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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. And so what if a few players stay to the green zones? There are plenty of others to go hunt. I don't know why folks are so hung up on what a few players do. If folks want to hunt AI in green zones than let them, those aren't the best players any way so your battles wouldn't be as fun. Seems folks just want the easy kills all the time. I don't think any one is bitching about there AKF alts getting tagged, it's the lower level folks trying to grind around the capital right now that are getting hit. Ok got a question for all you folks bitching about getting tagged by aggressive AI. Lets just assume that the only AI that will be aggressive will be AI's in a nations zone. So lets say US has some aggressive AI around it's coast or even just around the capital region. Let me give you two versions. 1. You are out hunting along the US coast line and you get tagged by a US player cause you are in there waters. 2. You are out hunting along the US coast line and you get Tagged by an Aggressive AI. What is the difference here other than one is played by AI and one is a player? NOTHING....your still in enemy waters and your getting attacked by a US ship protecting it's interest. BUT AI ARE STUPID. Have you fought some of the players in this game? I been in some fights @koltes I'm sure remember us joking, "These AI are fighting better than the US does." While doing hostility and that was back pre-wipes and bumped up AI and all this new stuff we have now. It really doesn't matter other than your ego/mentality thought that you should only fight players. No you should fight what ever is thrown at you. Guess what if you where in those same waters and returning to home port and get tagged, by a player you still won't make it back to that home port. BUT THE AI WILL WAIST MY TIME.....believe me that AI is prob a lot quicker to kill than an aggressive player that tagged you who isn't predictable so that is a weak excuse. If your in enemy waters and don't have time to fight a fight than you should of been back in port a long time or logged off in place. Oh and this is not a PvP only server, both servers are PvE by nature as that is what the core of the game is about. Most of the content is locked behind the PvE grind. Yes you can play on War server with only PvP fights if you wish. The only difference between the two servers is that on PvE (Peace) server you can play the game without other players attacking you, that is it. Pretty much every thing else core mechanics wise is the same. So if the devs want to make aggressive AI than they can. Many other MMO's you go into zones the AI will attack you, they don't just stand around and wait to be attacked. The only time yous see this is when there is a big level difference, normally lower level AI won't attack a much larger player level. They do this cause you get little to no XP from them. This game doesn't really work like that as our level doesn't matter what ships we are in from a cutter to a L'ocean.
  2. Than what the hell would ya'll spend all those DOUBLOONS on? I mean it's cheap to buy a perk rest token. How much more of an easy mode you want that server to be for you guys? PvE is always going to get things second cause the game was never promised to have PvE only and you get the hand me downs of what the main server gets. If you want more content and special treatment you need to push to get them to higher more content designers but if all the DLC and War server can't get them to do that than I highly dought your going to get you own. What is PvE's peak player numbers? Right now we have 520 on War and this is US prime time, the other day I saw over 1200 on EU prime time. PvE has 145 players on....that is nothing and you expecting them to give you attention and your own content? Might want to pump them numbers up even if it's double that in EU time of around 300. Not trying to rag on ya'll, but honestly more players would get more response to things.
  3. Yes I know and your point is? Your playing on a PVE server the devs can do what they want with PVE on both servers. No where was it promise you will have a completely peacefully life that you never will be attacked by AI. The only thing promised you is that you won't be attacked by players on that server.
  4. But a capital should not be the most dangerous port, well maybe pirates capital, but most of us want them turned into real pirates any way. New players don't know or understand why you should avoid these areas and it should not be the players place to protect them. The game should be developed to protect new players in that area. Why would you be compensated about your shipyards? If your in an area that isn't the capital any enemy player can come and kill you the same way. People from get this game is pretty much 80% PvE and on war server you have the other 20% for most players. You have to grind AI to get all the books and level up unless your one of these guys farming the capitals to get easy kills.
  5. Are have proper safe/high security zones...oh wait all the seal clubbers complained cause they couldn't sit out side a capital and kill noobs and casuals or old bad players. There was nothing wrong with the green zones we had other than they where always in favor of the attackers (crappy reinforcements, bad battle ROE). I'm with the others that think the capital green zone should just be made bigger as in big enough that folks can do there missions and hit a few stray AI in that area in peace.
  6. There is no alliances in game....so why should it matter, all nations are at war with each other.. Unless they bring the factions thing around which I would prefer so nations can help each other out in the same faction.
