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  1. What do you mean by "Steam Badge"?
  2. we will test 1 dura ships before release to close this door once and for all
  3. no captured/crafted ships are all the same in quality - grey (with minor differences perhaps) what matters is your level of ship knowledge for that vessel.
  4. Dear Captains. It is an important announcement. As promised last Autumn - we are bringing significant changes to your vessels that will streamline and improve the experience removing a lot of pain points from ship fitting and crafting. It will also solve the problem of ships being less expensive than some upgrades. Here is what will happen. Ships Ships lose their quality levels - as it was deemed redundant All Ships become have 1 durabilty as it should have been from the start All captured/crafted ships are grey You accumulate experience level sailing that particular vessel By sailing that vessel you unlock better options for that vessel class. If you lose that vessel in battle you still have that experience and can use those unlocked better options in the future. Example - after a lot of months at sea in the surprise your surprise will surprise any fresh leda captain, if you lose that surprise you still know how to sail it well. You don't need to search or worry for rare upgrades anymore (if you have them) Upgrades Upgrades/refits are no longer craftable. Upgrades/refits lose the quality level and no longer can be lost. Upgrades/refits finally have size requirements. (large pumps can only be installed on large ships) Upgrades/refits can be received in the admiralty and/or as loot items Upgrades/refits are basically turned into ship skills Example: If you have Spanish Silk Sail and a Naked angel figurehead - you won't ever lose them if you lost your ship Crafting Regional bonuses turn into refit items/blueprints Shipyards will be brought back Example: You can buy bermuda refit in bermuda, bring it to shipyards in Port Royal and refit your ship there These changes will make all existing ships obsolete and impossible to use due to database structure changes. As a result all ships and upgrades will be removed/deleted from the game ETA - Estimated time - within 30 days but not less than 2 weeks from this announcement. Changes will be rolled out to testbed first All current crafted or captured ships will be removed from the game All Upgrades will be removed from the game All Permanent upgrades will be removed from the game Ship blueprints will not change significantly so you can and are encouraged to stockpile resources and materials for ship crafting after the wipe. Apologies for all the inconvenience caused.
  5. правила просты если кто-то читерит это всплывет на видео есть видео будет бан нет видео не будет обвинения в экспортах и читах разрешены только с доказательствами и только в трибунале в игровом чате а также на форумах такие обвинения запрещены можете репостить таких красавчиков бездоказательных обвинителей лично игрокам Ink и Darby в личку на этом форуме - будут лишаться дара речи
  6. we originally had a neutral nation and thinking of bringing it back only pirates could attack neutrals, but neutrals could enter any city. We think it is a great option to replace pve server with.
  7. thats why we said we will invite newsmakers to apply. (like newspapers hired writers) NN will be curated and still written by nations. But it will act as a 18th century newspaper with propaganda and such - BUT not as a forum. also - why cant they roleplay in game?
  8. You can change the weapons you know. Who the hell does not check weapons before leaving to battle
  9. We stand by all the bans we do in game and here. bans on forum are very rare. bans in game are 100% for mentioning player mothers or sisters in a negative light. Those bans are issued every week. Some of those reviewers could be issued temporary bans by mistake (we all make mistakes). But most of those reviewers you mention are people who shit on others get punished and then cry about the so-called professionalism in return. Community reports such people and we ban them. And most of those reviews are very strange. For example - one recent review - the person calls devs/mods fascist for not letting him post. He did not even know that all posts are pre-moderated to reduce penis enlargement spam and 2 first posts must be approved by mods. He claimed its fascism. 80% or something found it helpful. Community helped us to remove such reviews before - when someone lied about us you took action. This post below was initiated by a community member who was appaled that someone has lied in the review saying we have premium content for sale in game. That review was flagged and dissapeared. Its a two way street LV. I see no reason to keep NN for the moderation reasons. Someone calls a person mother a really really bad name. We moderate him. He goes to reviews and claims we are fascists. NN currently escalates often to a need of moderation. What have you as a promoter of NN section done to reviews who call us fascists? Only community can flag them. we cant. Because you dont remove those reviews by flagging we dont see a reason to escalate the problem even further. No NN - nothing to moderate -Less negativity reviews about moderation. if you got my hint you can save NN.
  10. You don't like RNG, it could be true. But data shows differently. People enjoy varied rewards more.
  11. you cant make raids pvp focused because your group is waiting for your friends to come back to game but my group wants to raid now. Its like dark souls. You go to the raid - and can get invaded. You dont like pve you invade others.
