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  1. I believe you are not thinking it through. especially the "nations can sort out fleet composition" part + particularly if it is countered by half competent screening fleets. your system will work fine on a whiltelisted invite only RP server. Or in a lobby. Why would anyone take a 3rd rate and sail for 1 hour, breaking through screens to find out that he cannot enter (because someone else took his 3rd rate ship slot). And what will happen with him after he is left defenseless near enemy port and why do you think he will sail to this port battle again in the future.
  2. it is unpopular because everyone understands this proposal is impossible without a lobby if 25 first rates sail to the port battle do you say only 2 enter? What about the rest? Don't you logistical nightmare of solving this problem for the nation? What happens to those who are denied this entry? Are they standing near the pb marker free for attack? Or we hide them magically? Who enters first and who second? How is this queue determined?
  3. Slots will only work with lobby based entry - where everyone enters the lobby and then decide who gets in and who not based on points.
  4. pirate frig is coming. Its just it always slips in priorities.
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  5. Surprise cannot win against a Santisima if first rate knows what he is doing. Surprise can lose all masts in just one broadside from Santisima. Here is an example provided as a counter to the same concern on a russian language forum Santisima was attacked by 3 ships (Renommee, Surprise and Ingermanland) and attackers had to escape http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/17177-концептуальное-предложение-касательно-крафта/?p=333689
  6. 2 third rates can win against a solo 1st rate.. especially if that 1st rate tries to stern tank.
  7. We don't know the answer. there are two categories of buyers 1) eve/or harder full loot pvp because its a pvp game. 2) because ships - i want to try all vessels and move on.
  8. Why I think people are upset about devs in general here. Players often draw a beautiful castle in their based on trailers, expectations and some pieces of information developers provide. That's is why most developers are vague because it helps them to pull more money out of you. We are not like that.. We dont care about the money http://www.polygon.com/2015/6/25/8846695/apple-confederate-flag-civil-warand dont care what others will think about us. We care only about the users and the truth.. Some players find this contrast strange compared to nice talking smooth devs who only care about pushing extra dollars out of you. And that's why the majority of the negativity is actually focused on us. Maybe players only want sweet lies. But we will manage expectations because it helps to avoid disappointments in the future.
  9. All the promises are on the Steam Greenlight page and on the steam store page If you want the guarantee we did not edit anything - older versions are in the google cache or in the wayback machine (both of our website). Steam store page and Greenlight page does not mention anything about pve servers or/and pve experience. We make promises very carefully because we always plan to fulfill them. Steam page says but remember! other adventurous captains will try to ruin your plans. We created PVE server during testing to give players who hate PvP a safe place where they cannot be attacked during testing. I was who proposed it and implemented it because i was one of the few who cared of them (PvE players). There was huge opposition to pve servers in dec 2014 with people blaming me personally for this crappy decision that will ruin the game and split the audience. We cannot afford to serve two audiences yet properly.. If the whole SLRN upvotes the game on steam and we sell more copies maybe then we will be able to spend more time on PVE. But before that we do what we can afford. We will first finished what we promised: Finalize conquest, finalize crafting, bring land to port battles, and improve UI, and maybe think of pirates and boarding, . These are the main community requests and since 2013 we develop the game with the community. Developed the game with the community, but some members forget about it somehow. Thus.. regarding promises. We did once say that we will not force pvp in to pve player throat. But it does not at all relate to tournaments, types of available content and such. There will be content only available through pve and there will be content only available through pvp. Best players will dominate PVE leaderboards if the rewards will be special. In fact first PVE challenge will come by end of the year. I hope to see you there in the top 10. We talked about exclusive prizes for player actions and support even when we first opened the navalaction page. July 2013 check out the old version. (https://web.archive.org/web/20130624074658/http://www.navalaction.com/). And will continue to reward active community members who go out of their way to make this forums and the game a better place.
  10. all captains should calm down and stop blaming and shaming. Until solutions are found nothing will change - because currently the only way to stop logging off at sea is to remove it completely that will affect the majority of players. Please proceed to this topic started by esteemed captain Jeheil to propose and discuss the solutions http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16997-please-stop-pb-log-camping-before-it-starts
  11. this! bonus does not matter indeed (it can be countered with upgrades) before the patch the ship only differed in number of slots after the patch quality level matters more - its in the patch notes.
  12. Tournament winners received promised blueprints (we first promised ships but then upgraded it to blueprints due to huge amount of work and effort tournament required from participants). Tournament winners and everyone who reached quarterfinals also received ships in addition to blueprints. Tournament judges and streamers (who had to commit to spend 2 hours for every match and rematch) also received prizes It was widely covered on streams and in National news section.. Where have you been all this time? It was a true and PVP event the community wanted - PVP only, no randomness and clues. Just sheer skill and willpower. Tournament shown that it is impossible to do it often because it requires immense efforts from volunteers. As a result we will automate those efforts in code and add them as in game content. Everyone will be able to participate in them and receive potential prizes that increase the further you reach in the tourney. Maybe some players are upset because they had ocean and Agamemnon and now someone else has them. Maybe they are upset with systems. We don't want testers to use double standards because previously they were all quiet and fine being only owners of those BPs BPs to tournaments were given only to increase participation in the tournament and generate more excitement. It was very hard to fill the slots initially and people were getting very tired of huge time commitments .But remember one things The whole blueprint system will change completely. Remember that blueprints exist only up to the release. They are getting wiped on release. We only keep XP and Crafting XP safe. + we are testing now.. and we reserve the right to test things we want to test. I wanted to see how dynamics of rare content will work. And what we found that some forms of rare can even change good people into something else (road rage syndrome) and will adjust the distribution methods accordingly.
