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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I can think of a few reasons. My Russian clan that we had at the merger still has one player in it, if he never logs in I can't use that clan name ever. Also there might be clan leaders that just might not return but the rest of the clan wants to continue on with that clan tag. Than you have clans like ROVER couldn't use there clan tag on EU for a long time (they used a zero instead of O) cause I had it on my SOLO pirate I play on EU while I was main on GLOBAL. We made a trade so I got it over on global and they got the tag proper. If you actual go look at the clan tags there are hundreds not being used or active filling up the list too. It really needs to be wiped, but I suggested doing a token for clan leaders for the first week or two, if the token isn't used those clans are wiped. Sorry if your not back in the first 2 weeks your shouldn't get your old clan back if some one else wants it.
  2. What about the Faction alliance thing? are ya'll going to do that or not? Cause that would help folks now what nation they might want to switch too?
  3. I was just thinking this, cause I'll be honest I wouldn't mind getting my ROVER tag back as I had it before ROVER did and actually traded it on EU for it on Global as I was using it for a solo pirate on EU since beginning, but honestly they have more use for it. The other issue we have is dead clan leaders that aren't active taking up clan names. How about this. Make a token that all clan leaders get upon release. If they don't use it in 2 weeks (15 days) that clan name is removed from the list and any one can use it. I figured if they are going to return it will be during that first week or two.
  4. They been seperated from your steam account since the last big wipe. Though I would suggest since they are going to be two seperate servers that they should allow for them to be merge again. Just make the xp and stuff redeemable on Peace. Than from that point on the xp you gain on one is shared on the other or something like that. That way is some one wants level up on peace they can. than go to war and do some PvP. I honestly don't plan to level up all 5 chars on WAR, just giong to pick on and do some solo PvP play as I'm pretty much burned out with this game and some many better options are coming out the end of the year and next year. you don't have to fight them, just mama duck them away from the circles while some one else caps the circles.
  5. You apparently wasn't on the day that the ports where wipped. The last port battle was set by 3pm CST for us in the US by the Russians. They had pretty much gobble up most of those freeports ports your speaking of before the EU's even was able to get home from work. The only reason the US Nation got a good start early is they have a bunch of old retired guys, night shift workers and a few EU players that jump on the coast to flip the ports (which still pissed a lot of players off to have ports taken by expliots after that hard work). EU Pirates had took the ports around Mort so that the US prime time Pirates couldn't flip any ports for there own. It's not exactly fair to have one or two time zones allowed to grab all the best ports straight after server down time when most folks are at work. That is why we are mentioning a weekend release as that would be a morning and we can be online too and not at work/school.
  6. I brought this up to Admin before cause of all the dead clans and players that should be wiped clean for new fresh players. That and it's annoying as hell to go through all the clans list when trying to add friendly clans when most of them are just as you said, "DEAD CLANS." Can we have an option to have our War chars Transfer to Peace server than if we so wished? Some of us hardly touched that server but think it would be only fair that if they get to keep there stuff we should have a transfer option to do the same. Since every thing else is being wiped on War.
  7. Good to see clans spreading out to other nations that need it. I'm still waiting to see the allaince system is going to be put in game or not (5 factions instead of 11 is better). I'm pretty sure I'll be moving out of US as my main nation upon release, but haven't decided where we plan to move to. Though I have to admit I have never played Dutch (or poland) in game every. Though Swede does have a nice looking flag too along with Danes. Best of luck to you guys.
  8. I brought up going back to attaching your player info to steam again and having xp shared across the War and Peace server. That way if you wan to learn and level up in peace you can, or if you want to play hard core PvP style than you can play on the war server. All other things are dependennt upon the serve, but your rank XP is shared. I would even go to say crafting is not shared since it would be easy mode to level up crafting on Peace serve to use on War server. Just have the Rank xp shared between servers. Cause lets be honest no one wants to level up multi times other than for alts.....though this would also means upon release War and Peace server both got wiped.
  9. It says update cause they posted the other day we where getting a hotfix to buff battle rewards and some other changes.
