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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. I offer my vote for 1000k or 10€. Anyone interested? ;-) Where is the differance to an alt?
  2. I am gald that most of the pew pew lasergun kiddies are gone Why should I want them back?
  3. Lets be honest. Who is sailing in big groups? People who pull a flag for port battle and poeple who want to intercept the flagcarrier. - This will be gone with the new port battle mechanic Gank and revenge fleets sail in big groups - Do you support such a playstyle? PVE groups - they are not affected. As mentioned above it is still possible to open a 25vs25 PVE battle Furthermore how often do we see +7 groups in OW that dont have one of the purposes mentioned above? How realistic is it for a +7 group to find an even OW fight? That are questions everyone should ask themselves before voting.
  4. Your suggestion is good but its a passive one. People have to sail and wait for other players to enter. which could be boring. Yes looking for players (active) can be boring too but you actually do something.
  5. If the missions objective is to kill an other 6on6 group, it would be possible for a big nation or group to exploit the system. They just could stay in 25 player fleets. No chance to fulfill the mission. That means no chance in gathering points which leads to no port battle. Port safe. That just favor big groups and nations.
  6. Why should we do this? The upcoming changes in the port battle mechanic will force people to participate in OW PvP to start a port battle by raising hostility levels at the port you want to attack. For more Information about the upcoming changes see the links below: (http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13596-such-is-a-lord-simple-politics-and-alliances-part-1-heavily-moderated/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14816-update-on-the-port-battle-set-up/ That leads to the question: How are these changes are going to affect player behaviour? At the moment we are facing a big problem. A lot of people are complaining that battles are not reaching anywhere near the full potential of what naval action battles can be due to one side always being able to field much larger numbers than the other making battles simply about who has more online and bigger numbers than skill, tactics and strategy to win battles. Most battles are so called ganks. People fear to leave the result screen because of revenge fleets. People think that to do any pvp you have to be in the biggest nations and clans to have a fair chance at Open World PvP and Port Battles (Port Battles still stay 25vs25). We are not in kindergarten, not everyone can be a winner. But with this proposal we want to help all Naval Action players, solo players, casuals, groups, small and big nations to get the most satisfaction out of open world PvP that is possible to offer to everyone. Naval Action has one of the most unique combat systems that has ever existed in any game, with this proposal we can truly get the most out of it and overall add a lot more enjoyment to the game and PvP. As the title mentioned this is our proposal to change group size and open OW battle size to a maximum of 6 players per side. What are the benefits: Smaller clans and smaller groups can be effective in PB screening/RvR and OW PvP Ganking Fleet size reduced even smaller nations can face bigger nations Bigger clans and nations will have to hunt and sail around in smaller group Makes Port battles unique in groupsize Handles Timezone problems, because it’s easier to have such a group size even it is not a Prime time Removes the much hated Revenge Fleets Battles will no longer be about who has more players online, it will be shifted to skill, strategy and overall superior tactics Helps causal players to find enjoyable PvP You will no longer need to search for a even fun matched PvP, every battle will deliver a new exciting epic battle experience List of cons Large Clans will no longer be able to take a 25 ship fleet into every battle (no swarm tactics) Large Nations will no longer be able to dominate open world PvP with superior numbers & large revenge fleets 25 ship fleets are no longer effective on OW PvP Proposal 1: How a battle join mechanic could work Attacking side: A system to start OW battles could word like the mission enter system. When sailing in a group the attacker can press “attack as group” or “attack”. Attacking as group will pull all group members in range into the battle instance. Group members which are not in range will not get pulled into battle. Open slots can be joined by players who are not part of the group and in 2min range of the battle. Attack will just pull the attacker into the instance. That leads to 5 open attacker slots which can be used by other player who are not belonging to the group. Defending side: When attacked all group members in range will join the battle. If there is no group, a group which is not full or not everyone in range. Then only the defender or all group members in range get pulled into the battle instance. Open slots can be joined by players who are not in group but can reach the battle instance in 2 min. AI fleet: If a player has an AI fleet every ship take a battle slot. Therefore AI ships reduce the maximum amount of group size. Proposal 2: How a battle Join mechanic could work If more than 6 people are in the battle circle. then first the people who are in the group with the attacker and defender gets pulled. If there are less than 6 people in the group and more ships in the circle then pull in the biggest player ship. Example 10 swedish ships(group 1(st pavel 2 ingers consti)) group 2( consti 4 frigates)) and group 1 attacks 6 pirates(6 constis). First the st pav 2 ingers and consti get pulled in because they are all in the same group, second the consti and one of the frigates gets pulled in due to the highest br in the battle circle. And finally what about PVE? Attacking ships in OW work after the same system mentioned in the proposals above. But creating a PVE battle requires that the PVE attacker or one of his/her group mates in range is not being targeted by an enemy player. Epic events will once joined by a player open a Battle Symbol in OW like the Port battle icon which then can be joined by everyone. Designed by Seawolf, SeaHyena and Z4ys
  7. Maybe its an issue with the new moving sail display. An option to turn that feature off in OW and battle (separate) like setting fix fps would be nice.
