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Everything posted by admin

  1. The damage system strives to be realistic, at least in some elements. Open deck ships and small vessels are very vulnerable due to their historical crew locations. Changing that might change gameplay completely for other vessels as well. What are the suggestions? Can you explain?
  2. Most games player numbers fall. Even the best games For example. Fallout 4 player numbers fell 10x http://steamcharts.com/app/377160#1y.
  3. under investigation.
  4. просьба конфликты личные решать в пвп зонах а на форуме заниматься предложениями и обсуждениями предложений и проблем спрятал еще пару постов (в дополнение к модераторским) также просьба учитывать что модераторы тоже игроки (волонтеры) и не являются профессиональными спокойными наблюдателями - т.e.могут иногда лишнее сказать так же как и вы
  5. its kinda implemented. Only one person gets the kill, assists provide some but not a lot of points. So if 25 people sink 1. 24 people are without kills. In fact i participated in 2 battles with one pirate who sank in both battles but was able to get a kill in both. I got asissts only. He was in top 10 by the end of the shallow water event. People who sank him did not get onto the top 10 at all. Honor kills were tested last year in winter - you probably remember. They can return maybe.
  6. 3-4 things ship wipe was promised. wide swing changes unbalance gameplay and people stop playing until the game stabilizes people moved on to other games (which is ok) crew damage changed combat a lot All this caused lower online numbers. But i had more pvp over last week than i had over all summer. Because now everyone knows where pvp is. You should try the EU server mate. Lots of action
  7. I will say nothing
  8. Nothing changed PVP wise. Fine woods/hostility never concerned small groups. In the old times you talk about - people took effort in arranging fair fights for varied groups and its the point of my question to you below (in the last sentence). Regarding you question. You are talking about 2 different games. Sandbox/Wargame = biggest club wins - the great pvp is to crush the enemy and hear lamentations of their women in chat. In wargames if someone got into a fair fight that means tactical mistakes were made elsewhere. So if someone could arrange, organize and train 25 people they deserve credit. It does not mean its unfair. They just could and someone else could not. We know for a fact your alliance can man 25 ships at prime time events. Tournament style varied group olympics and para-olympics is a different game and can be already arranged somewhat from the lobby. That style of gameplay does not require testing and tuning. Its a proven WOWS/WOT/ any other moba format. We understand some veteran's desire to find quick action sometimes and know how to solve it. But current EA is about OW. These two types of games dont mix and will never mix. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it. The only solution is to make everyone sail cerberus and make all battles 1v1 on the open world. Your statement - "make it fun for a 3 ship group (those 15 men groups are killing ow)" is kind of one sided to me. We understand and support your desire to provide fun for a 2-3 man group by somehow enforcing 3v3. That 15 men group you call gankers also has the same problem. They don't want to sail separately too and don't want to split just for you. If it is brutally forced and shoved into throats you know what will happen? That 15 ship group you are talking about will split and will leave because they are 15 friends too, leaving you completely alone. BTW. What stops you from arranging a 5v5 club somewhere around La Desirade or Hat Island? Ocean clan can support prizes and such and have your own rules. many will participate.
  9. Fair battles with leader boards and prizes will be extremely popular. We want to finish unfinished things first. Those don't need testing - they will be awesome.
  10. we plan to provide standard ship for the events in the future. with the only option to change cannon loadout so everyone has an equal chance.
  11. Are we talking about NOW? or some day in the future where we can tie some ships to honor rating after wipes? Multiplier exists but its switched off. Any multiplier will be exploited. Its going to be impossible to catch those people. You forget human nature again. Just ask 5 friends to attack you sink one of them to get 5x rewards.
  12. We are focused on tuning OW right now. And have no plans to remove players to lobby pvp at this stage of Open world testing. We know lobby based tournaments will be popular and only plan to add them after release. OW events are fun, unstructured, random and never the same. If you come en force and enemy comes en force they are awesome. You should try bringing a mixed lineship/3rd rate fleet next deep water event. Enemies will be there.
  13. What about another group? the one with 10 ships whats their fault? They did everything right based on military books, concentrated the force/avoided fair fights/split enemies and won?. Rookie zone has enforced 300 BR limit. Why people who want equal fair fights (at least in light ships) are not there?
  14. Ganking: Was considered a problem when there were 300 people online. It was considered a problem when there were 3000 people online, It is still considered a problem. Running: People were running from fair engagements in early instanced sea trials until battle circle of death was added. They still run from them. Its a sandbox We know it , You know it, Everyone knows it. You cant solve the problem with incentives. Because people fight or run for fun not because of incentives. Most people I see in the event zones are rear admirals. No-one cares about money or XP.
  15. Player "Captain reverse" and several other players are constantly on the pvp leaderboards and i know for a fact they mostly sail solo or in small group.
  16. Let me understand if i understand you correctly. Your enemy is sailing a 15 man fleet (10 ships of the line and 5 tacklers). You don't want to bring 15 ships to sink them a somewhat equal battle. But instead you want developers to find a way to split their group.
  17. Signaling perk keeps the battle open so your friends can join until the battle has equal BR. Also. I know sweden can bring first rates too. Other nations are risking those ships and actually bring them to events. One can't run much in first rates so will have to fight you.
  18. nothing like that was said
  19. we found the way for 4 events to work 4 events will be conducted from next week approximate times.
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  20. по поводу ограничения первых рейтов попытки были и приводили к массовым недовольствам - так как большинство игроков покупает ее "because ships" потому что она про корабли а не потому что они заинтересованы в реалистичном разнообразии флотов. Каждый в отдельности заинтересован ходить на лучшем для него корабле выбирая лучший корабль в своем классе. решить проблему такую можно только уравнивая все корабли внутри класса.
  21. проблема с любыми ограничениями по батлрейтингу такова она диаметрально противоположна песочнице - то есть работает только из лобби, где можно легко и без напрягов и раздражителей отсечь игрока на ненужном корабле. В открытом мире такое ограничение будет мешать всем изза системы боев в отдельных инстансах. Пример - вы планировали свое ПБ под беллоны во флоте так как есть ограничения в сумме рейтингов кораблей. В бой случайно зашли два рандомных игрока на сантисимах, тем самым забив рейтинг до упора + не пустив допустим 5 ваших третих рейтов уменшая шансы выиграть меняя тактический состав боя. Более того ваши беллоны остались в открытом мире и рискуют тоже быть потопленными. Системы ограничения БР прекрасно будут работать если в порт битвы вход будет из лобби порта.
  22. Hello Captains. Hotfix was deployed today Signaling perk now works better and should work as intended Boarding disabled in PVE events (temporarily). New challenges will be added in the next patch Deep/Shallow PVP events now alternate properly
  23. we all know that our EPIC world we created is too big for 100 people . Time to focus on fun!
  24. we will run this vote till tomorrow and if it stays this way we will change it to 5 on friday before weekend
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  25. exactly! even current command based boarding has some ping effects if you choose to click in the last millisecond. turn based unit based boarding will have ZER0 ping issues.
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