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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Sounds like you want every thing given to you. Sorry life isn't like that. A year and half a go we all had 100's of ships and stacks of stacks of resources on hand too so it was nothing to flood the market. We are what one month into release and every one is still building up. I gave a solution sorry you didn't like it, maybe next time buy and stock up when the port fills up. On the first day of release I didn't even open my ships in the capital. I went to the nearest port collected up a bunch of cannons and than moved them to where I wanted to set up shop.
  2. Right now crafting for there clans/nations not every random blow hard out there. That is what the crafters are doing, with limited labor hours and levels right now folks don't care about dragging cannons half way across the map. Hint the reason why when some one does they over price them big time. Maybe we don't need every port in the Bahamas to be Pirate or Russians? Also Russians has some ports open to all, would be smart to go check those ports for cannons if Shroud Cay is empty. Back in US when we held Marsh I keep that thing stocked full of H Rattlers and cannons. The US never had a shortage of it, it's not our fault other nations don't do the same. Maybe get organized, take a port in that area and stock up your own supplies?
  3. Supply and demand, don't like the prices than make your own....now there is a thought why does OP just make his own and than he won't have this issue. Really folks ya'll act like we don't have some crafting system in game. Though I would prob try to do so from a port other than Shroud unless your one of the nations that don't have any ports in that area....hmmm which could be fixed with a little RvR......
  4. Actually the Knock Nevis is a Norwegian ship so why would the US Navy us it as a Flag ship? The US Navy actually has two flag ships. The USS Mount Whitney (6th Fleet/Atlantic) and USS Blue Ridge (7th Fleet/Pacific). Command ships make better fleet flag ships than the biggest war ships or Carriers cause they are adapted for the roll of commanding a fleet. Both ships are Amphibious command ships. Though one of the honours we had back when I was in was being able to carry the Naval Jack (don't tread on me flag) if your the oldest active duty ship. USS Independence (CV 62) got that honor which normally goes towards tender/supply ships, USS BLUE RIDGE currently has that honor as the oldest ship. So really your not comparing things right. They could have had a SOL and still had the Conny as it's flag ships. In fact the fleet flag ship changes when ever the admiral of the fleet moves ships. When he was on board our carrier we where the 7th fleet flag ship. Though I do think both the USS Connie and USS United States should remain 4th rates. They can be given high armor, hp and BR for all I care, but they should be treated as 4th rates. They are under gun compared to the other 3rd rates. What we need is for the devs to finish those 3rd rates we voted on (I believe two of the ships where third rates) and add some more 4th rates. We should have mostly 4/3 in game as that was most of the Navy's main battle ships and fleets.
  5. If it's stuck shooting double ball all the time I bet you it could. I was in a fight pre-this last patch Essex with 32's vs a mission Essex's and I would take a tick off him and he would take a tick and half off me, meds/longs can't do that much damage unless it's double balls and he did it from a good 250m+ broad side while I have to get up close to him to hit him. I took a few days off grinding so will try them again and see, but before this patch and before release there was an issue with the reload and damage from normal ships. We couldn't bring in Teak/Wo 1st rates in hostility missions cause they where getting out DP's by AI first rates even with maxed out 30% reload (I had floating battery). The only way to fight them was Lo/Wo ships and max out HP's. The balance was not against Oak/Oak ships like you keep saying is the norm. I'll be going out tonight with an Ingermanland and see if it's improved, which if it has than good. Elite ships I expect to be hard fight so don't change those at all, though some of the loot needs fix. Why am I getting 5-6 cannons when the ship decks take 10-12? It should match the number that most ships that type carry on a deck? ALso why are the woods so random and every one I talked to gotten very bad combo's they would never us...like oak/cedar or fir/wo and stuff like that. PS: since wipe I beat the final three times and all on first tries, before wipe I done them about a half dozen times, so don't say we can't beat it and making up rumors....kinda like the rumors AI got caught firing double balls on carrors? PSS: OH where is the paints promised, it's been 4 months now?
  6. I mean what could be worse? F2P?
  7. I don't mind the note drops, but they need to be better woods combos, we been getting some really crappy wood combos that don't match the ships we fought. Why did you get shabby and if so does this mean we can get the other OW ship traits too with these notes? That is cool except the shabby part, that needs to be removed from the tables. The other thing is the cannons as you pointed out only dropped 10. So far I only seen like 6 of each types droppeed, no where to fill atlest one deck on a ship, the number needs to be more like twice what they drop now.
  8. I normally x3 any dates they give, but that was EA and pre-release. Would be nice if they could give an update on this and why has it been 4-5 months and no new paints as promised? @admin any info on this topic would be nice.
