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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. The mark stuff is getting worse and worse with every update
  2. I wasnt able to gte into a nation port so far. But what marks are needed for the permits? victory marks or combat marks? If permits can only be obtained through victory marks how spain will ever get competitive on global?
  3. Give Clerk mod color or make combat news slince.
  4. I would like to try a NA world without mods that give x percentage speed. In my opinion they break the game. But what I like are mods skills that apply force to certain sails.
  5. in my opinion 12 or 10 seconds would be best.
  6. As you can read in Patrick o'Brains books about Jack Aubrey. Carronades are a good choice for untrained guncrews. So listen to Prater. And give your enemy hell.
  7. After Server Maintaince Portbattle is still listed for the 10.7.2017 @admin and @Ink
  8. Report: NAB-68161
  9. Déjà vu...... I like it
  10. @ CCCP It would be a total differend thing when sweden flips the french port and CCCP flips the swedish port. The way CCCP is doing it now is against the treaty. So dont tell us ICS is the only french clan that honors a treaty. Maybe CCCP should honor treaties themself before judging others. Old PvP2 days are over We are on PvP global now!
  11. @Peter Goldman people would have to check for said good more often without contract = more OW traffic. Instead of checking once a week when the contract is fuldilled.
  12. no buy contracts for special parts that are needed for crafting except at the capital. That would lead to more ow traffic as well
  13. PvP Global is lagging for me Edit: * seems like my router caused that problem*
  14. But when ships get to cheap there is no sense in capturing them. Then the sinking reward would be higher as the market prize. Which would make a captured ship senseless because the reward is only the ship itself.
  15. In my opinion it is okay as it is. Captured ships got a market. I captured a pirate ship that was build by a Brit and I sold it to a French who lost it to Dane. Capturing ships is better than sinking . And in my opinion it's good this way.
  16. I suggest that cannons get extra slots in the ship hold screen and that we are allowed to dump them while we are at sea. Edit: The cannon ship slots are still there but when cannons get equiped they show up in the hold as well but these are grey instead of the white. (white =trading stuff) When at sea it is possible to rightclick on the grey cannons and to choose "destroy". everything is similar to destroying cargo at sea The idea behind this is to get a litte speedboost which may could make a difference. I already do that to catch faster vessels or to get away by destroying my repair kits.
  17. I want to report GuichuJam and Jam for possible alt farming to counter hostility. As joined the battle GuichuJam was just sitting there with no sails and the privateer was going to engage. But as Jam saw me he turned around and GuichuJam left the battle. Place: Global Server
  18. Add speed increase during invisibility timer Remove all sorts of marks and perma mods Bring back pvp rewards and pvp exclusive content and increase pvp financial rewards by 50% Fix hositlity gain through cutter tagging AI fleets Move middle and high end rank missions away from the capital Fix PG Monkey's rank doesnt show up in the clan window. (Ok the last one inst that important)
  19. blasphemy my eyes are bleeding
  20. Its only a player fault. People like to keep their status quo. Its player vs player and not peace vs peace. So go out an fight.
  21. I see what you want. You want endless harassing of enemies. Like before. You couldnt win a war that way because of the steady stream. Now you can win by destroying the enemy. Then the enemy is gone for a while. Maybe he dosent show up later. But at least we have a result.
  22. No towing. The removal is one aspect of 10.x that really improved the game. Even the removal of tp to Freetown was really great. I even hope tp to national ports get removed as well. The game got a total new aspect with 10.0 ... logistics. Which is an awesome new feature and content.
  23. I have100-110ms on global and I can tell there is no difference to EU where I have 5-10ms. Even boarding feels the same. What matters regarding server choice is the portbattle restriction on EU vs no on Global.
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