  7. #SOON....within the week So we will see it by the end of the month? It's been very quite lately no hotfix patch notes either would be nice to know what is getting tweaked and worked on while we wait. I mean we are a finished released game not ALPHA EA, any more. Yes it's very early but players need good freed back from the DEVS or your going to start to loose interest in many of them. I'm all for some NPC Agression and it should be all over the map like they are hunters so that you can have them show up being enemy lines, but please fix the normal AI so they aren't so tuff for causal players and your XP model is still completely broken. Along with lack of means to make crafting XP other than by making ships.....I don't want to craft ships all the time, but I would like to gain more labor hours for resources.
  8. Tell that to US every time they loose ports and I don't see you going up there White Knighting for them? And most of them keep on fighting. Loosing your main econ ports is not the end of the world, that is why you have others...OH WAIT, they where giving Poland there other 45 point port they owend....they aren't to bright I take it? Should always have a back up plan and worry about your own nation first.
  9. What they need to do is either make that list larger, say at least 20. Or better is make two list. Make a PB friends list for PB and than have a list for crafting friendly clans. You might not have all the same clans that use your ports for crafting as that might show up for a PB to defend. If your to have two list I would make the crafter list per port. So that only the clans you have on that ports list can use it. As this will help with regions where part of the nation is in that are but not in another.
  10. I wouldn't remove the nation fully, maybe make them a forced allied for a set amount of time. Meaning any one attacks them the Parent nation is effectively being attacked and they can use each others port battles/fights. After a set time you let them go back to being a nation on there own so they can counter attack and gain back ports. At this time they get all non capterable ports back and they can't be attacked. The map resets would be nice even now, but to many people bitch about ressources, even if the reset was only like once a year or twice, it's not like we can't rebuild the ports and all. One port is not crushing a nation.....unless it's the only port that nation has.
  11. I was kinda wondering about this too...it's like shouldn't they be more worried about what Russia is going to do next when they are bored with Prussia? Wait when did it destroys all investment? When WO took San Augustin from US before wipe I don't believe it destroyed any investments. I thought it was suppose to only remove one level or something like that. What I don't get is if that is there important icon port why aren't they making a back up? Instead they are giving there next best port to Poland, the most weakness nation in game...who pretty much prob won''t be helping them much at all. Instead you think they would be trying to make friends with stronger nations. Also no one other than thee three impossible nations will be one ported, we all still have the home capitals ports. You fall back, rebuild and wait for time to strike when that nation is at war with another nation and you take your ports back. Instead it seems folks mentality is "NO WE ARE DOOM LETS ALL QUIT." That is why your in the place your are right now, you don't try, just give up. Eventually the big nations will be fighting some one and that would be the time to join and get ports back, can't be all over the place after all. Also why are folks leaving important ports without timers and open to all? That just asking for the ports to be attacked. Not the smartest move...
  12. I actually read that as you signature pic, that is why I said some mod removed it, this why you don't post while half a sleep.
  13. If you do any damage to the ship you get credit for it's kill. None capture ships are auto scuttle when battle is over and all leave. This is why we get a report after the last person leaves the battle. As long as you did some damage to the ship before they surrender than you still gain points. If your having a problem with them going up wind than bring your own ships that can do the same. At least one guy can go and claim them that way.
  14. Are just don't sail close to land, They need to put leeway wind back into game....that was awesome watching every one get beached lol Though when it does happen you normally just have to wait for the wind to turn enough to push you off the shore.
  15. This got me thinking, maybe we can give the Pandora a buff like the Privater, P Frigate and LGV Refit has with moral or something to help with it's crew and odd role. The moral bonus isn't that big of a deal and not OP, this giving it a bit of help in the trade raiding and other duties. Other DLC ships kinda have buffs in there builds. LRQ large crew and special sail path no other ships really have for 6th rates. Herc is large DPS with the broad side of a much bigger ship in a small package. Ratt has all them chaser
  16. While can't remember where @admin posted it but yes he said some where that the non perm ports (What we can non capterable on War server) do give the bonus of a clan owned port with a slight higher chance to get a better quality (purple/gold) ships. I still think some sort of NPC port battles (like war has against Neutral ports) would work great on Peace server to allow clan owned ports. Than have the map reset every 3-4 months (4 would prob be best). If you want your port back you just reflip it again. As for the investments, maybe have them loose one stage, but remember if you max stuff out and it never gets wiped things get boring, so even resetting the ports back to basic wouldn't be bad. Gives you something to invest in and maybe differently than you did the time before.
