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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. But could the time be moved back to where it was, I think it was 2-3 hour early than now (5am CST for meas it use to be around 1-2am). Right now your server down time is right in the smack of Auss/SEA players prime time. I understand why it was moved to be close to your work hours in case something went wrong, but for a GLOBAL server it's in a bad time for one of your regions of players that stopped playing cause of it.
  2. That some old school PvP2 shit....I think I might still been in US as Duncan wasn't even in BLACK yet in that clip. Got to say in the prime days I loved all the battles we had out number as BLACK on PvP2 US/GLOBAL. 15-20 guys fighting off all the GB/US on the server. Even if most of them started with half us argueing about what we where going to do, than as soon as the battles starts Simon having to go AFK most of the battle to give his kid a bath. Than returns to jump in the fight as if nothing was happing. The other team having no clue why his first rate was just sitting there.....and half our team being alts we duel boxed lol. Though I still say the Willimington Port battle which was the first one I ever was PB commander and we went in with 13 at start and expected to loose. US even got 996 points or something like that before we flipped it around, is prob my all time seat on the edge fight. Sent my Alt Dead In The Red right up the middle in a fire ship that took out there fire ships and started the whole ball of mess of a fight. It's the cruel reason why when I returned to US I made that port our clans warehouse location....lol
  3. 800 honestly was the sweet spot with just right amount to keep folks busy. I don't think folks remember when it was around 1K+....the lag, the wait time to log in, the ganks while in your cutter. You couldn't pisss off the side of your ship without half a dozen or so ships ganking you back than. I hated it so went to the Us server where it had a smaller pop.
  4. I got a feeling the are going to prob officially announce it at the end of the month with this comment. 971 War 241 Peace....and with that I'm going to bed. Try not to burn down the game before I get back up in a few hours.
  5. 902 is the highest I seen it so far, but it could of spiked up while I was doing the exam.
  6. Got past it on another alt and doing the Dustruction Exam and got it down to just two slivers of armor and about 3-4 structure and suddenly say's BATTLE OVER and kicks me. Get back to docs and the Destruction Exam isn't clicked off done. I have to redo it again. I did an F11 on that char to while on docks. I'm going to atemp it a second time and see if it kicks me there too. I wasn't planing to try to level up all 5 of my chars, just was goign to pick on and play that one for a while....I'm going to need some sleep so after this attempt I'm heading to bed for a few hours. I just know if it's buggy for me than it might be for others and that is frustrating. The only thing I did different in the other mission with the second char is I did not send the fleet ship away. I'm wondering if that might of done it. When I get up I'll try it again on that char and not send the fleet ship away. Maybe it caused some error by doing that.
  7. Well other than CKA putting 22% on Pedro Cay the good news is no one else has flipped a port yet...lol
  8. Ok I done this twice and both times when you repair the Trader Snow it only shows 3% complete and it never registers me as in the circle even though I been sitting in the center of it for 12 mins. I F11 it and figure I'll just log that char out and try with another. Really how are we suppose to level up fast if your tutorials are still breaking on folks. I'm not going to keep trying it until it works cause that is a waist of my time. Going to log in another alt and try it once, will report back. Kinda pissed cause I should been done with the final exam right now but stuck on this one part cause your game won't update the mission and after doing it over twice same result at the same point.
  9. Can we get a patch notes released before servers are back up to give us something to read and expect when we log in? Bah it's all about tutorial and getting into the other ships.
  10. Friday or as I prefer to say #SOON NOOOOO I didn't use up all my doubloons and marks on books yet.......
  11. After 6 months play we would have so much resources stocked up a map reset wouldn't be an issue, it would just remove dead clans with lots of money from owning ports or allow for new ownership of some regions as new folks can get them first.
  12. Using the Poland issue of lack of players. The alliance system Admin posted would have them in a faction with Prussian. So those 10 players could work with the Prussians and maybe get something done. Yah the problem with nations having small pop is more a problem of to many nations. Again it's taking 11 nations and turning them into 5 factions. That means a lot of those small nations would be combined with bigger ones that can join each others fights and PB's. So folks can still fly there fav flags and not have to join one of those nations. The other options has been to drop all but Spain, France, GB, Pirates, Dutch (thats 5 nations) sicne those are the 5 top nations that actually had navies and an influence during this time period. US kinda could be added but they where mainly added cause of 50% of the sales was to the North American area. POTBS only had Spain, France, GB and Pirates for a reason. To many nations is bad. They had troops in cuba though, so they must have a Nation.
  13. If nation a has only 10 active players, Nation b has 5 and Nation C has 15 of a faction you now have 30 players that can work together and help each other out in port battles. before Nation C would maybe be able to do small ports, but Nation b would of been screwed out of RvR. More players to work together means bigger team and more chance to get folks to organize things and means more battles. Your always going to have an issue with folks wanting to work together and get organize, but with more players on the same team (several nations in one faction) you get a better chance of getting a team built up to go fight. Maybe that guy that can get them more organized might be in one of those other nations in that faction.
