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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Could of been one or many achievments we would of had to done in game. Join every nation through forge papers and such (so an alt can't just buy the flag for you). It also needes a preview like paints since you can 't see it unless you buy it.
  2. The US one is the Betsy Ross flag, which is like the most iconic US flag and it's not even in the flags with the DLC, it's locked behind 50K doubloons. All the 50K flags should be in the DLC, but they aren't. Than give folks in game a chance to buy a few flags with Doubloons that dont' want to buy the DLC.
  3. I also think sub region ports since they don't h ave to have a timer should pay half there tax (5% of the norm 10%) towards the Region Capital owner, that how tax's worked back than you paid to the governor of the region you where in and than they paid to the kings or lords above them. If that port isn't making enough than it should fall neutral if no one pays the bill or the Region Capital owner (Governor Clan) should be able to allow it go Neutral or have another clan take it. Give us more control over regions we own. As mention later by @Aster it should mean that any of that zone can attack it or trade it....I like that it can't hold a timer too. This was removed before the servers where even merged. Other nations where using there alts to tag pirates so they can all jump in and kill the pirates around the Safe zones/Capital waters or Mort so it was removed. We asked for it back as it was never the pirates that had issues with it and abused it. We have also asked for many other hard core mechanics to make pirates more pirates but yet to see anything. If they did such I'll admit I would go back to being a pirate (other than the one solo alt that is one). He's hinted at a few things that we have mention over time as being solutions, than he's gone and done something totally opposite.....It would be nice to have some sort of solution for trouble clans or dead clans that don't play nice or is not active to be take care of.
  4. You might want to check the map, it's not a PIrate port any more. Maybe we wanted to switch clans, maybe we wanted a better fight, maybe a lot of things. You will never know since your not Dutch. Maybe keep out of others business and worry about your own nation. Actually loosing a few ports around that area would be good for AI farming. That port has always been a bitch to defend or take. The wind can kill either team specially once it starts turning it could change the whole match big time. Last time Hartz split like this it was like 2 weeks and I think he went on drill or something and came back, so I expect him to be back soon and his typical RAGING ROID self. I kinda feel for the guys left, as it's was not a surprised that Raz runs off to another nation as soon as the heat gets hot, just like he did in Russia, US, GB, France and now Pirates. I do give VCO credit they do stick to a nation for a good while and not jump when shit hits the fan.
  5. Been a while since I played, but you don't want to grow to fast to big. Remember some battles you will just always be out number cause that was how it was. Really wish some of the effects you do in battles before effective the enemy more. I have had some battles I barely meet the objective and others I wiped the field clean. That and really wish some one would make more battles and campaign for the game as it was fun but needs more content.
  6. Just like paints pretty much, but this would mean a change in the game system. I still wish we could see the flags in OW too, not just battles.
  7. It's in game for 50K doubloons. Which I still think any of the Admirality store flags should be part of the DLC too. Than just have other flags drop like paints do or something.
  8. The Pirate Refit if you take the piant (outlaw I think) You get a black out ship with dark/blackish sails. I really want to see what the LGV Refit looks like and maybe H Rattler, but sadly those are locked away in RNG world.
  9. Internet might be fine but a router between you and the server might not be. Specially with you being in NZ and server in Germany? I had this issue where something on the way was dropping some of us on the east coast of US. If you had the game server IP you could do a trace route to see if it’s something in the middle.
  10. I actually have enough chars with that DLC I could leave it in a port and paint your ships for you lol
  11. I love how the other game I won't mention name of gets tons of patch notes and updates and we can't even get the extra paints we where promised 30 days after the DLC....what is it now 4-5 months later. Makes me wonder how much of our DLC money went to other games instead of the three ships we voted on and more flags/sking/ships that the DLC suppose to be going towards. #morepaints? #SOON #Patchnotestoo
  12. Unless this been changed and going off last time it was posted as @William Death said it's 30%. Here are all the caps as far as I know of them: Caps for Upgrades: Turning Speed - 25% Sail HP - 30% Armor HP - 30% Hull thickness - 30% Gun Reload - 30% Gun dispersion (both horizontal and vertical) - 40% Speed - 15.5 knots
  13. as @Simon Cadete you can move stuff around in your fleets in OW. I do this all the time when I tag a trader and want to put the stuff in my fleet trade ship. I'll wait until I'm back in WO and move the goods that have my ship over weighted.
  14. Easy solution for this since we don't have pirates FFA is to treat all battles as if they are pirates FFA. If a pirate joins either side any one on either side including other pirates can fire on them. There is NO GREEN ON GREEN if a player is a pirates, your treated as Red team not matter what side and even against your own clan mates.....period. You just get no rewards if on same side of battle is all. That way it can't be abused for farming and since Pirates can't start Pirate vs Pirate battles they can't abuse it that way. LETS MAKE PIRATES TRUE HARD CORE THAT EVERY ONE HATES EVEN OTHER PIRATES.
  15. It would be the logical thing to have such AI in friendly waters at certain areas. Though still what is the diffrent than a player than AI? Most of those players they are seal clubing aren't the best players and some of them are even worse than AI....so it would be pretty much the same. I remember once doing hostility as a Pirate back on global and our grip hit a very big AI fleet and a main comment was, "these AI are fighting harder and better than the US does." Cause they have some players that just keep playing but can't PvP for the life of them. Not every one in this game is a PvP master. I would love to see the number of players we have active and how many have actually passed the Final Exam and maybe the stats of how many have tried and not passed? I know some one I jokenly tease I will log in and finish it for him if he can't beat it.
