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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Idea: A distance and time combined taggig system. 1.if both ships are in/under a certain distance to each other - no timer runs down (that would make frigs without chasers useable for pvp gameplay) 2.over that distance timer runs down and only pen hits reset that timer 3.when both ships are over a certain distance (max gun range + 200m for example) it is possible to leave instantly. So we have 3 timer radiuses. - small circle = distance - medium circle = tagging (like it is now) - large circle = distance again
  2. What is with green on green dmg? We can only see the last seconds. A true proof would be the last few mins.
  3. There wasn't any fleets that helped us grinding in the beginning. Yes solo playing is possible without that fleets. It was all fine without them (grinding and pvp) Fleets are just a tool to make things very easy a candy for PvElers. In my opinion player Ai fleets are the most annoying feature in this game. People hide behind there fleets and never learn this game. They don't learn positioning and fighting against multiple enemies at the same time. Furthermore the game shows to new player because of player Ai fleets that hiding and running and let others do your job is the right way to play.
  4. 1. Respect 2. Ranting and trolling 3. Personal attacks, racism and discrimination are prohibited 5. Profanity/Cursing. 9. Spamming is prohibited. That are rules that every online game has. Why should Naval Action make an exception? Common sense is the keyword.
  5. Die USN wäre happy über europäische Zeitzonen Verstärkung. ;-)
  6. I don't know if it's still a thing. But it was told us that with EA that there will be only one character per account. 3 character are only for testing.
  7. The Problem is that capitals are prestige targets for big fleets. And as long as they are starting ports newbies will have a hard time. A solution can be that newbies start at a shallow area (like mentioned before) Or a tutorial area (like a big lake) where pvp isn't allowed. There new player can get familiar with navigation, sailing and all the other stuff. The advantage of a lake is that you can't get lost because of poor navigation skills.
  8. Denkt daran, dass es im Prinzip keine neutralen Häfen mehr gibt außer Free Towns. Und das Craften mit nur einem Hafen unmöglich ist. Außerdem gibt es dann nurnoch 1 Char pro Acc. Wenn ihr also nicht genug Player zum erobern und halten von Häfen bekommt steht man als Schwede echt beschissen da. Ich würde ja vorschlagen eine Nation zu wählen die interessanter für die breite Masse ist. Ich habe nämlich noch nie was über die schwedische Navy gelesen oder gehört. Deshlab kann ich mich nicht damit identifizieren. Auch wenn ich weiß, dass eine Menge Deutsche dort spielen würde mich ein Wechsel zu Schweden nicht reizen. Darum mein Vorschlag: 1. Niederlande 2. USA 3. Frankreich 4. Briten 5. Piraten
  9. I would like to see a button to set fire on my ship so i can prevent my ship from capture. Same mechanic like the the Surrender button but only with a boom in the end.
  10. Right now we are talking about 2 different AI meanings. Ai as player escorts should be removed becuase it destroys pvp (except Trader escorts) Ai in OW shouldnt be removed but Ai should be non aggressive on PvP servers, because a aggressiv Ai destroys PvP. But on a PvE Server Ai should be aggresive as hell.
  11. In my opinion Ai shouldn't attack players on a pvp server because sometimes it screws up pvp. For example gamover and i were sailing from la tortue to saint Nic that was attacked. We both got tagged by Ai. That was really annoying. And its impossible to avoid Ai as soon as you come near port. Because of this I believe a non aggressive Ai (like it was before the last patch) is better for pvp. Nothing annoys me more then Ai ship tagging me in front of a pvp battle marker.
  12. Essex was promised for all that took part in the small battle event after traf.
  13. Asking for tools that make that game to an arcade style game without sailing and seamanship (like a flight arcade game where you have to press a button for autolanding or autoaiming)isn't in my opinion the right way to handle that issue. To improve gameplay for beginners it would help to increase Ai fleet occurrence of trader + guard (cutter or lynx)around starting ports. So new people don't have to sail far and get lost. Furthermore they will get the first fight within the first minutes. With that small fix beginners shouldn't become disappointed because they got lost in the first few mins. ---------------------------- A capital marker is useless for USN player because they are everytime south of there capital. Only a marker for the center of the map would fix that issue. Wasting time because of sailing in the wrong direction only happens when people don't think about what they are doing and I don't believe a marker would fix that. Only autosail to port xy will fix that.
  14. Don't add things that allow brainless sailing/fighting. I love the game therefore that I'm supposed to think and not to be a stupid money cow.
  15. Neutral Ai reinforcements should only help against pirates. Reinforcements corrupt the sense of OW! With an alt its easy to avoid openworld sailing and looking for enemys by attacking this alt and generating a reinforcement fleet.
  16. And when you find some ships and you need cutters and brigs they sail between 3rd rates.
  17. The problem is that it isnt possible to load different decks with differnent gun loadouts at the moment. Because of this it isnt possible to use mixed gun decks in a good way.
  18. What i would like to see is control of firing speed for a broadside.
  19. I reinstalled visual studio c++ 2013. That worked for me.
  20. I have in mind that a Dev said that the constitution will be restricted to all nation except to the US and all other nations have to capture it. But I have no quote so maybe I'm wrong.
  21. I like the map. It is so satisfying to plot a curse and to have a perfect landfall. The only thing that would be usefull is the possibility to add color or notes to ports. What I mean is that the ingame map get some tools so the map can be customized by every captain to create his own unique map.
  22. Hi, Gold verdienen kannst du indem du andere Schiffe versenkst oder enterst und verkaufst. Wenn du ein gewisses Grundkapital hast kannst du auch handeln um Gold zu verdienen. Ich habe gute Erfahrungen gemacht indem ich alles gekauft habe was unter 5 Gold pro Einheit zu haben war und anschließend woanders verkauft. Als Neutraler kannst du nur Piraten angreifen und auch nur von diesen selbst angegriffen werden. Also die richtige Nation um mit der Openworld warm zu werden Engländer kannst du nur werden wenn du auch die Engländer bei der Nationsauswahl am Anfang wählst. Pirat kannst du hingegen immer werden nämlich dann wenn du jemanden deiner Nation angreifst oder in deinem Fall als Neutraler irgendeine andere Nation außer Piraten. Das anmelden funktioniert nur über Steam. Internal ist nur für Mitarbeiter (glaube ich)
  23. Gold isn't the real problem.( I made 50k gold as Pirate midshipmen. Just buying pine for 2Gold and selling it for 10) The bigger problem in my opinion is that you have to spend hours on traveling just to find a ship that fit to you. I hope that will change with crafting.
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