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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Under review
  2. Просьба уточнить, наблюдается ли еще проблема, т.к. похоже на временные проблемы с коннектом к серверу
  3. Captain, unfortunately this case cannot be compensated as there were no bugs or issues on server side.
  4. Captain, you need to order your fleet ships to retreat from battle and wait till they are shown as escaped on the Tab UI, then you can safely exit from an ongoing battle
  5. As the problem is clarifed, the topic is closed
  6. Update: the problem is resolved
  7. Yes, the game was added through "Activate a Product on Steam"
  8. Please check private forum message, additional information is required
  9. 3 knowledge slots on trader cutter is a bug, will be fixed
  10. Character birthday date does not related to the yacht, are you sure you bought the game outside Steam via paypal through Naval Action web site? (this option was available before 21th January 2016)
  11. Patrol RoE is equal to OW RoE now (with the exception of Solo Patrol, the only change regarding Solo Patrol is that all ships except Basic cutter are now counted).
  12. No, the note meant to be "After 2 min" - fixed in the first post to be more clear. OW RoE is the same as it was before
  13. Ink

    Crash on start

    Captain, could you please clarify if you have installed Citrix Workpspace software?
  14. The same issue is mentioned in the link I provided, could you please ask @Adlatus II to temporary check the game via a different source of internet (not related to Vodafone ISP) like mobile internet.
  15. Ink

    Fake news!

    The F11 report from player Ed Rose is under investigation
  16. Captain, the case cannot be compensated as there is no bug. At the moment we are not sure about adding additional warnings to the UI, but we will keep an eye on the problem
  17. The case is similar to this one as it seems both players use the same ISP:
  18. Captain, could you please try to call your ISP to solve the problem, along the list of needed ports (7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600), please also include the following ip addresses : War server: Peace server:
  19. Captain, the server are on daily maintenance, the schedule is 10:00 - 11:00 UTC. There are in-game warnings that are shown in advance (starting at 9:30 UTC)
  20. Captain, once there is more infromation about upcoming changes to share with players, we will provide them
  21. These are not bugs, there was a small update regarding distribution of missions, detailed patchnotes will be updated once more changes are done.
  22. Captain, in the report you have recently sent there is a problem with connection (incoming packets) - most likely the issue is about firewall blocking certain ports The list of required ports is: 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 (highlighted ports are ports needed for battles) Also, do you have an option to temporary test the game via a different source of internet, e.g. mobile connection?
  23. The reports were investigated earlier today, but no issues was spotted on server side, connection was stable.
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