  8. First of all: I dont hunt brits. So dont be so angry about me. Secondly: You cant plan how long a fight will last when you fight players Thirdly: Maybe your captial waters arent safe and your nation should start patrolling in groups to make it a safe place? Instead of waiting for them to leave a battle engage them in the first place. Problem solved Thats the point.
  9. Sometimes battles are so long that when the battle is over there is rl stuff to do. Without the possibility to logoff in the resultscreen people will get caught in ow and forced to stay in-game. It will be so easy to harass people, because you know where and when they going to leave the battle.You wouldn't actually need to fight. The guy with more spare time will win, because the only way to escape this harass chain is surrendering.
  10. I dont want to spend all my time my time looking and farming for ships. We had that pre EA. Crafting wasnt introduced at that point. So you had to sail through the hole map and visit every port to find the right ship with an good inbuild. In my opinion a complete1 dura system is very similiar to that. Everyone will spend more time crafting gathering hiding and nobody wants to fight. Or when you want to fight just in gankfleets because you could lose the holy one dura ship. Edit: At the moment frigs are more common than SOLs because of the dura system. With 1 Dura everyone will sail Sols again because there is no sense to use a frig.
  11. I was steering my Surprise to Little Inagua as a player in a Bucentaure attacked an AI Trincomalee right in front of me. Challenge accepeted!
  12. Insulting wasnt my intention so I say it in general: But in my opinion it is wrong to give new players ships even it is a ship for their rank. With help its possible to rank up so fast that as new player dont know hwo to sail / shoot / navigate .... . It has a purpose that the cutter is a free ship with free crew free guns and free repairs. Its to learn the game. Taking that away for a new player makes this game a pain.
  13. Thats a litte bit of your own fault. You pushed them to fast to big ships which they couldnt afford at this time. What you can sail is determine by what you can afford and not by what you are able to crew by rank.
  14. Can't see the haters blinded by the nice shiny patch!
  15. I had no problems with frigates up to 5th rate.
  16. Yes, I believe in the long run officer perks are going to replace removable moduls. Which is kind of awesome in my opinion. Admin mentioned something like that in patchnote thread.
  17. Ingame tooltip still shows 1kn
  18. Looks like officers perks will replace removable moduls. I hope so!
  19. I still hope that one day. The only ways to earn money are by getting paid through the admiralty by doing honorable kills (a surrender is a HK too) or by trading. Same for xp..... One day my King will give thanks for my conspicuous service and make me a baronet with land and money
  20. Come all you swedish sailors, With swords and pikes advance The black plague our seas invade, Destroy our commerce and our trade 'Tis time the reckoning should be paid to brave OCEAN boys On board the Indagator from Gustavia we came We had a bold commander and Shelby was his name Our ship she mounted fifty guns, and on the main so swiftly runs To prove to rats Sweden's sons are brave OCEAN boys We sailed to the West Indies in order to annoy The invaders of our commerce, to burn, sink and destroy Our Indagator shone so bright, those Pirates could not stand the sight And away they scampered in a fright, from brave OCEAN boys 'Twas on the 26th of July at Inagua we lay And there we spied a rat just at the break of day We raised the orange and the blue, to see if they our signal knew The Indagator and its crew of brave OCEAN boys Then all hands were called to quarters while we pursued the chase With well primed guns, our tompions out and well spliced the main-brace Then soon to the Pirates we did draw nigh, compelled to fight they were or fly These words were passed: "conquer or die, My brave OCEAN boys" Then loud our cannon thundered with peals tremendous roar And death that on our bullets wings did drench their decks with gore The blood did from their scuppers run, their chief exclaimed, 'we are undone' Their flag they struck, the battle was won by brave OCEAN boys Then to Parrot Cay we steered and brought her safe in port The grand salute was fired and answered from the fort And now a round the flowing bowl, with hearty glee each jovial soul Drink as you fought, without control, my brave OCEAN boys Now here's a health to Shelby, who did not fear the sight, And all those OCEAN sailors who for thier country fight And here's to the girls that we love most, my brave OCEAN boys.
  21. I am looking forward to test that. Its sounds so incredable nice!
  22. What I have noticed: Admins froum activity depends on patches. The closer the patch the lower the activity drops^^ Because of that I think we are close to a new patch
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  23. I dont think hole ships were brushed in blue. Because it was the most expensive paint at this time. It was made out of Azurite (2CuCO3Cu(OH)2) which is very rar or out of Lapis lazuli which is a gemstone. Oil paintings that show blue ships were done to show the prestige of the picture owner. The most common paints for ships at this time were shades of: white, yellow, red, green and black. Extracted from: zu Mondfeld, Wolfram (2008): Historische Schiffsmodelle. p. 144-147
  24. Sail color shouldn't be changeable because every sail was dirty white in the age of sail.
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