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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Force them. Taking data from all nation calculating each nation primetime. Mix all nations and alliances so that primetimes are balanced. As shown player aren't able to balance it. The freedom the game offers is our doom.
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  2. Players shouldnt make the diplomacy. Devs should have player + timezone data to mix nations so that every block can have equal opportunities. To me it doesnt seem players arent able to handle the problem.
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  3. Still don't get it. Because it's the same issue American have. Americans want to Pb and nobody is there. No fight for them. In order to get a fight they have to wake up early or don't go to work. But I don't hear much complains by US players while they play as team in their alliance. The only difference the Dutch British US alliance has a bigger variability in timezone. So when one nation goes to bed the other takes care.
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  4. At this point I promote OW over RvR - you can leave/close the game whenever you want while rl is calling.
  5. You mean to be a real American make no sense because even they join Sweden they can't participate in RvR.
  6. I like the rate. An option in sound options to adjust the rate would be nice. I believe that would satisfy everyone.
  7. Idea would be to use the in-game alliance system and not to make diplo at 3rd party tools. So wanna be kings can't spread their poison through the hole community.
  8. All toxic only because of that politics shit. And only because a few diplomats mean they speak or are king of a nation. Who put them in charge? What's the requirement to be a diplo? Be under the age of ten and hate people? I really hope game labs make pirates great again. Then I don't have to care about toxic politicans in-game. It a game after all. And if someone still needs satisfaction NA has a duel room.
  9. next ship for Kickstarter rebuild?
  10. lol I forgot a vid that I made once
  11. Thats the only vid thats comes to my mind.
  12. Danish king talking to swedish king. (No insult just fun :D)
  13. It was not bad pvp. But when you think at war thunder there is a alpin aviation map I really hate that map I leave that map everytime I am forced to play there. Same with the storm map. Aming was challenging so most people left at the start while they were looking for the easy kill. And while some player left the balancing was screwed up. So more player left the instance. Let's call it snowball effect. In the end people complained that it wasn't possible to get got fights there so it was dropped. Even the fight were awesome when the battle was balanced.
  14. Still don't get it while people act like game labs is doing that kickstarter thing just for one time only. Admin wrote if it is a success then many more of such ship packs will follow. So lay back and enjoy
  15. If you dont want a ship pack then don't pay for it. It seems that some people forget that option instead they are just flaming.
  16. EU server doesnt mean it is only for EU players it means it is located in the EU.
  17. I am sure you would have get an answer without caps as well. At the moment it seems when a ship pack is founded it will be available for everyone. Not only for the ones who have founded it. But founder may get a special thanks like paint for the new ships but don't take my last statement to serious it isn't confirmed.
  18. Its all about adding new ships or changing the visiual lvl of detail of old ships to the new standard which the endymion has. (compare the rigging of the constitution with the endymion and you will see that the consti could need some love) Balancing and tweaks are not bound to kickstarter.
  19. I guess it's because of the complains that pve player made while they got jumped by pvpler in their mission or on the way to it. In my opinion it's a good step because it sets the focus back to OW. It's an OW game and not a mission based one. And it seems to me that people can still do a fix amount of daily missions (for people who have a limit amount of time) Mission add nothing to the games. They draw away player. It's a multiplayer game missions turn it into a singleplayer and missions make it a grind-fest.
  20. Why is it still a thing to force people to pve? Even now the big circle makes most pvp fights to a stupid pve shooting. Why we get everythime so many features destroying clean pvp? Its a good suggestion for a pve server but a wrong decision for the pvp server. Remember the time as AI fleets were agressive and how many people complained about it that pvp turned to a pve fest and it wasnt possible to sail some miles especially in front of ports without getting attacked by AI. For me i left every instance as i got attacked by Ai and it was just annoying because i want to pvp and not to pve.
  21. It seems V-Sync prevent the use of locked fps. I turned it off (ingame) and the lock works again. Dont know if that is intended or if there is something wrong. if it is intended i would be nice if fps grey out when v-sync is active.
  22. It seems that the fps lock dont work anymore. I set max fps to 15 on OW and 30 in Battle but i get in OW and Battle 50-60 that leads on my system to fps drops because of overheating.
  23. I guess terrain didn't effect artillery in UG: CW like it do in UG: G. I know for sure that artillery can shoot behind ridges which wasn't possible in UG: G. To do as much dmg you need a cannon with high dmg in short range and caught the enemy in open field as close as possible without that the canons can be focused.
  24. Offer default ships for the challenge so everyone has the same gear.
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