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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Still no hotfix for outlaw fleetship exploit? Outlawbattles should be disabled till further review.
  2. Yeah these ships are kind of annoying. They drain your expensive repair kits while they have no penalty.
  3. It's only happens when you had a battle recently. (It doesn't matter if mission or OW battle). When you sail from port to port without battle then everything is fine. At least for me.
  4. I am from global so ofc we use cannons haha
  5. Do you remember the HK system where you had to use a certain ship to rank up your char? And you remeber what the intention was? "That every captain can experiance every ship" And wasnt there a quote "there will be some ships in your career you like and some you will hate" like Nelson did? Shipknowledge is just an other name with a similar mechanic to the HK system.
  6. True stroy: I was attaking a trader it was 50:50 that i will get him or that he gets away. He made a suggestion to pay me some ransom money in exchange I promised to let him go. We met in the next free port he gave me the money. Win win for us both.
  7. An dont forget: Is it red we are going to attack.
  8. Come to the global french side. Be a french corsair. Feel the thrill. Join the ROVER company. Contact L4wrence (ingame) or through forums @z4ys
  9. Did any of the accused person make use of the reporting button? Like: "you can troll and milk the system by doing arrenged portbattles to stock pile marks" and mark that as exploit? If not its in my opinion the same as dmg farming.
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  10. no you only can see your mate when his timer runs out
  11. Title says it all. It would be nice if group members could see each other even they are in invisibillity mode.
  12. What happened to me was, that i captured a ship sailed to port and was trapped. I couldnt crew both ships so i couldnt sail out of port again and I couldnt put my captured ship to my dock because of the limitation. So what should I do? I decided to dismiss the fleetship. But thats kind of stupid because you get nothing for it. At least it would be handy to sell or break up the ship at the habour fleet screen without to put it on docks first.
  13. Regarding ping. I am from Germany too. I have a ping of 6-10ms on the EU server and 100-120ms on the global. And I see and feel no difference at all. I can pick boarding commands in the last second and raking works well. The only problem are ping spikes but that's not a server problem. That's in most cases a problem on your side. I could solve it for me by telling my anti virus program to not look for the game traffic.
  14. Ofc I could add all countries of the world. But i choosed to keep IT simple. Maybe I should make it more timezone wise. For example doesen have Africa the same time Zone as EU? At least South Africa has. Maybe I rename the question.
  15. Not really. It was a 1on1 fight but because of the timer and the location where the tag happened i decided to run instead of fighting. My intention was to wait till 5 mins are over and then fight. But this time was to long so my opponent left before the battle is open timer run out. So shorter battle stay open timer or longer battle preperation timer would come handy to solve that.
  16. z4ys

    Mega Patch 10.0

    It's just misleading when it is picked out of context ;-)
  17. z4ys

    Mega Patch 10.0

    Praying is the key to succes Lets be honest we nailed 2 trader brigs worth of 133300 gold coins. Doing the danish - swedish trade run.
  18. As a pvpler I can tell you "go out and capture the damn things" :-) That's how I got my 6pd or pickle.
  19. Follow @qw569 he is the one doing/posting the graphs.
  20. Some player mentioned that the maintance window is differend to the EU server to favor western US players and other nations. But I am not sure if that is correct.
  21. Its just an overview of the first day. So dont take it to serious.
  22. Ich kann die leute nicht verstehen. Wenn ich Probleme habe meine Mission zu finden in der OW segeln doch so viele AI Schiffe. Da ist es einfacher und schneller die anzugreifen als die Mission zu suchen Besonders wenn man neu in dem Spiel ist. Ich bin aus Fort Royal raus und da waren direkt 4 Schiffe die ich angreifen konnte ohne aus der Sichtweite der Stadt zu gelangen. Perfekt für den Anfang.
  23. z4ys

    Mega Patch 10.0

    In a way its not true. i got tagged 4 times by the same guy. He knows your ship and he knows which way you will go when you leave otherwise you are to slow to get seperated. Was really annoying to get tagged so often.
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