  12. Hey Captain You forgot something. We love our community and love our customers. For example we let the community the opportunity to express themselves through the game. Our trailer was made by the community member and all ships you see in the trailer are all real community members. All screens on webpage and steam page were made by the community (for example at least 30% of them were made by community members and veterans Slik and Wind and the rest were collected from OW beautiful places topic and best screenshots collection in one of the sections. That's a family relationship. Our community is worth more than some single customer who is disrupting the peace in the community. And that's an important point. So when someone start demanding something from the community without offering something in return we will always remind them that One person does not make a community and That individual has paid money to only play the game. He has not paid the game to talk shit to us or other community members. We did not give him that right and will just kick him out making the community better. That individual is not valuable to the community. Its time we communicate with you about this clearly and its a good thing! Now.. The number of reports for moderation coming from NN is too big. People report posts a lot. That means that a lot of community members are not satisfied with NN content and amount of time required to read all posts and all reports is huge (even with so-called dwindling online). Thus NN interferes with our work to make the game better and forums more useful for making the game better - NN has no relation to these goals and either has to change or be closed down. We proposed to change it so you can still read the curated news from your nations or from enemy nations. Discuss
  13. How could you assume we are making PVE raids for you
  14. we are planning to add the content creator section and give rewards for you guys.. ))) we wont ever try to moderate YOUR content on YOUR channel of course
  15. The most honest community management mate.. we promised to be honest to you We sold users the game so they can play the best age of sail game in the market (with flaws of course) Users did not pay to troll others on my forum, users did not pay to call me or you names. Would you let me pay you 40 dollars and call you names? No..of course not We have no desire to maintain NN here on GL forum in its current form. New one will be better.
  16. You don't have to get me, and we don't have to get you. We offered you a game for a good price (through steam). That was a deal. Nothing else. We don't have to get each other at all On the serious note This is a development forum and NN uses up 80% of moderation time - th time that can instead be spent on clearing things in game development topic and collecting and structuring feedback.
  17. https://www.reddit.com/r/NavalAction/
  18. Read the response carefully. You will raid for city keys that you will want because some ships will only be available for city keys. Also who said production will stay on the same level Also.. wtf is your comment about sober? I don't drink mate. Watch your language
  19. there are other priorities WAY more important than a tutorial for example UI. Lets come back to the discussion after we change UI.
  20. how about no? Its just harder to do that way + you want to raid now.. you dont care if defenders join or not but when they join you will not see a difference. It will still be top acorne fighting you. Fun for him, better opponent for you
  21. holds for combat ships are not final and will change during the wipe (less slots and weight). If you want to raid the port and take a lot of goods - bring an indiaman. + you will need those City keys for Fleet edition ships and upgrades. Ps maybe mark of conquest is indeed better than city key. I got used to it as a working title.
  22. You are mistaken Rust has no tutorial, minecraft has no tutorial and 6 year olds played it without any problem. Please don't pander to customers and don't consider them idiots. We serve intelligent human beings. Also For many learning is a process and game itself.
  23. Not again.. but seriously. GL forum is a development forum. Some captains feel a need to roleplay as a bad person and we dont blame them. But sometimes this spills over to development forum where have rules because its not Nam As a result it hurts both development forums and NN section. Here is what we are going to do as a result: National news section will be closed to the general public. National newsmaker forum category will be created (it might include youtubers, streamers and bloggers too) Only newsmakers will be able to post news in the National news. Rules are under development and will be posted shortly. We will start accepting applications newsmakers somewhere within 1-2 weeks. For those who would like to talk about freedom of speech we would like to remind that our contract is to provide you a game for a good price but not a mic. We want respect between members on our platform and thats also free speech We understand that sometimes you want to say what you want without any obstruction. For such free expression we recommend visiting Naval Action Reddit with supposedly no moderation whatsoever. link https://www.reddit.com/r/NavalAction/
  24. Tutorials are hard. Our game is not really very hard to learn. Its hard to master but not hard to learn. Also - Saying add a tutorial = spend 12 months, designing, coding, testing and tuning a tutorial. Remember we have 2 coders. UI is more important than tutorial. Please don't offer us to hire more programmers as we cannot afford them for several known reasons.
  25. Raids They will provide an opportunity for a group of people to raid and rob any port in the Caribbean. Ports for raids will be defended by a random number of NPC ships depending on several factors from city size to port status or other parameters. Basically you can get lucky and find a rich lightly defended port or you might have to fight through 20 ships and find dirty socks. Sometimes letters will drop telling that certain ports have good resources stocked and in this case you are better of not linking that letter to chat as the port will be raided. But there is a PVP twist. Raids can be invaded. Any player of the allied nation who owns the port can join the instance and take a NPC bot ship helping them defend the port from the raid. This can be done by two methods. You can enter the raid on defending side from the raided port You can enter the raid using invasion ticket (available for battle ensigns in the admiralty) Successful raids give City keys (marks of conquest) and port resources. Port resources are split for all participants so the less captains you bring the more rewards you get. You also have to get them to the nearest friendly port after a raid unless you are in a raiding trading ship with smuggler flag.
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