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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Honestly the best thing would be to make it you can't tag or join battles while boosted. Level three is not suppose to be cheap for a reason. Plan a head and save some. That is what we have been doing as a clan in case we loose our main crafting port and we are a very small clan in Dutch. Well no offence to @koltes, but he is Russian so yah prob some bias there. Though normally I seen them go at each other too. This right here......
  2. Nah all ships get to use it, but as I'll put below you shouldn't be able to tag while boosted or join battles. While boosted you should not be able to tag or join battles. That will solve the issues I keep seing folks bring up. I would go as far as join a battle too so folks woulddn't be sitting off shore and use a boost to join a battle fast that some one else tagged.
  3. Still getting the stutter, thought it was overwolf overlay from team speak doing it, but it came back. CPU 9700F 32G Ram Win 10 on SSD Game loaded on SSD (not same as OS) RTX 2060 SUPER drivers 436.48 I had this same issue on the other system I built early this year which was a 8700K with a RTX 2080. If I go to my laptop with alienware graphic amplifer running a 980 the game runs fine. I currently have game set on High settings and it's stil stuttering and the FPS is all over the place from 1-180. This is the only game it does it in, I play other games and I have ultra settings nad getting strong 60+ FPS depending the game. @Inkany help would be much welcomed, as I should not be having problems runnning this game on a high end computer like i have been.
  4. There was nothing wrong with outlaw battles, maybe if you actually punished the exploiters instead of just dropping the code it wouldn't been a problem as they all where known alts doing it right in front of folks tagging others to drag them into battles for there main Nationals. Personnelly I think all pirates should be counted as outlaw and there is no such thing as green on green with them even if they are on the same side of OW battle. Same should prob go for other nations that join the same side. IF you want to green on them than you can. The only time Green on green should be illegal is if your in the same nation. Than it should auto make you a pirate just like it use to be. Make it so this is the only way to become a pirate in game and forge papers are only for going to a nation. Ya'll wasted so much time bringin in nations that shouldn't be here when ya'll could of just gave pirates the same mechanics and a lot of us would of been happy.
  5. It's a gate way to the main econ ports, not saying it will kill Dutch, but it would put a hurting in some of the clans. The problem is we can't match the numbers that Russia has day or nights US/EU timers for the most part. If people would stop jumping ship and going over to Russia and the nations get togetehr instead of being Russias little lap dogs than the big threat can be pushed back and the game would actually be exciting, but instead we get the same thing. Every one goes to the wining nation until all the others fall apart and than every one gets bored until some big next patch. One way to control that balance is they should lock leading nations so you can't use forge papers to jump to them. Only new chars can be made in them. They need to do factions or something for balance cause this is getting bored real fast and numbers are dropping even fast. I been joking about leveling up my Pirate to fight NPG once again as that seems a very fair match up of the US vs Pirates right now. That and I just want to sink Lionshaft.
  6. Just rebuilt another RTX upgrade with a 2060 super and I"m getting insane stutter just like I did on the 2080 box. Really what's up with your game? We shouldn't be deleting and down grading to play your game. It needs to be properly optimized. Game runs great on my laptop with a 980. I done all the above on this computer and it's still skipping. I can load up other games and get great flow of video while runing on ultra settings. Do the same on this game and it stutters like crazy even though I'm having 60-150 FPS (the FPS are all over the place unless I put the 60 limiter).
  7. Having settlements isn't having a LARGE NAVAL PRESENCE and most of those listed where only renting ports for a few years from other nations so they can resupply trade ships and it was in the 1600 not during 1700-1820 which the game is suppose to take place in time wise. Russia had nothing. Poland had some troops that Napoleon sent to Cuba. You basically threw out the historical nation of this game just to please some players and basically show just how bias you are..... I have never seen a game developer do such to there game just to please some of there sales. Name one other Historical game that added other nations that wasn't part of the original theme and area of operation? I mean if this was Naval Action: NORTH SEA I could see it, but it's not (by the way could be expansions: North Sea, Mediterranean, Ivory Coast...) Since we are beyond caring about historical any more, why don't we just make the factions as you proposed and add new nations to each faction and move them around to balance the player base some. If a nation gets to powerful have it loose allies and be on it's own. Nations are to week give it more allies. I'm really hoping the server down times to upgrade the servers is also going to be used for a big major update patch with some balance and changes added.
  8. This and they can add new nations or change the factions around to balance things.
  9. Yah they did that move when we called them out how they keep responding and posting very good updates with fast response and nothing but tumble weeds over here. Seems they are busy with UA:D game and the Total War one....I know they always say it's other dev teams but you can't just drop one game and expect to keep players happy. So gain @admin any word on what will be in the patch since it's suppose to drop by end of the month? If anything please bring in Factions (5) concept along with what ever you want to do.
  10. Month halfway over, any word on the patch and what it might contain? Ya'll been very silent lately. Well here not in other games it seems.
  11. Yes you can still do this, and if you did the tutorial you actually come in at that rank if I'm correct.
  12. Where was they posted at? Think new mods but can't remember where they where posted at.
  13. I haven't played WoWs in ages, but I still check out DASHA ever time she has a new video. Didn't like that other girl they had for a short time though....just something about Dasha.
  14. If your going to add more nations than please go back to thinking of the factions option. Have 5 factions that the 11+ nations are a part of and it will allow you to chance them around for balance if you need too or add new nations in the future.
  15. LOL yah like I expect new ships some time next year.....lol Almost half way through the month so when the next patch and I figure it won't have any other ships other than the one DLC mention all ready.
