is port battle times. Every battle we had with the US against the Pirates has been around 6pm CST for me. That is when I'm getting home and that is way below the old prime times we did port battles on the old system around 8-10pm CST. So they have the numbers for that time and we can't field a full team or even half a team we are going to loose every time. On the old system we where able to keep Port Battles to times we could field a team to fight back. The current port battle system actually does't help the small nations it hurts them. And I hate to say this and it will prob mean I won't play as much but they prob should just merg all three servers so there is a decent player base. Right now you had one server to give you a good test with larger numbers and one to test with low pop, but now it's getting more and more both are low pop. The people that will leave are going to leave any way cause they aren't happy. Though I do think the locatoin and provider needs to be looked at. As not every one has the same internet and the EU server has the worse ping I have had of any game when going to a EU server base from where I'm located at and it isn't even high traffic game like some of the others I play on. If they take the resources of the servers and put them for not into one good located server it would help a lot of those that play with high pings or connection issues and make the pings better all around. I know several SEA players that can't play on the EU server cause it will put there pinges way over 600 and more. I'm sorry if you guys keep saying ping doesn't matter that prob cause your not the ones having connection and packet lost issues. There is more to connections than just ones ping. I can play at 120-130 and have when I started, but that was back when they had to mirror the server cause of the high population and we don't have that now, but my EU ping is 140-160 and I now get very bad spikes of 400-600. That means where ever they have the server if it's not the same location as before there is issues crossing. I will pretty much be stuck to doing small battles and OW and left out of any Port battles are large battles with that speed. Cause I'm not going to wait 2 seconds to see where my cannons that I fired may or may not of hit. Takes the fun right out of the game. Though I'll still test the ECON and other game mechanics if there was a server merge. It's not like this is the only game I play any way.
  12. What is wrong with the Pirate Perk? Just checking cause I use it some times when I'm switching ships a lot and don't want to set Frig/Line/Light Shipmaster over and over. I really like to see the land, but if it's still giving them trouble or taking time than keep pushing that part back and put out the other content. I don't even mind content taking time, but the issue is they implemented mechanics that aren't working and pushing players away. They need to do hot fix's for those items and in a timely manor. We are here to play test things to get them to work. If they don't respond to that feed back in a timely manor than folks aren't going to want to play test the broken or bad systems and will just go do other things. That is what I'm doing. No one is out PvPing, most of my clan isn't even logging on any more. You got one nation pushing every one around. I mean where was they when we where attacking them? No where to be found but now that we aren't aggressive and active they are at our door step. People aren't playing cause there are issues with the current mechanics. Do little tweeks and let us give you feed back. Don't fix it and wait weeks or months to add it in the next patch of content. The way I see it the sooner we get National Conquest stuff worked out and going smoothly the sooner they can get onto other things. LIKE PIRATE MECHANICS. But them taking months to tweek stuff and come out with new content this game is never going to make Beta by the end of the year or even live by the end of next year. The game will get passed on by some other game that has some what same concept but better graphics and mechanics. Oh and as for bad reviews I'll keep to no review at all for now. I understand this is an EA Alpha testing and there is going to be some up and downs.
  13. Well it's end of November and no patches......guess I'm going to go back to playing some other game than. See ya'll when ever the patch comes out maybe next week or the end of next year or hell prob some time next year.
