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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. You know that on testbuild you dont get money for dmg? So wasting resources on rng will be pain.
  2. Hunting: Rattlesnake Ganking: Rattlesnake 4th rate Port battles: none 1st Rate Port battles: none
  3. I did a pve kill challenge snow vs merc and as I wanted to try it again I had to use a cutter. Suggestion: The port battle "cant join timer" should be relocated. As a non RvR player a timer sticking for 30min in the middle of the screen is just annoying. The timer should be located like the "teleport to captial" button. Or countdown the first min in the middle of the screen and then fade away (move to a corner of the screen)
  4. z4ys

    Low FPS

    It seem that on the last test server build the devs have optimized the game. I have way more fps in OW and instances with land. And no fps drops anymore.
  5. You build a ship with extra powder magazine. Sorry dont know yet.
  6. Suggestion: When doing the pve challenges while not add a random paint to the default ships. At the moment the average player cant get hands on paints. But adding paints to the default ships in the challenge would at least allow everyone to sail a painted ship.
  7. Admin we can't test the hotfix changes properly. On a low populated server the changes seem to work, because there is nobody on who could help and join . ( I chilled 10min right in front of gustavia without getting attacked on pvp 1). So the majority of the fights stay as they started. And that fake us that timer are fine. But I doubt that on a normal or high populated server these kind of new(old) ROE with timers would work. When my memories don't fake me. We had out of port ganking ( port traps), logout traps, out of visual range traps and fights were won because of who could scream loudest in nation chat or who had more friends. In my opinion the last RoE with the 2 circles was the best one we had so far. Even without that AI joining was tweaked. There was no way to exploit it like a timer based ROE.
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  8. So it is who has more friends or the bigger nation / clan win? Awesome game.
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  9. Back to topic 6 letters instead of 5. Sign discrimination is an other topic.
  10. Because of the upcoming wipe and the transfer to the global server i am going to make a new clan. But the 5 letter clan tag restrict me from naming the clan properly. I want to name it [0Mercy] but with only 5 letters it will be [Mercy] but iam not the good samaritan. So please change clantag letter size to 6 with the new restructer of the database.
  11. forts + ai and now a battle stays open .... thanks for the awesome ow pvp... not Edit: When you are not able to place a ship in this ridiculous big circle and left outside then its your own fault and your wasnt close by. Pls dump OW when you guys already want to make it a shit place to sail, pick battles and fight at.
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  12. make a forum pool. Not everyone is in a clan. And so people can see which nation they should eventually join. Which nation you are going to join on the Global server? 1. USA 2. Brits 3...... (none because I stay EU)
  13. z4ys


    "Casanova"- nice and gallant like Pete but in the end he steals your cargo.
  14. z4ys


    Ginger Flash
  15. Don't you know trade hunting will be dead with these changes. How many trader you see now with unlimited slots and how many you will see with limited slots? One trader a week? That isn't worth playing the game
  16. Limiting stuff is such a great idea. Oh wait limited event loot was liked by the majority as well. Now I see. And thanks for turning is game into a 25 vs 25 battle mode around the back. Why troll people with OW and unlimited possibilities of a sandbox game when only one play style can have access to everything?
  17. never thought I would agree with you
  18. So took away the part of trade hunting because trading and crafting is pve business? Good job. Don't we have enough invulnerable bubbles?
  19. NA goes hardcore portbattle sim. I managed my expectations that OW will never get love. But this .... that isn't sandbox anymore that is Pb career mode.
  20. I can see the infights to get a pb slot toxicity incoming! + it forces people to do conquest even they dont like the part and to join clans. Clans do pb and which clan would sell his land permits? Selling permits would work if pb would be a random people thing.
  21. Still don't know why we don't have a Aming add or autoaiming. Furthermore pressing fire hurts my fingers.
  22. makes it easier to run
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