  16. I can see some ports having different BR's, but I would like to see it more a clan owners choose as I would prefer important ports to have high BR and none important ports lower. Like higher maintenance the higher the BR and if you want to have low maintenance you can have a lower BR. @admin also once mention about having the BR go up with the importance/wealth income of a port from a base which would been a way to start with a low BR and than have it get bigger the more money that port makes. As for the Nations issue with RvR is that some nations just get in a comfort zone and don't want to fight (that cause not all players are hard core PVP players). We also have an issue with nations getting to big and little nations just giving up. Alliance system needs to be brought back and the last Faction post was a great way to do this where devs can set up factions that work together. Don't like the faction your in just use your forge papers and switch to a nation that has a Faction you like. Nations should be defeated in the game, but the problem is we have no true end game in the RvR world....no map resets or condition of a win. Which ends up getting a very boring and stale server after a while as you end up with one clear nation way to powerful for the others to fight. I don't know why multi nations don't all attack Russia at once and crush it's power, but instead as mention above we gett where every one wants to be buddy buddy with that person so not to be attacked. For example US won't help DUTCH vs Russia even though DUTCH helped them against the pirates, simply cause US doesn't want to be crushed by Russia. So now you have a nation that won't support or help them fight a bigger stronger nation. Something needs to be done to prevent the RUSSIAN ZERG (this could happen with any nation) we have right now where every one seems to be jumping on the winning team until the game gets dead and every one stops playing cause they are bored or afraid to loose things if they did attack the big BEAR. I don't think it's as big as the issue that every small port is trapped behind a capital big port. Raids would be a way to allow small BR fights on sub ports that don't mean some one looses a port but we still get the smaller BR battles that many want. The problem right now is that one nation can field 2 PB fleets but no screeners while another nation can fill those two PB's and have screeners at both. There is a big imbalance of player numbers between nation number 1 and 2 in game right now and without some time of alliance system it's not going to change any time soon. We really need to bring in the faction system and test it. 5 big Factions is way better than 11 nations.....
  17. Prob cause even though he was taken on water and full, you don't officially sink while in boarding until the boarding is over. Which allowed him to shoot the rest of his structures away. When your in boarding and your ship is sunk, but you won the boarding it does force you upon the other ship. If it's sinking too than well that prob just bad luck so he dies too. I really wish they go back to the old rules of how to become pirates, if you green on green you become a pirate. Only way to switch back is you have to use forge papers. So either you get the warnings and it switches you or if you caught like in this thread than your forced to be come a pirate no matter if you got forge papers or not.
  18. I was really hyped by the concept of having 5 factions and the devs would have the option to change what nations might be part of what factions if needed for balance. It would also allow to add in new nations if they want (for flags). I still wish we go a head and do it. One nation gets to powerful than make them in a faction by them selves, but honestly do we want the devs trying to balance that? Hell we haven't seen a peep or patch from them in how long now? Last major patch was in July with a little hotfix right afterwards. Nothing since and pretty much silence on the forums? @admin when this next big patch going to drop? I don 't like going to small on the BR's, but important ports should have a high BR, maybe give option of the port owner to have a BR depending what they want and the port tax's. Some smaller none important ports can have a lower BR and pay less tax's for the timer or it might have a wider timer window but lower BR. Cause clans need a reason to own ports, other wise you do all the hard work for nothing. Lets look at in the past where you had one clan in a nation do all the hard work but the rest of the nation use all it's ports it captured and holds. I honestly think sub region ports should pay taxes to the main capital port (Governor) and than that port pays to the KIng. This means there is a reason to own and hold regions and capitals, to make money. There should be two clan list. PORT BATTLE LIST that is made for only port battles. and the Crafting friendly clan list which isn't the same and normally doesn't change. Some clans don't do any crafting but show up to protect ports and they take up slots for crafting clans, same back. I honestly don't think port bonuses are an issue, it's more just the population inbalance and the fact that most nations don't fight each other. People get a happy spot and other than some hard core players that want to push the RvR the rest just do there own thing.
  19. Pretty much how most good games with clan play is, kill the leader so he can worry about leading and not fighting lol
  20. They really need two list for sure, the crafting friendly clans that doens't have to be changed. Than the PB list that can be changed of empty any time. Cause you might not have the same clans for both list as you might have some folks as crafters and some that only show up for the fights. This would be one way to expand the list. At least make it 20 or something than just 15 which is an odd number like having 8 ports only.
  21. I had this happen like a week or two ago and had to do the same thing, go into port and out. Seems there is a bit of a glitch, think it was on the Aggy though when it did it as I haven't open any slots on the Wasa.
  22. Just wanted to add they can contact any of the officers including myself (Suicidal Tendencies), Breachpod, Vermit, Robert Lance or any others in the clan if interested.
  23. Remember folks new patch to come... #SOON He will learn soon enough. I actually kinda got bored and went back to playing a game I haven't touched in years.......WoT (only cause the firefly is out now). LOL I'll be back when the patch drops.
  24. Yep I have had ships pulled out of a port but didn't want to sale back to close down things so I just deleted the contracts and pulled the port. I kinda hate you have to get the ship out too, should be able to scuttle that too if you want to abandon all from a port. Than other times I have left a port there and let it changed hands half a dozen time before it got back to the nation my player was. You do know there are such things as buy contracts? As @Sparkydog states above you might have a buy contract that doesn't feel. Just cause you think it's lazy doesn't mean it is for others. Remember not every one lives on this game 24/7 like some. They might not know that port got captured and come back a few days later. I hear it all the time, "What happen to such and such port all my stuff is in it." Remember this game isn't about the 10% that are on all the time. We do have a large number of casual players that don't log in every night and play hours and hours like some with no life do.
  25. I do believe in future patches we will get something like trade winds. Paths you can hit that speed up your travel. I'm going to assume these aren't along coast lines and for long runs really. Well until they are in game we can only guess how they will work.
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