  9. I think the whole thing is you should have the handbook if you want it to hit decently. As for the MB I'm about to do the tutorial for my third Dutch char I'm just going to use to get labor contracts off him, but i think I''ll lest him up as a Mortar Brig captian (this char tends to be a hauler char for me in the future with fleet slots and nothing else but mortar brig perk). I'll have to test it out. Fastest way I always found to level them up was just do a port battle and that normall gets you enough, or get some one to board an AI while you shoot at it and sink it.
  10. I really think guys aren't even trying to trade. Every time I have an empty hull I put something in it. Back in the day you got maybe 100-1K profit from this. So far I made 50% off anything I bought and brought back to a capital region. This is side money cause I do make more on a normal run with dilivery but that is cause I stack them into two indmans. Now lets say I do this with trade goods. I put the same goods in the trade ships only, I still can make 40-50K a run from a port or two away if I feel like it. Way more than than that if I take it far away. Trade goods aren't worthless, folks just expect bigger profits. This example was me just moving cocounts, maize and beans from one port to another that is only a port or two away. It's not the large profits items and it wasn't me taking them a long distance either but I was still making profits off them. Just old school rule of thumb, never go with an empty load.
  11. Lets not go backwards to old carfting system. Even than that is still some folks might just want to craft cannons, resources or repairs/mods and they should get credit for that. Just make it where you only get credit for every 100 reparis you do instead of ever 1 for 1. Mods only give you 10-100 xp cause we don't sit there crafting thousands at a time. Cannons I would make them 1 for 1xp wise.
  12. Maybe have it a vote system, need 5 clans to vote on it to happen and a flag is pulled to outs the clan and it's an internal fight/PB. Those aren't the only ports they won and isn't the problem ports, those can be taken care of, another can't be cause of it's location.....and you still have to take the capital of that region first before you can take the sub region ports so you have to have a 3rd party nation to do it. That chaos might just be beautifully, but think it needs to be a nation thing not one or two clans. It's been suggested to make them more like Privateers, cause what is a pirate? A privateer without a job or most privateers where thought of as pirates by the other nations. Than you can still have the outlaws would be a pirate that doesn't have contract with a clan/nation. Make it like mercs in Mechwarrior online they can be hired by nations to work for them a month at a time. While working they can join pb and such or do like you say flip ports that go back to neutral when they are done. There is so much they could do to the Pirates nation to make them better and special. And some one isn't reading, they aren't alts as far as we can tell, just guys not working with the nations best interest by leaving ports open to all. It should be a multi clan vote thing so you don't have one rich big clan being a bully. Make it where each clan has to turn in 10-20K Doubloons. 5 clans are needed for a sub-region port, maybe 10 clans for a Capital region. If this is done than they have the PB set in the ports timer or when they want it if there is no timer. The clan to own the port if they win is the clan that started the mission (first to pay 10-20K or make it 25-50K to start). If the attack clans loose than they can't pull this for a set time, make it a good week or two cool down so they can't just keep fighting over a port over and over. Also if they loose the defending clan gets the doubloons paid into the attack.
  13. I check pirate US and Dutch and there is nothing different. The Russian translate of the patch notes says Admiralty Range. So not sure what it means.
  14. The last part was what was hotfixed early in the week (last week) so it was removed. You only get XP for crafting ships that is it. Nothing else.
  15. I'm looking and not seeing any ships added to the Admiralty shop so far, but havne't logged all chars in yet. Russian patch notes translate to Admiralty range, so mybe it's not the shop.
  16. It's been what 4 months later and still no new paints that was promised 30 days from when it was released...lol Yah @admin what about paints and the three ships that where suppose to be worked on? Where has our DLC money been going to?
  17. We need another way to earn XP for crafting, not every one wants to build ships. Though folks want more than level one labor hours, shipyards aren't cheap either. Maybe change it where you make 1xp every 100 or 1000 repair you make instead of 1 for 1. The same for cannons, we should be getting XP for them too. Along with any mods we craft. You could even bring back xp for others using your crafted ships. This will give your dedicated crafters and traders a way to earn XP other than just the AI grind. Sailing XP should go to any ships, but defiantly trade ships. Since your not really goign out and doing combat with these. Really hard to do them as the 5th rates AI will eat the LVG up, most 6th rates will do the same for the Trader Brig/Snow. I did find that the Indianman actually tanks pretty good as it has the most HP's other than the Trinc for 5th rates and once you open up a slot toss some marines on there. Though I found the broad side in baording is useless, use muskets instead.