  14. The problem with a set goal is a nation doesn't have to win that goal, they can just sit at 49% and keep the map the same. That is why POTBS had a timer too. Map was reset when you won the map or after a certain time (3-4 months). You keep all resources and buildings, you just had to recapture your port to use them again if they where your nations ports in the first place. The ports reset back to historical map, so we could actually do this on PVE and only fight AI to test it and than reset the map every 4 months. You keep all your resources so getting the port back and the port bonus aren't that hard most of us did it in a week or two on PvP with stock piled resources. With factions weak nations can be supported by a stranger nation in there faction and help each other out. Now that we have forge papers if you don't like the faction your in just go to something else. Since it's historically set factions the history nuts should be happy. I honestly think it would do better for the game than what we have now with 11 nations and hardly any one fighting each other other than back and forth one or two nations in each main time zones.
  15. Uh we never tested forced alliances, we had a voted system that got very stale on both servers with the East vs West on EU and than GB/US/DUTCH vs PIrates and every one else. The new alliance system would only make it 5 factions you can play and fight against instead of 11. We have way to many nations right now and way to little players so doing a smaller number of factions would mean more players per team to fight against each other. We also didn't have forge papers back than, the only way to switch nations was to delete your char and start over for the most part. Now if you don't like the alliance you can just change nations.
  16. It took most of the big nations what a week or two to get the points to mostly 4's. If you did a map reset (not resources and ships) once in a blue moon it would keep the game from getting boring. Evently both servers got like this where no one attacked each other and you had dead clans holding ports but caue of timers and stock pile coin they did't loose the ports. Any important clans/ports would have stock piles to just flip there port right after reeset and reset things. I would love a proper tax system, where the sub region ports paid half there tax's to the capital port to help fund it. Give clans a tax to there members. More options for port owner ship and trade within nation so if I can take a port but want to give it to a smaller or bigger clan I can without dropping it.
  17. I see this more as a thread to let every one know what clans are going back to what nations or staying put. I know a few guys with me are actually looking for a new nation to do something different but haven't decided yet.
  18. subscriptions are so out dated, they would loose players for sure with that. Honestly it's going to turn F2P eventually with them doing more DLC to buy I bet. Just like POTBS went that route.
  19. The problem with the skins is that we have the same paints we had befroe the last wipe they took out of the game. They said they would add more in 30 days or something and now here we are what 3 months later and they haven't been added. We know they are in game cause they are in API files and the whole point of DLCs is to pay for more skins, flags and ships. I put in over 500 dollars into this game between DLC/ALTs and every time we are told something it seems to change so a lot of folks tend to be real negative. Maybe they will do a release of more content after the release of the game. Hope the money from new sales of game and DLC will keep them adding such things.
  20. Each nation should have a couple active mods in diffrent time zones to be honest. That was one thing that bother me on GLOBAL. We never saw mods for over a year. It wasn't until the wipe came that we got a few but even than they where in only three nations and once of those three wasn't very active at all for the most part, the other two well that was Het and Iraquies and they soon went AFK/MIA or back to EU server.
  21. And this is why other games I modded on your moderator was a separate account so that you aren't gaming with folks and they see you as being favorites. That and I'll honestly say I found it was easier to be a mod when I wasn't part of the clans/guilds that where active in the games. Other times I was only part of the faction I was in and had no powers over other factions moderations (Unless it was some major offence). This is why I don't think I would ever apply for a mod position again. Than again I was offered them in the first place which tend to be the best mods. Though community reps is a different thing that could come from each nation and are known as the main helpers slash reps with the Devs team. I would also advice if a mod is not active like a few we had in the past....they should be removed from the position. We had a few mods that I haven't seen active in game in ages or took very long breaks and should I dare say refused to do there job when in game.
  22. I would love to see a Le Requin trade ship trim and also maybe more beefed up Indaman Refit (something like the LGV refit). I never thought about another bigger trade ship between the Brig and the LGV, but if we had a Requin Trader that would work out great. On a side note there for a while I actually was doing a lot of hulling with my SOL's cause of there cargo size when moving stuff around. Hell as much as I hate to buy more DLC, a Trade Ship DLC would prob sale like crazy. Speaking of the LGV Refit, did they ever get a way other than some drop in loot box's of how to get the ship? I had several I bought back when we got them with PvP marks, but never noticed a way to get them with recent patch changes.
  23. Thanks, it was the old company I got laid off from back in 2015 that gave me so much free time in this game. It's almost like this timing was meant to be. 1-2 weeks off to play on release and than back to the grind where I'll prob hardly be on....lol Devs a pre-patch note might be nice cause a lot of us are wondering about the Alliance system and some other things.
  24. Well good thing about being let go from work Friday is I have this week off for sure. I’ll prob be starting better new job next week or the one after (waiting on paper work to clear) so we know where I’ll be most of this weekend. I was kinda hopping for a bit early release but Thur-Friday works for me.
  25. As soon as you get to Shroud Cay do the endurance test and it will bounce you to Lt Com and give you plenty of repairs. Also final exam still gives a Herc note along with other goodies and the Master Com rank.
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