  13. What you just posted was never said - we said there will be new types of color grading. We never provided lists or anything that might lead you to the conclusion that all ships will be separated into the 3 groups. Some people say Ocean is exclusive. Indeed but it can be crafted and bought from others + you also could get it through the events or a tournament. We never said those levels of quality are mutually exclusive So I don't know what veteran player magnum is upset about.
  14. Magnum. Tommy is right.. this is ridiculous. First Event ships were invented by EVE in 2003 http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Special_Edition_Ships Those ships could be only received in tournaments and they are doing it every year since then. The 2016 tournament recently ended and given out special ships not available to grinders https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/atxiv-prizes-and-draw-results/ Second Before and even in the beginning of summer 2015 you accused us on favoring swedish (when i sailed for sweden) then month later danes, then pirates, then americans, dutch, then spanish, then french, then pirates, now rubli and other tournament winners. I don't understand the hints.. do you want us only to favor British? The joke is getting old. Maybe its time for you to accept that we favor everyone in this game, including you. Or just say it as it is.. you don't like tournament winners and don't want us to give tournament prizes to anyone (including small battle challenge winners - we chipped in to the pool of that player organized event). PS. and its not like they are not usable by everyone. You can just buy them. or board them from people who have them. They are not Bind on Equip. I know people are selling them and we see transactions in logs.
  15. Topic locked as people started to troll eachother please proceed to the link mentioned above to discuss the mechanic. and not to abuse each other during early access testing http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16997-please-stop-pb-log-camping-before-it-starts
  16. we issue 30 bans per week at least Most of them are to people who claim they had sex, abnormal unnatural sex with your relatives or maybe even you; and profile you racially with extremely abusive lyrics or threaten you with real life hacking attempts and such. tribunal and report system works But logging off from game is not a tribunal issue. Its a right of every player to be able to log off from game. To the topic starter. It was discussed in another topic you can all proceed there to propose solutions (link below). Removing safe log off from sea (with 2 min unsafe timer) is going to make every player sail 1 hour more on average. It seems like you don't want the game to become a job for yourself, but it is somehow ok if it becomes a job for others except you. For example. To log off near port battle you still have to sail there. Why did not you screen them when they were sailing there to log off, with your 24/7 patrols working in shifts? This proposal sound silly right? The solution to the issue is being searched, but unfortunately all are inadequate and might just ruin gameplay for everyone who does not even play in port battles. Feel free to discuss it here http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16997-please-stop-pb-log-camping-before-it-starts ps as far as i know the hostility generation itself took at least a week and took a lot of effort for both sides.
  17. флоты хотим повесить на поинты уже давно будет
  18. fine woods под вопросом они огромной массе игроков не нравятся - некоторые просто перестали крафтить
  19. are you the pirate? or you sail for a nation?
  20. в сингле все бы работало идеально в мультиплеере нужны условности. Пример наши игроки в день могут отвоевать больше чем большинство капитанов эпохи парусников за всю их карьеру. Если делать как жизни никто в одно большое сражение раз в 25 лет играть не будет тоже самое с торговлей - некоторые люди хотят отыграть роль торговца. В сингле мир крутится вокруг игрока и стоит когда он спит. В мультиплеере необходимо дать ему возможность чтото купить и продать даже если это возможно не надо игрокам. Да и логику можно увидеть даже в такой схеме - в некоторых английских портах могут завезти текстильные мастерские - они нужны в городах других наций. Вы можете воспользоваться этой возможностью и привезти другому городу этот товар
  21. You have 3 blocks now.. number of nations is irrelevant with alliances. Pirate republic acts as a republic. Because naval action is a sandbox players have all the tools to stop the piracy. My feeling is that pirate life is no different than a life as a Captain in the Navy because Navy lets them. Bring this difference to the game and make them hard to play BY YOUR ACTIONS. Control gold supply, control materials for ships of the line, control trade routes. Keep them in Inagua. It will be impossible to build anything. To rephrase Kennedy. Don't ask what others can do about the pirates, Ask yourself what you can do about the pirates. If you do nothing they will sail lineships.
  22. NPC traders can still bring resources for sale during maintenance. Because it happens during maintenance they cannot fulfill the contract. Thus a minor portion of goods (1/24th) can be sent directly to port stock.
  23. Hello Captains Hotfix was deployed today Ship quality level now guarantees the number of upgrade slots Santa Cecilia ship speed lowered to beginning of the week level
  24. They would not have them in real life because National navies and law enforcement would not let them. We had the situation recently where pirates were limited to only several ports. With new regional conquest system their crafting capabilities would be severely limited if they only controlled inagua island. We believe nations can limit pirates like they did in real life by means of force.
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