  18. Ok lets just put it this way before the wipe I had over 120 ships (remind you that is 5 accounts. About a dozen of those ships was first rates. Lets not even get into how many 1st rates @Jdshots had saved up from when we where in clan together (old BLACK mentality that every one should always have a 1st rate ready to go and there was no excuse). With the DLC you get 15 slots....so the only way I can see them doing something is as a DLC other wise it's going to be like 5 slots. You want more than buy the CLAN DLC....lol And as stated it's suppose to be a reserve spot not a whole dock space to hold tons of ships. Other wise you will have some clans major unbalanced by having tons of ships in storage ready to go, something we can all ready do with alts any way. You know that is actually against steam policy by the way. Only one person is suppose to use a steam account or family. Not that any of us plan to report any one for such, but it's the one way steam will step in on alt accounts. Yep not eveyone is running around with half a dozen or more alts. 5-10 slots would be simple for a clan to have a few spare ships or back ups where you can get to them at any time to hand out. Other wise every one would just make a solo clan and stuff there ships in the docks instead of buying the DLC?
  19. Yah a better fix would of been to instead of giving 1xp per crafted rum, give 1xp per 100 or something like that.
  20. Mods can combine this with mine I made last week.
  21. Even 5 slots would work. The biggest pain is being online when others are when you built them ships and you might have oppisite hours. Than you just store the ship and another officer can pull it out for the person or you can have a few on stand by. 5-10 max anything bigger would be bad for the game. That are make it so you can make a note of that one wood type would also work and you can than store the notes.
  22. Map resets would just mean ports go back to neutral why would you loose all your goods? This would allow for some ports that are held by dead clans or alts to be flipped by active players. Any nation/clan that has active stuff set up will jsut flip there port back and keep there buidlings. Why would you loose your stuff. Most clans would have stock piles of stuff before there was any resets. All it would do is wipe out inactive clans/dead clans or alt clans where main clans can flip ports and shift things around. Main hubs will prob stay the same but front lines could be shifted as folks aren't sitting around grinding up mats and levels, while others are grabbing empty ports. Not talking of a reset, but I bet you eventually when most of the game has ranks and ships your going to see a lot more fights than we see now. It's only the guys that have no life who are power grinding that are being the most aggressive and doing attacks right now. Most of the game isn't into 4th rates yet for the most part.
  23. That why the server and players need to work on making alliances where they keep one nation from bullying a bunch of small nations. Lets take Russian for a example right now if they become the big guy on the block than other big nations or small ones need to work together and take them down a notch or two. If they get attack by 10 out of the 11 nations or even half 5 at once they won't be able to fill all those port battles and will loose ports. That is how small nations can get ports back, but no one ever does that. They seem to run and hide or join the wining team instead of trying to fight back. I actually came up with a suggestion like this a while back. If we brought back the vote system than it would have to have a limit that big nations can't have alliances with each other. Global had a big problem where the two largest nations was always in alliance so only folks they had to fight was dead/small nations and the pirates. There is something wrong when 75% of the population is in an alliance. The best way to limit this is make it where the large nations are constantly at war with each other. The only alliance they can make is with small nations or allow small nations to make there own alliance. I still think the forced alliance system would be better, but if we had any other type (like the old) it has to have that restriction.
  24. Never have it a physical item to encourage players to join one faction over others. What POTBS did was gave loosing faction a boost to XP/credits every time the map reset. We made sure that the other big nation (GB on Roberts) was never the bottom nation (normally France) so they wouldn't get that boost. The wininng nation got a reward but didn't get any xp/credit boost. Mechwarrior online had a system for merc companies to encourage joining smaller factions. You can measly see the factions % and depending how big the faction was you either took a -20% hit to xp/credits for big factions or gained 20% bonus for small factions. We could do something like that to encourage folks to be in smaller factions. Though it would prob just main folks would put alts in them just to level up. I actually like this system better than something that might effect in game prices on things like permits and buildings and such.
  25. I actually have chars on both servers so I very much know what it's like and I would love to see more content, but every time we suggest better content that would bring more players a few die hard PvE guys cry they can't keep it there easy have every thing way. Instead of thinking of them selves they should be coming up with means to encourage more players to come play on that server. We aren't even in EU prime time and we have what 715 one War and 198. So we are still seeing only about 10-20% on PvE while 80-90% of the players are on War server. Why would a small dev team take time to work only on a server that has a small amount of there player base when they never promised a PvE only server in the first place. The game wasn't about that, but cause they are kind to a few players in Sea Trials they gave a server that has since under-performed on players more than any of the other servers than have been shut down. Just be lucky you have a server in the first place. Instead of trying to make things easier and easier for you, cause that is all that this does and make it difficult for the Devs as it seems the OP wants them to code complete different rules on Peace than War to make his life easier, we should be looking at content that would make both servers better and I'm still talking about PvE content. This is the same person wanting to get paid for for if they bring Agrresive AI in cause he has his outpost in a non national port (which I don't think is good, they should keep the ports locked to nations but allow ya'll to flip them against AI). The game is called Naval Action your going have to fight some time, it's not called Naval Trade.....where you never fight and just trade. If you pick to use all 10 points to load up your trade ships than that is your fault, it's only what 200 doubloons to reset them? I'm sure most of ya'll are drowning in Doubloons over there.
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