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Everything posted by Ink

  1. The problem is under investigation
  2. Under investigation
  3. Captain, according to the logs you deleted two buldings within short amount of time, please check private message for more information
  4. Это известная проблема. Поправим, как только будет 100% воспроизведение бага
  5. please try the general workaround for connection issues: check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game, also turn off all programs which use internet heavily (like torrent programs, netflix clients), disable antivirus, turn off k9 web protection filter or similar to that filters
  6. This is not a bug, Area control perk does not work by default on 7th ranks and trader ships
  7. Captains, remote play functionality was not tested, thus we cannot guarantee it is fully supported.
  8. Fort overhaul is in list to do, please check our rodmap here: https://trello.com/b/nQIgEYah/this-land-is-my-land-tentative-roadmap
  9. This is a standard procedure for all new users on the forum to prevent spam bots, after a while approve won't be needed anymore
  10. If you mean that you can transfer your character from pve to pvp server - then no. But you can create a new character on pvp server and play on both server
  11. Unfortunately the problem was not yet reproduced. If you manage to reproduce the problem or perhaps capture it on video, please share it in this topic
  12. this is not a bug - it was turned off to prevent a couple of UI bugs. The option might be brought back in future, but there is no ETA at the moment
  13. The problem is under investigation, if you manage to capture the problem on video, please share it
  14. Captain, please check the private message
  15. Hello Everyone, Due to a popular request, we have prepared a tentative project roadmap for This Land Is My Land. You can always find this in the #roadmap channel in our official Discord server (https://discord.gg/thislandismyland). Roadmap: https://trello.com/b/nQIgEYah Please, keep in mind that our goal is to provide as many features and fixes as possible promptly. However, due to the nature of software development and being a small team, there can be various technical issues, bugs, and unpredictable scenarios that might force us to delay features, patches, and content. We hope that you will always keep this in mind when observing the progress of the roadmap. The roadmap is what we have currently planned for the game but not necessarily everything. We will add more as time goes. We will be aiming to implement these features and update the Trello board regularly so that you can follow the progress made. Be sure to check back occasionally to track the progress. There are smaller content details and features that are not included in the roadmap and will still make it into the game. There are also contents that we did not announce yet which we will as the game development progresses. Thank you for the continued support everyone!
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  16. Patch is up: Higher chance to find blueprints
  17. The workaround to fix this issue is to dock/undock or restart the game
  18. Patch is up: Stags Horn order fixed Hunter's Bow basic arrow are now pick-able (as it was before) Flint fixed (it's an a advanced resource obtained from Stone) Amount of Leather and Glue in world increased (added to traders too) Stun arrows fixed
  19. Try to reinstall the games, or post in a separate topic your problem with details
  20. Guys, thank you for the help, it is just a bit too early to talk about localization, we will back to this later
  21. Patch is up: Inventory bug fixes such as taking a single item instead of a stack Some errors are fixed Improved the camera after stun/stealth kill Fixed the saturated sounds of rabbit voice Enemy camps and groups are visible on the radar Karma rebalanced. Now having bad karma will have benefits just like good karma. Increased the amount of medicine in trader lootlists Inventory slots amount increased. Inventory full error fixed Some arrows can't be picked up from now on AI leader orders not executed issue fixed Enemy detection skills/visualization reworked. It should be more useful from now on. More melee attacks added Weapons rebalanced Spyglass improved New stealth kills and melee attacks added Couple of animations improved New items and weapons added New bows are available for crafting, but weapons need to be discovered through blueprints
  22. The key will be sent on your email address as soon as the game is available on Steam
  23. Captain, there is no need to keep same two topics, please check the workaround in steam thread, lets continue there https://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/2/1643168364648115707/#c1643168364653193813
  24. The game will not feature synchronous multiplayer (co-op mode). But game has online related features and player will be able to help each other in different ways (but not actually helping to kill or intimidate) - the feature still requires some polishing and will be available through the Social tab
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