  17. Some mod removed it..... Brigtown has a lot of good resources in it, which makes it a very prime target. Wonder how much they updated the port so far. If I was them I would of been making Basse-Terre there main port and making peace with the Swedes. Both being small nations could help each other. It's a game, other targets will come up and France could be ignored. I would look at your other ports and think of which are of value that you can craft out of. Remember PRE-WIpe US pumped there prime port up to max and than had it taken by exploits of getting a port behind enemy lines. Shit happens, but your putting all your cards on a prime port with a lot of great resources that is expected to be fought over. Maybe should of made peace or diplo agreements with those around you. That is why I was very much for the Faction system of 5 factions instead of 11. Than make PIrates the hard core with no capital (like Prussa, Poland and Russia). Still think that would be much better game. Than right now France could be asking US and Spain for help. They always still have there capitals waters to craft out of and like you said they can become a nation of privateers while they rebuild. Maybe even raid from a FT to get a better location to set up in. Some nations are a bit to spread out they won't be able to hold all there ports if they end up in a true war against one or two nations.
  18. And remember you have to be in a trade ship to enter said port. Easy way is to take basic cutter, capture a Trader Brig in the area when you get there. Scuttle your basic cutter. Enter port with trader brig....destroy the ship and anything in there. Leave port tag an AI or get tagged by player, get sunk and than sent back to your own ports. You can surrender as soon as the battle starts so you don't even have to fight it out. They did this cause of folks accidentally deleting ports with stuff in it and than complaining
  19. The German location is very bad for most none EU players. I get like 125-145 here in Central US (Texas). While in other EU games that have servers in the UK, France, Iceland I get around 85 ping. Back on the GLOBAL server which was on the US east coast (NJ area) I would get around 45-48. Which isn't bad at all. My issue is more the desync and lag that we get hit with some times. They really need to move the server to a more central location for all. I know they mention about doing a SEA/AU server, but really will ya'll want to be on with a bunch of Chinese and Koreans?
  20. They could always come up with something like a Morter 3rd Rate or something. Twice the Morters put on a stripped down 3rd rate chassy.
  21. What if you have a friendly nation that wants to help? They should be able to join your side and kill others if they want. That would just make it hard, it's already hard to do hostility when you got to fight up to 10 AI and up to 10 defenders. If your going to limit it, than that means no one can join the other side either and that would just kill small nations/clans of getting any help from others. By limiting the missions to clan list only it also restricts solo/clanless casuals from helping out that want to help but not do PB's or join a clan. If there is foul play in the mission it's not that hard to just screen shot and post it, I mean we get tribunals for just about every thing from some folks after all.
  22. Actually there been plenty of proof by several parties and if they want more the devs can ask for it. It wouldn't take them a few seconds to check IP logs and who they trade with to see that they are certain folks alts and have been working with each other. Maybe instead of champing for these guys ever time they do something wrong you should check you own clan. Alts aren't against the rule, but stating you are an alt and than trying to get things done for another nation is against the rules. I don't use mine to flip ports for my own clan unlike some folks in this thread. Nor do I have a long track recorder of doing shady stuff as some folks have. I'm also still on good terms with the US and playing with them when I can, but right now leveling up several chars takes time I don't have. It's one thing to be one good terms with a nation, it's another that the whole nation knows your an alt clan of the very pirates that constantly troll and attack your ports/nation. If the missions are restricted to only friendly clans of the regional capital owner than there is no need to change the missions.
  23. There is a rule about being known alts/spys. I think the whole MAGIC clan needs to be chat banned in the US chats, we all know they are and they have admited very openly to being alts of VCO clan members. Actually there is your alt in the pictures above, who was getting UWS missions? So in same words your just as guilty of using alts as they are of getting sunk by AI.....which either is not against the rule. Right @Christendom?
  24. Agreed upon Green on Green is not against the rules nor getting sunk. Now if they went in with alts and got the alts sunk with there mains that would be against the rules. Being stupid isn't against the rules either. If they had just killed the AI in this one since UWS was doing so too, all that agro would of went towards WIE Master Blaster or US as a nation. If WIE got more agro than say a MAGIC char popping in missions with a Basic cutter and not sinking any thing. All that agro would of gone to the leading clan by what I understand the new agro rules for hostility are. They could of made enough agro to out flip MAGIC and put the port into another clans name simply by showing up and fighting the same battles. Per Patch Notes 32: Changed the hostility missions point attribution. Any kills for attacker only count to the mission taker clan (clan attacking the port). Any kills on the defensive side only counts to the port owner. So if they had all just piled into that one mission to cap out 10 ships they prob would of with UWS help got more agro and put the port in WIE's name.
  25. and these guys repeatedly complain about the guys that RP in the US nation. Which other than maybe Drax who doesn't play any more I'm not sure what they think RP is. Doing political mettings between clans to have some organization isn't RPing. Having hand puppets and pretending your alts are asking you help is a little bit of RP. Hell just watch some of the stuff they say in US chat. It's funny as hell how they play it all off, all the while being some of the biggest RPers in game....lol
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