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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. I would say that over a certain speed the energy of the ram is transported through the hole hull shape. Because of that planks can move and generate leaks.
  2. z4ys

    Boarding Bug

    Camera position has something to do with the possibility to press "g" too. Normally you should look at your ship broadside with the enemy ship direct behind you. (90 degree angle) So to board you need the speed + camera angle + prep requirements
  3. That flag is/was used by them. Enough evidence? Source: was posted in that topic but is now hidden: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11616-stars-stars-and-stripes-are-recruiting-pvp-1-eu-usa-nation/
  4. after I thought SS means Schutzstaffel (especially when you know the clan banner) that was the next what came to my mind as i read that clan tag. Stupid tag choice i guess/ hope.
  5. Because when you switch server you start with nothing except the basic cutter and you can't do your missions that fit your your rank . Because who wants to fight a 3rd rate with a basic cutter (for example) But NA isnt all about doing missions so yes why would anyone want to wipe their xp^^
  6. Dont worry spain there will be a map reset when land hits the battle ini, so take this as lesson. Source http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11801-petition-camp-du-roy/page-3?hl=reset
  7. In my opinion there is no change in crew managment. Its the same system before only with numbers and more crew focus active at the same time. As long as you cant say exactly how much crew do what this system make the start for new peopleeven more difficult. I dont need 90 crew members at sailing focus when i chase someone and only want make slight sail adjustments. Maybe 10 - 20 are enough so I have to press the hole time enable disable sail mode to keep 20 people in sailing while the rest are reloading guns or plugging holes.
  8. Only the max amount of labour hours you can have not the regeneration per hour.
  9. Or doesn't support dx11.
  10. I would like to add a captured trader to my fleet (up to 3 traders) So the trader still can carrie the goods and I can defend the trader. That would reduce the downtime for sailing back each trader with its goods too. Furthermore it adds a new gameplay experience. Guarding ships/fleets
  11. Auf welchem Server spielst du?
  12. Was hoping for the carriages adjustment: But Afk-Timers n1
  13. Reporter: NAB-22123
  14. After Each loading screen I have to go to options and apply to graphics again, because the shadow options seems to reset. After loading screen and before applying to graphics again: After applying to graphics again: My shadow options setup:
  15. Rank progress fits to crafing progress so in my opnion everything is fine
  16. Heute aktueller als denn je!
  17. Its one of the EA Games where bugs get fixed.
  18. 1. Port Battles are for economic war. When alts get back especial when they aren't restricted to the same nation why should I capture a port when I just can create an alt give him some money and buy all stuff from my enemies. 2. As long as labour hours and tp aren't shared by all chars per acc. Don't bring back multiple chars per acc at one nation. 3. Picking a nation in the begining is now a choise that matters. 4. You have 1 life and you are only 1 person so 1 char per acc is only realistic! 1 char per acc = fine
  19. Heute 17Uhr wenn alles glatt läuft.
  20. only for singleplayer games Multiple chars destroy eco even they are only in one nation. Because you dont have to sail to all your outposts you can divide them between your chars and safe time through tps. 1char 1 acc = all fine
  21. Wenn ihr noch unentschlossen seid, wo ihr nach dem Wipe am 19.1.2016 anfangen sollt. Hier mein Vorschlag! Kommt zur United States Navy! Im Moment ist die CET Primetime Abdeckung eher schlecht. IHR macht den Unterschied! Mit Eurer Hilfe wird es möglich sein unsere Häfen rund um die Uhr verteidigen zu können! Ihr profitiert von der UK Primetime! Als USN Kapitän müsst Ihr euch nicht um die Prisen zanken, wie die Engländer, sondern Ihr habt die Wahl. Es gibt mehr als genug englische Schiffe für jeden von euch! Ihr habt noch Fragen zum Spiel, US-Seite oder sucht deutschen Kontakt auft US-Seite? Dann schreibt mir hier im Forum einfach eine pm oder Ingame an "Z4ys". Zur Zeit aktive Clans: [TF] Tattered Flags [TDA] The Decatur Armada Boston Sea Party Excalibur Gerne können auch alle die schon auf US-Seite spielen sich hier im Thread melden.
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