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  1. Only kills will count to the headboards. Assists won't. Thus we believe that 25 player will just waste time if no other 25 player groups are around and will have to split up to increase their chances. Small groups and solo players will get most out of it. But if 30-50 players will arrive for each 3 sides (pirates, and alliances) then everyone will have a lot of fun.
  2. all OW features are proposed by players - we are the conduit during the test.. it will of course change on release. But in early access we must experiment to see whats good and whats bad. Some of the recent changes in the economy were obviously not good. But they were proposed by players and were tested by players. You are just witnessing the pure open development method.
  3. Why it breaks your immersion. Admiralty sent you to a certain location to patrol an area. Accidentally enemy alliance admiralty also sent their captains to that location. Lobby is worse in this regard. If no-one comes to such designated pvp areas with good rewards then we all can finally agree that this game is PVE and nothing can make people to come out and fight . This will also answer the question why people don't pvp.
  4. Join their battle and get that kill for you. Or propose the counter maybe instead of empty comments about nothing Thats the purpose of the leaderboard is not it? To reward the best based on skill and their action. Events run 3 times per day maybe you can get there too if you are skilled enough. Unlike previous events which rewarded first come first served. These ones have clear rules and everyone can participate.
  5. Hello captains We would like to share some more information on the forthcoming updated events and gather your thoughts for final tuning. Previous events despite being open for all were not inclusive and allowed prizes for the select few. We wanted to retain the challenge component but fix the problem that the majority did not even have a chance to have fun in those events. PVP events. PvP events will run 3 times a day in 2 pre-selected location in the Caribbean (alternating between shallow and deep water). The event is basically a zone where all captains can arrive in the ship they want and pvp against others. Zone will be clearly indicated on the map when it starts and server announcement will be published. Initial times for the events will be set for EU, Far east and US prime times. Sinking other players grants player points. By the end of the event top 10 victors will receive a special reward in form of the deadman's chest alternative granting ship customizations, blueprints upgrades and ship redeemables. Victory points will depend on the class of the vessel you sink. Player AI fleets will be disabled in that zone and will not arrive to battle when it starts. The only concern we have is the potential for the arranged battles (where players will give each other points for victory by alternating sinking and winning). But initially we are ok with that risk because due to small size of the zone trying to use under-crewed ships might just grant more victories to people who actively hunt for enemies. PvE challenges Two types of challenges will be added available from the lobby Ironman pve challenge: Player will be tested against constant stream of NPC reinforcements in the instance. Time trial pve challenge. Player will be tested on how fast he can sink 1-2 NPC enemies. Event will run 24/7 and can be repeated multiple times until you are satisfied with the results. The leaderboards will be reset after the event ends giving everyone the chance to try to get the prize. If popular - challenges can be expanded in the future allowing the player to challenge himself in various ship to ship actions from demasting to boarding or sinking a first rate in a cutter. Prizes In the first iterations of the events top 10 captains on the leaderboards will be provided with a prize. Leaderboards will be reset when individual event ends. Because events will run all the time and pvp events are split into timezones everyone will have a chance, as time spent on the events will not matter and only player skill will decide the result. in the future tiered leaderboards can be implemented - but for the current online one will be enough (we think). Lets see how it goes. And lets discuss
  6. Flag is better indeed in theory, but the design was not fit for a multiplayer game with varied player behaviors It was too prone to abuse
  7. We are laser focused on the delivering the best single player experience. Currently there are no plans to add it. PS But having said that we also did not plan to add multiplayer to Ultimate General Gettysburg initially and that position have changed over time.
  8. so Captains. Lets put things in perspective. how are we doing on this so far? 2 years most features done (or maybe even all)
  9. Small zone will take care of exploits itself. If the size of the event zone = region people can farm kills using alts. If the zone is small alts add to tally of good people, because they wont be able to reach the quiet place and will be sank on the way. If the event is successful then we can make it happen in the region with top hostility.
  10. because players want it . We work on player suggestions just check the topic below. all features voted by players were done. Yet we still see a lot of unhappiness on the forum I don't see any connection between adding ow and lobby events with losing persistence.
  11. Even eve has events, anomalies, incursions and tournaments. PS. NA initially was battles only with the goal to provide the best depiction of the age of sail combat. Open world was added based on player requests like all the other features after that. We never planned to do something like EVE.