  14. Yah I believe so. I sleep a lot since than. Prob dranked a little to much too.
  15. I don't mind the multi dura system cause I remember how hard that learning curve was back in my basic cutter. I swear I prob sanked like 20 times before I won a fight (ok maybe not that many times). What I would do if we changed it would be make it like this: SOL's you get 1 dura Frigates you get 2 dura Light ships you get 3 This way there is still a little of that learning curve allowed so your not completely out of a ship when you sink. Also to keep folks from abusing the dura system when you sink and if that ship has dura on the current system or any new system you should be sent back to your Capital port for you nations. With that every player should get there NEWBIE and main NATOIN CAPITAL for free from start. Still give them the one free port from start, but they start with three pretty much instead of two. Give us 10 ports cause 8 is just annoying. To make any dura system work better they need to fix MODS. I think they might be kinda doing this with the new ship crafting system. Make them perm when you build the ship pretty much with maybe one or two temp mods (think they want to go with three?) to do a little ship tweeking. Many of the temp mods can be pretty much perm when a ship is crafted if there is more optoins to customize your ships. Ship crafting quality: Grey ships are your basic low of the low. These are what are sold in the shop. Nothing special but they have base stats. These along with any capture ships are all ways going to be 1 dura. Common ships are the first level any one can craft of a ship. These have regional bonus and adjusted by trim of the player that first craft it. Master Craft ships are ships that you need per current system 4-5 levels above the level you need to craft a common ship. These take the fine woods and extra crafting items to make and have above stats from the common ship. Exceptional/RARE ships that are one time redeemable rewards or prizes for things like PVP/PVE points earned doing missions and special events. You can only get these ships from those trade in or events. No more giving out BP's that only a few folks can have in a Nation. Give those folks a special ship. The states aren't OP above others or it's maybe an alt variant of a current ship in game. Master Craft level stats but maybe it has a different skin to it or is exactly like one ship in game but it has a different in game name to it. AI fleets you can on the Open world only get Grey and Common ships. With a rare chance that maybe there will be a named NPC in a fleet and he might be in an Master Craft ship. This gives a rare chance for some one to get one without having to craft. But it all ways keeps the NPC's ships for the most part below those of any player or that players can craft for them selves. Exceptional/Rare shisp deeds (for one redeemable ship) can maybe drop from special events/chest. This could be a good way to introduce new ships into the game that you later will release the BP's for. Remember these ships will have the same stats as a Master Craft ship of there type. When you sink cause of loosing all your dura depending the class of the ship it is gone. This will make some ships prize ships to keep for the collectors when they get them and folks will prize a capture of them. NO MORE SHIP TELEPORTATION AFTER BATTLE. With the towing mechanic and lets hope it's like the delivery system we need to stop this magic teleportation. If you capture a ship you need like Koltes said to have the crew to man it. Keep the 2 AI ship limit and this will mean that folks might not want to take 2 cause they will have to crew and take this capture ship with them back to port. You will have to put a prize crew on the ship and bring it back to a freeport or one of your nation ports to be able to keep it. This will cut the abuse of bringing a smaller under crew ship with you and than telporting your SOL back cause you some one is waiting for you out side the battle. That and gives folks a chance to get there ships back or well there nation can since the player that lost the ship was prob sent back to there capital when sunk/lost. Yes I know saling around every where sucks. But hay that is what this game is about and if you can't get back to a port with your prize than maybe you shouldn't of captured it. Give traders option to pay cargo percentage when they surrender instead of giving up there ships. POTBS had this and it would be great as it allows a more healthy game when you can just take part of a ships cargo and let the player go on it's way instead of them completely loosing all cargo and ship when they surrender. They do need to get cargo in fleets working too so you can escort your own traders in fights. Doctor Perk and Area control should be perks every one gets in game not just cause you have officer perk. Your officer should be tied to your ships. One officer per ship. The ship and it's crew gain XP to get officer perks to reflect the crew and officers expierence on that ship. New ships start out with green officers and crew. This way you can have a common ship with a better crew than some one brand new Master Craft ship and that ship might actually sail better. It will give folks a meaning to use a ship longer even if it's not the top of the line ships. Just some of the things I think would make the game better myself. Every one has there own views and I respect that and maybe some of these would get to the Devs and they will think about them. Other wise hay who cares.
  16. I know it's a small team but I kinda agree that some of the issues they could of done hot fix's for instead of waiting for the next month patch or months to fix them. I think mulit small patches are kinda better than waiting for ever for one big patch. It allows us to play test those things more so they can tweek them faster to get them more fine tuned.
  17. Would be nice if there was more source, but my take is that any region that has a rare wood like Live Oak or Bermuda Cedar shouldn't give a regional bonus for crafting in that region. That means you have to ship the wood some where else and gives folks chance to capture that trader on the open waters with the goods in them. I did just look up live oak and it is also found in Virginia to Florida and west along the Gulf Coast to Louisiana and Mexico so yah it could be found in other places. Mahogany is in Texas right now so you could pick something more south to give a reason for folks to fight over the Gulf of Mexico area more. Right now Bermuda has a regional speed bonus which would make making ships out of this really fast for an all ready fast wood. Again if you limit rare woods regions to not have any crafting bonus folks will have to ship this wood and the fine version to other places and gives other nations chance to capture there ships and get the wood for them selves. I believe a clan mate did exactly this by capturing a bunch of British traders just out side of Bermuda and they had cedar and fine cedar in there hull so he's got a nice little stock pile now. As for the fine wood I don't mind the actual crafting resources for the ships. I just don't like the way we have to get fine woods. We get so much extra common wood that we won't use them for pretty much just wood frames and can't build that many ships for the life of us. So why don't we make a new building called LUMBER YARD or SAW MILL. When you have to take those logs and you can convert them into fine woods. So say every 100 logs gets you 1 fine log. This will give you a sink for those logs and maybe a sink for some labor hours. Make it fairly cheap so that you can get some new players to convert your logs for you or even they can be in the lumber business. Compass wood on the other hand I don't mind being a small percentage drop when you harvest your woods as that is really what it is. It's not one type of wood, it's a certain curve or wood that is best used to build certain things.
