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Everything posted by admin

  1. Unlike reality (iron deposit is finite) the supply is unlimited as 10000 players can build a mine in the city, and mine normally. The daily production is reduced but it is in fact unlimited because of european traders that were brought back. Place a contract for coal in a coal producing city and if the price is right the resource will be brought to you. There is no inflation on production costs as a result. Because if economy was fully realistic we go back to - "i want to play an iron miner but i can't because the iron mine license is already given to that guild and no-one else can have it as there is only one mine in that city"
  2. There is no inflation in production goods, because production costs stay the same and supply is unlimited (every player can have 5 buildings + there are european traders). You can grow fir at 31 gold per load of logs. and this stays the same even if money supply increases 10х Real inflation affects all costs including production costs (salaries, cost of electricity, steam or whatever). Production cost are not going up. There will be inflation of looted goods as the supply is limited.
  3. Everybody wants realistic economy and zero sum balanced rewards, but nobody plays those games. Realistic economy means 1% are rich, everyone else has a job. We found that most players don't want a job in a game, they just want progress at their own pace and it means money should not be a problem for everyone.
  4. Clan wars could be implemented but then nations must be eliminated and turn completely into safe pve environment. Players come for the ships and the British flag, stay for the clans. Clanwars could potentially destroy nations and remove immersion which was actively pointed out by some people who actually are present in this topic. What it means that ANY non-combat feedback by those players must be ignored from now on.
  5. First you ask us to make players fear about ships less by increasing rewards. Now you post snarky remarks about virtual zeroes nobody cares about. I hope your feedback in legends is more useful and less conflicting
  6. You are not using facts when making your statements. Port battle bug was fixed the next day. Find a game dev who fixes bugs faster and then we talk.
  7. were crashes happening today after the patch?
  8. but what if you were sick in a hospital or were traveling with kids? Why should you lose your clan if you have life elsewhere too.
  9. if you look at things from the "Achilles and Tortoise" paradox then all things will never finish http://platonicrealms.com/encyclopedia/zenos-paradox-of-the-tortoise-and-achilles
  10. the edge case problems caused by giving control of the clan/guild are far greater. If you founded the clan ONLY YOU can give out control to others. This is not 100% convenient, but it does close all potential issues with stealing your clan from you.
  11. ah sorry - bugs happen and are getting fixed. alpha is not a veil to hide bugs, its the tool to find and fix bugs in new features.
  12. there is no mistake with trader tool. trader tool is a dev tool which got into a game for testing but players loved it and asked to keep it. We have no plans to improve it at this stage as there are other priorities..
  13. it was confirmed 1000 times before. Trader tool is useless overall if you want to make a purchase decision. Trader tool is only useful if you are selling something. it does not provide reliable information on purchasing at all
  14. if markers don't generate do this (spread this info in chat) force close the client - and login again - it should show the marker for port battle (if your login takes more than 5 mins then enter the nearby neutral port to take it off)
  15. we want to avoid the drama caused by wrong hiring choices and thus only creators can promote diplomats, but we have added the function where creator can pass their role to others so they only need to login once and assign another founder/creator to an active user
  16. we have deployed the hot fix today where the battles starting at the same time will not attempt to create instances at the same time but will try to spread them within 20-30second intervals. also in the hot fix - several reasons for crashes were found and fixed
  17. well bugs happen. 20 simultaneously starting port battles was not expected and caused bugs in messaging system (placing markers for entry). Today we found that they were actually active and could have been accessed if players relogged.
  18. 10 percent tax turns fir from 31 to 36 its really nothing especially taking into account most shipbuilding prices dropped by 17%.
  19. Update Instances are running and bots are waiting for players inside. But markers did not appear, searching for the reason. players can go kill enemies of the their state to vent frustration.
  20. but then defenders won't be able to come in. Maybe we should lower number of ships in missions and limit the entry by ship type
  21. no. for new players it will be business as usual. first the profits margins are 3-4x+ or more on trading goods second most games have taxes third - trade with untaxed ports and again - for new players this will be fine
  22. from your experience they are easy you are a pro from new player perspective the mountain is insurmountable.
  23. You did. So why don't you pvp pvp players? In unprotected waters. There are plenty of activity around hostility these days. . Everyone is raising hostility or doing port battles? Why don't you fight those who can and want to fight back? We are sure they will come out and start coming out more.. but there will be less hunting in areas around uncapturable islands or coasts.
  24. i guess hostility mission bots should be lowered. as we DO want 5 player clan to have a chance to take a port if they wish.
  25. Joke? Ridiculous? Etc Every post some crap statement like that. Almost every post. Look man no-one is forcing you to eat the cactus so to speak. I for example will give up on reading your posts if they all start like that. Got it?
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