  12. Captains We would like to share the features we are working on. Features are to be delivered in the next content patch. During this early access we have found that some features that are realistic (and demanded by players for testing) are later found out to be less fun than the previous implementation. Early access is the only time to test all ideas and cut them if they are not fun. So hang on there - we will be fast and ruthless in cutting things that don't work. Feature list that will get in Land in port battles. This is an experimental feature and might make port battles better or might actually make it worse. Port battles will be run in the harbor of the regional capital of that region. Instead of tower and BR difference requirements, there will be 3 objectives. Controlling objectives gives your side points. If you played conquest mode in Battlefiled 3 you will understand how it works. 3 objectives will be at certain distance from each other sometimes forcing fleets to split up and coordinate. Faster, lighter ships importance will increase. Potential griefing and kiting will be completely eliminated. You won't care if your opponent is kiting you - capture and control 2 objectives and you will eventually win. The only drawback found in testing is this - land changes combat completely and in some cases will slow them down depending on the harbor. Some harbors will be very hard to capture due to their natural composition. Port entry will change and both attackers and defenders will spawn based on their OW position. We don't know about the wind yet but maybe the wind should be taken from the OW forcing attackers to carefully choose the time for attack. Global events PVE challenge. New lobby event focused exclusively on killing NPC ships. Players will have limited time to sink as many opponents as they can (on a pre-selected ship). Event will run weeky (or for several days) depending on the testing results. Top 10 players will be rewarded by ship redeemables, upgrades, rare materials and paint customizations. Ship which can be used in events will change every event. PVP challenge. Open world map events focused exclusively on sinking players. A special area will be designated for PVP events and will run 3 times per day for Far East, EU and US prime times for several hours. Kills (victories) will be counted for players fighting in that zone. Players who gain leaderboard positions in their respective time zones will be rewarded by ship redeemables, upgrades, rare materials and /or paint customizations. Proposed initial locations for pvp challenge: shallow - Bahamas sand bank above Cuba (2 free towns north and south), deep water - hispaniola channel (3 free towns north south and west). Crew damage changes It is not logical that all crew can be killed by ball or grape (for some of the sailors are on the masts and yards). We have returned the old sea trials thresholds of 30 and 10%. After you kill 70% of enemy crew it will be harder and harder to inflict more casualties. After losses reach 90% crew damage becomes impossible. The cannonball damage is still under review. Brace is added for testing. Brace allows you to give a take cover command to your crew that will act a s crew shock severely limiting crew casualties, but blocking some of the actions you could do while you are on brace. Brace will stop reload, affect firing ability, stop repairs and water pumping and rudder usage. You will still be able to use yards. Possible features (might not make it) Admiralty store. New currency will be added and will be granted for PvP victories and successful port attack or defense. In its basic implementation players will be able to use this currency to buy rare materials and upgrades. Other changes We think that fine woods and ship crafting in general forced players to fight less and sail and craft more. The changes we implemented last patch were based on player proposals and we all thought that they will make the crafting more challenging and provide more options for conquest goals. Testing shown that might have just sucked out all time from PVP and increased the risk levels forcing some players to sail safer. ROE changes. We believe that the final ROE should be a combination of the old roe and new 2 circles system. But with adjustments. Social perk will return for testing in another form - allowing entry to the weaker side until the battle is balanced. NEW Fires will finally damage sails ETA - End of November. Discuss
  14. Online will drop even further closer to release. The closer wipe is the lower online will be. We need to test things that cannot be tested once game is released.
  15. Captain I don't see anything in this post that can be counted as negative criticism or a call to action. Take a look at a negative post that actually gives information and takes time to analyse things and propose suggestions.
  16. Π΄Π° Π±ΠΎΡ€Ρ‚ Ρ‡Π΅ΠΌ Π²Ρ‹ΡˆΠ΅ = Ρ‚Π΅ΠΌ Ρ‚ΠΎΠ½ΡŒΡˆΠ΅ + ΡƒΠ³ΠΎΠ» ΠΊΠΎΠ½Π΅Ρ‡Π½ΠΎ ΠΆΠ΅ влияСт
  18. Definitive reset will happen right before the release of the game: Everything will be wiped - all assets, ships, resources, posts, buildings etc.. Only xp and crafting xp will be saved. But new historical ranks will be introduced above rear admiral. Crafting ranks wont be changed we believe. Other resets might happen if data changes significantly. If data changes there could be 2 types of resets remove old content completely if we need to test the speed and time needed to reacquire that content (forthcoming ship wipe is one of such resets) remove it and replace it with new content if we don't need to test the acquisition time/method and ease of gettting that content
  19. we had to upgrade - our provider stopped supporting old software.
  20. I just bought the game How fast i can level up to the pvp capable ship. How long it will take and what is the fastest way?
  21. Opened the first Q&A forum section regarding gameplay issues http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/forum/69-gameplay-help-qa/ lets see how it works and if successful we will open up developer q&a and tech support q&a and maybe even feature suggestion one
  22. it was just updated we had no idea how it would look but templates can be changed in the future.. the upgrade is still going on and not all content is indexed.
  23. RUS clan did not reach the quarterfinals thus have not received any rewards from the tournament. Also regarding something else you mentioned before: SLRN Team 1 (Manuva, Freddykrueger, Snoopy) have reached the quarterfinals and received that Cecilia as a reward.
  24. yes sure.. 25 random lynxes enter and then what. 25 ships - requirement fulfilled. Less than 7500 BR also fulfilled You are thinking only about the players who get in - you are not thinking about those who did not and end up sank. Player sails his precious santisima there - break through screens - and then what? He stays outside because his slots are filled because more people arrived? Do you think enemies will let them queue up nicely to let a balanced group in?
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