  16. I love how folks like to attack other nations players around the world. What does me being a US (not nation but where I"m from) have to do with anything? By the way I was PIRATE for a very long time and now DUTCH. I fought plenty of PvP and RvR over the years.....honestly never have seen any screen shots of you in any fights. Hell don't think I even ever seen you actively in the game either. (maybe cause your not using an in game name?) Let me ask you this, how have you level up? How do you get Mods/ship knowledge books. How do you get permits? 80% of this game is PvE to get anything. Yes you can only PvP and pay for things that other folks grind, but they still had to do PvE to get them. Until recently we didn't even have the option of the PvP missions which do allow some nice root these days, but before that you still pretty much level up and got things through PvE mainly. Yes some folks have level up solo through PvP, but the majority of the game, has not. Those players are actually a very small part of a minority of the player base. When was the last time you actually attacked an indiaman? All I hear guys getting ganked doing delivery missions are in T-brigs with no cannons being hit by DLC ships. Raiders don't go after the big catch, they want easy targets other wise they are pretty dead. Ever fought an Indiaman that is actually built to fight back. Ask @Aster or a few others about how they used them. By the way that 50% profit was all in friendly waters and very short sail from one port to a regional capital.
  17. If that was a player you still won't leave, so maybe don't be in enemy waters and maybe be more aware of your surroundings. War server is not a PvP only server. The only thing is it allows us to have PvP with other players while Peace server is a PvE only server. Ya'll need to get it out of your head that the War server is a PvP only server cause it is not and never has been one. Very few folks actually level up by nothing but PvP, most of us have to do some sort of PvE grinding, a lot of us have to do mostly only PvE grinding to level up. The game is about the majority, not the minority few. You don't want to get hit by an agresive AI than don't go hunting in those waters they might be in or make sure you leave plenty early to not be tagged by AI.
  18. Limit it to 5 ships to allow crafters to stock for players that aren't online when they are. Really lets be honest before wipe I had over 120 ships on my chars so your not going to stop big clans from having pools of ships, About a dozen of those ships where 1st rates. I had no shortage of ships. Even now I don't have shortage just limits on crew and what I currently can craft, but I can still crap load ships stocked up and that just me one player with alts. Because you are not on a PvP only server, you are on a PvE server with elements of PvP allowed. It's not broken, just that one is more profitable cause you loose nothing doesn't mean the other isn't. I make 50% profits every time I fill my ships with goods cause I have extra cargo space and no delivery missions to fill it up. That is still a dang good profit and that is short trips not longer ones where I can make even more profits.
  19. Refuse to fight? FOR THE BILLION TIME I WORKED 3rd SHIFT FOR THE LAST YEAR AN HALF. How not being in game cause of my work hours is refusing to fight? I haven't even been an active player in that nation other than off time up till release. Really @Christendom your so full of bullshit lies half the time it's funny. When I was active I fought all the time, maybe not with my main but I fought. And I was out side Rio and even assisted in sinking a Pirate the other night, so stop saying I don't fight, just cause you don't see me in the same battles as you doesn't mean I don't fight. Draxx on the other hand, he's off RP in Writes of War and has been since before released so not even sure why your bringing his name up, even when he was active he was just a face, we did things how we wanted to and than updated to him after we flipped ports and did updates.....if he wanted to RP being the president that was all him, it wasn't like he had power to really do anything without big clans approval and actions.
  20. Wait are you saying your NOOBS are on the US coast line? That is what I didn't get about Hartz tonight saying cause they open a port. That allowed for more OW PvP between mulit nations than anything, but it seems it's only wrong when Pirates gets farmed (cause they seem to be using that area to level up) and not when they farm other folks in front of there capitals? East Coast is not your capital waters so what are NOOBS doing in those waters? Oh and US is really down to the same guys leading that been there since I started playing. Lionshaft and Detriot....not really any one else left to lead so how do you expect them to get organized and lead? We all know how bad those two have been for the nation. The numbers seem to go up while they are winning battles against AI neutral ports....I mean every one wants to win, but as soon as they start to loose it halves every time like you just stated. Than you start having folks leave. They aren't hard core PvP/RvR's like some folks in this game that spend every day on the coast sinking them. The ones that are on a lot are old retired guys and just playing the game to have fun, not all hard core like.
  21. Took how you did monkx and than just went with it. Figure it would make it easier on you trying to keep with your format.
  22. It's not his fault he's Canadian.....but I notice the rescalling is annoying as it seems to not set the same per monitor, it's like the game tries to do what your monitor res is and not what you have set in game. I stopped doing full screen and keep it windows mode cause of it. This game honestly needs a bit more polish on the rez and monitor size. It does not like 4K at all. Though I found that to be a standard issue with UNITY games as a whole like the memory leaks they tend to have.
  23. @admin Where is this road map promised #soon? What happend to the paints we where suppose to get in 30 days (now 4 months later).
  24. #SOON.....#SOON, but really where is the Roadmap it's been how many weeks? Wonder what stage of her life she will be in? While it's not a bad ship, but it sits way to high and is so clumsy. She sits like she's empty with no ballast installed so she sits way above her water line. Would love to have a refit of her though. Something that holds a lot of cargo and a bit extra gun/crew.
  25. #STORMS from the old days when we had them, they had a fun to them but also got real old too. Devs said they take up to much resources to run or something like that. Sounds like they need to buy better servers or get better coders. I mean what are they spending all that DLC money on, cause it's not for new ships, paints or flag models it seems.
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