  18. When PvP1 went down we all got the Bucc. When PvE went down they got LVG's (Only ship I have on PvE other than the basic cutter). I thought the gunboats was something else. Though the point is we pretty much get left out and ignored other than when we come on here and bitch about things. I honestly wouldn't leave if a merger happened until there was a bigger population to support three servers. I just wish they figure out why it's so unstable for a lot of the US players and even more so for the SEA players. I been on a lot of other games and don't have that poor of a ping on other EU or even Russian servers I tested on. But right now with the low pop across the board three servers really aren't helping at all.
  19. With the low pop right now one server does make since. I mean when we had the high pop they split the EU server up cause every one was waiting in ques to get on. Some blaamed it was cause to many US players where on it. If they where to go to one server they need to get it to a better reliable location for majority of the players. Never understood why they dropped the Pacific ocean optoin for the PvE's. They never promised a whole game for them, so this will fill that void that some want. It will also mean they don't have to spread there resources out so much like they all ready have. It's a very small Dev team and they should be working on the core things of the game for now. Later on when it moves on to BETA or even live than open up more servers for people to play on and maybe even a PvE only one. We keep forgetting we are here to test this game and give feed back. Right now the player base is so low and we aren't doing much in that part of testing the game. PvP2 and PvE all ready feels like the redheaded step childs as we get ignored all the time when they do stuff on PvP1 that we aren't included cause we don't have the Community Resource backing our servers like the larger PvP1 does. I mean honestly when was the last time any one seen a mod or even Dev (Ink when the US server was having connection issues) on PvP2 or even PvE? We don't even get mods for our own servers. Why exactly is that so? The only in game mods and forum mods are all from PvP1?
  20. On PvP2 we are so use to seeing nothing but US players and some brits using 2 AI's in ever battle so that would be nothing new.
  21. Prize crew ships would mean folks won't always have two AI ships with them too as they will be limited on how many crew they have to spare to man those extra ships. I said it from day one you shouldn't be able to teleport a captured ship. You should have to sale it back to a friendly/freeport and than you can do what you want with it. As for the ship tow thing or getting it to other ports. Make it like the delivery system so that it takes time to get from port a to b. That will stop the fast telport for a battle thing and than folks will have to plan a head of time. Remember we get a 2 day notice on port battles so if you don't have a ship moved close by that time it's your own fault.
  22. Actually I don't mind some being rare, but they should be giving out redeemable ships not BP's on those events so that they only have a ship and not the market of the BLUE PRINT. And the ship should not be a top tier or key ship for META battles set up either. SC isn't really in a spot to make big difference in port battles, but the Heavy Rattler, Ag and L. O are ships that should be in game to all. Even if you make them drop for only special things like L. Ocean you don't get until you hit level 50. Same with the other two BP's you have to get to level 50 to get or I would make it more a mile stone so that the higher rank crafters are something special. Right now level 50 is only special cause you can make gold mods. To be honest I think you should only be able to craft exceptional ships once you reach level 50. That would restrict there building a bit other than all this silly fine wood stuff.
  23. If it keeps it's current price that is only 100K that shouldn't be to hard for a group of clan mates to get back together, but to be honest I would think we would keep our clan tags and only the stuff in our clan warehouse would be cleaned out.
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  24. I did a test a few weeks a go on PvP1 (since I play on PvP2). Well I went on there with nothing but a basic cutter and no money on my second account as I made a new char. I started him out in the Newbie area instead of the capital. He is only Devil so he isn't maxed out yet. That Sunday morning withing 3-4 hours I went from a basic cutter to a captured Trader Snow. I did some trade runs in the newbie area after two missions to pay for my officer and to drop the basic cannon. I made enough money to pay for an extra out post. I went to MT and set up an out post there and than went to La Tort to set up the third out post. I ran back and forth from those two ports until I had enough to buy an LVG. I than made a few more runs and bought a Trinc. In that 3-4 hours game time I ended up with an Outpost, Trader Snow (CAP), LVG (NPC store), Trinc (NPC Store), and about 1-2 million in the bank. It's not going to be that hard and specially if you do it as a group with clan mates to get back into a bigger ship and such. Even with the basic BP's you can prob get the mats to get you into a built frigate fast and since they are changing the BP and crafting stuff later that prob won't be our max ship to build if we are level 50 crafters. Even so the largest ship you can buy from the NPC store is a Connie and that wouldn't take me long to grind up the gold for either. This is of course going off the current econ set up in game right now.
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  25. Specially on the smaller ships compare to larger. You can see the other small ships, cause it's a certain distance, but than you can't see others in the battle. While larger ships you get where you can't see the name of the ship next to you cause it only zooms out so far when your in targeting mode and you can't tell if it's friend or foe other than by the flag on the aft of the ship. I'm pretty sure there been a few miss broad sides in battle to the wrong ships cause of this.
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