  10. What part of example you didn’t get. He wasn’t stating exact numbers for that ship. It’s a buff not a nerf. Also should wait for the patch before you complain that it’s a nerf. Should be the hotfix today though
  11. And they better do it right this time. Every thing except what they promise us should be wiped. CHARNAMES, CLANS, ETC......... Last wiped they did they didn't do this and it didn't make a very effecctive test cause many folks just stuck where they where instead of moving to regional servers. Also we have some very dead clans and players that are taking up names and clan tags that others could use. So a nice post of what to expect would be great a head of time and please make sure it's a true wipe and not just of all our mats/resource and levels.
  12. It's not often but I got to agree with KoC on this one, you shouldn't be expecting to solo a 3rd rate specially if your solo in enemy waters. Solo hunting is normally done in something small and fast that can get away from most war ships.
  13. If the default builds are suppose to be Oak/Oak or Oak/Crew Space than I think that is what it should be set to and I think that is what most things need to be balanced off of. Though honestly how hard is it to just change the wood to what you want? If your getting to click happy might be a good advice to slow down...?
  14. Unless we get over 1k people playing there is no reason for other servers. Let’s see how many return first. Though I do think it needs to be put I. A more bterrr location for the majority of the players and down time made so SEA players can play during there prime time.
  15. They mention something like a raid system to be used against PvE ports that will only allow you to own the port temp and than it falls back. That isn't any time soon. They are manly working to the PVP server ready for going live which is why ya'll get scraps of code from that. I would't really see any big changes to PvE until after rlease awhen they can go and tweak it. So basicly no one knowns untilthe patch with thenotes say other wise happaanes.
  16. There is no wood type option cause you are getting a copy of that exact ship you fought. If you fought a Cagurian/Sabuco ship you get that wood type. I assume they do the note thing cause other wise AI has totally diffrent stats they use when fighting us.
  17. The stats are subject to change but I’m sure some one can post them up
  18. It's been 30% also for a long time. I think this has something to do with how the two main mods give flat numbers instead of percentage. Add those to the total and than check your percentage. Pretty much an LO/WO ship with 4 hull should be maxed out thickness if we are going off the 30% rule but we found we can add the mods too.
  19. They do go towards you caps. Some one might be able to give you a list of each level, but remember these are subject to change in the next patch or two with balance. I could prob do a quick list for you but sadly I'm stuck rebuilding the main computer this morning. Cross my fingers and hope it was only the mother board that crashed. Turning Speed - 25% Sail HP - 30% Armor HP - 30% Hull thickness - 30% Gun Reload - 30% Gun dispersion (both horizontal and vertical) - 40% Speed - 15.5 knots
  20. I get an error every time I do the @ Feature as in trying to tag some one name, haven't been able to tag names for 2 weeks now.
  21. What was your build and port bonus of your L’Ocean? AI should not be scaled to maxed out buffed ships. They should be scaled to oak/oak builds. Unless said AI is an Elite than they should be scaled against a stronger elite build ship. Im going to bet that wasn’t some average built L’Ocean you where using.
  22. NOOOOOo.....they should remain random at OW so they can't be just farmed by missions. It's all ready a pain to fill most of those missions with only 10 slots. Just leave the hunt and destroys to generic ship/class types.
  23. If your in Clan A and I'm in clan B, but we are both in the same nation we can't fight each other. All it's doing is making 5 Faction like we had early one instead of 11. The only differences to allow us to fly different flags we have sub factions within each major factions. IF you want to kill France and your US. Than go join one of the other nations that isn't in that faction. Yes you will still have some die hard playes that only want to play the faction of there heritage RL but they really aren't the majority of the players. I have played every nation except Poland and Dutch, if you don't like the one your in just change factions that's what we have forge papers for after all.
  24. They should give a flat xp so if you do the exam later after all ready tanking up it just adds that much xp. Right now if you are all ready Lt .Com or Master Com or above you just get the rewards no xp.
  25. Interesting thing is seeing how much do my chars had. Out of 4 Rear Admirals and one Commodore (he was half way to RA). I know have one Admiral, 2 Vice Admirals, a Rear Admiral and the Commodore. Can we bring back XP for crafted ships? At the new ranks dedicated crafters that don’t fight much are going to be slow to rank up. I still think sailing XP also needs to got to the ship knowledge slots too.
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