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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. I wish it would. But who holds authority ? A clan might well have its own agenda on their zone of influence and go rogue. When a clan of a nation attacks countrymen over a mere brig ( not once, not twice,... ) you know the tag won't matter a single bit.
  2. A slight idea of the specs, windows 10, i7, 16 gigs, some TB of disk with high cache ( upgrading to SSD as soon as cash allows ) and a Saphire ATI something to a proper Samsung of 28 in full hd. Runs NA.64 at 60+ frames with all in max except AA which is off. So good enough.
  3. Wouldn't mind at all. Cool beans.
  4. Given any future Open World restart I would very much like to see the Pirates have several starting cities at different areas, with accordingly starting city selection, instead of having them padronized in one area. Teleport would be to their Regional Capital, sorry no not capital, Pirate Haven. Increase the number of shallow ports in each region. A second suggestion is regarding the Free Ports outposts versus the Nation Ports outposts prices. Nation ones should be half the rate we have now, so a third license would be 25,000. Free Town outposts would be double what we have now, a third license would be 100,000. Both of these would add help to spread the concentration of national ships ( as it is now around capital and free ports ) and add the Pirates to the respective nations regions as an additional threat.
  5. The Replay function would suffice. The free camera is pretty flexible.
  6. How to Ignore ? Right Click name in chat and choose from menu ?
  7. Now you know whom to hail on the open world with a cheer from your crew. Double dose of rum for us then !
  8. Take into account Ranks will have their values reviewed so in practice Ranks will be lost although we will retain the number and the corresponding rank at the time of change. The concerns are valid of course but if you think about it there is little point in slabbing our foreheads into thinking this resembles the vision of the Developers. This is only the Open World Civilian and Military foundations. The true facet mechanics are yet to come. So learn what you can regarding handling your most beloved ships, that part is done pretty much, and that knowledge is irreversible. The rest can be wiped as much as they wish or the development needs as long as final release version is a beauty.
  9. Sometimes, just sometimes, is just the port ahead
  10. Glad the "ship" is hanging tough. Happy for you. Would hate a simple "mechanical" issue to stand between a fellow gamer and a fantastic game.
  11. Do we even know what mechanics will be tied to them in upcoming roadmap ? Can think of a ton of suggestion for them but would be more interesting to have a basic idea on how the devs plan to implement the regions and capitals. My guess is they will work like capitals teleport at first, tied to region capital instead of the faction capital given the absurd spread of some factions - read Spanish empire starting map...
  12. Check edit btw. Anyway for a fresh start I would run a memory check just in case. Control Panel > Memory. Second attempt, uninstall all the nvidia stuff. Let the system come up and reinstall the latest stable.
  13. Made any hardware changes before the errors ? Can even be peripherics. Can be a faulty driver though I wouldn't bet on it or more players would have similar issues. Edit: does your motherboard have built-in graphics by any chance ? If it does please make sure some update did not enable it ( check bios and then system devices ) and you have two drivers running the same service ( graphics ).
  14. "Make sail everyday and engage them knowing that if everything else fails you can always run away. Make every fight count like if it was your last. Take care of your ship and she will become immortal." - a one peg-leg old captain in Coquibacoa So far so good. We sail again tonight. She is a good lass. I guess she didn't like her last crew that much but she surely loves us. - out of RP I think it all bears down to each individual and how hard each one tries to enjoy the game. Guess the suggestion is very much in line with a separate Sea Trials arenas rather than the OW, which would make sense then.
  15. DXdiag will show the most recent capable version. DX12 is retro compatible with 11 so no issue there for sure. If you wish to work in advance and check the error code you have the entire table here [link] and what it relates to. Any doubts, ask away.
  16. Running Win10 with absolutely no issues. Your hardware is capable of both. What is the BSOD bug check error code ? Will surely help to start to troubleshoot.
  17. What about us honest privateers ? We are under the patronage of a Nation and we cannot lose our daily bread toil...
  18. Unscrupulous traders are hoarding it and selling at laughable prices, 3199 was the last price I saw yesterday at the dutch territories. Couldn't stop laughing. The system is working fine. You simply have a lot of wannabe Ronald Trunks getting rich by the need of others I say boycott them for 9 days and let it dry. Lower your production to a minimum and ask corsair flotillas to supply you. We are always glad to help out honest crafters which keep the prices of the ships regulated.
  19. If you think this iteration of crafting is close to final, for such use of a veement position towards the craft xp loss, then I suggest you rethink your position. This is simply a very basic prototype. Actually I would expect the final version of this to be nothing like it we have now but way more intricate and cross system with the Nation, Admiralty, Production, Manufacturing ( all systems still being developed btw ) and overall all the actions across the map, players and AI alike. Same goes for rank xp, which we won't get reset but with a total revamp and values change We will lose ranks. That is a fact.
  20. A per unwritten rules of high seas privateering, more like guidelines of good conduct that actual laws, you ask IF they need help, sometimes the escorts are more than we can chew. IF they are okay it is time to leave. IF they say nothing engage the escorts. After all when your fellow corsair initiated the Attack it was the intention to cath and prize the trader vessel. Help him out if needed. A good action yields more satisfaction than a condemnable move of a nation's corsair stealing another corsair prizes. It looks like you are squabbling like hogs in the scraps pit out of despair... ( hear the seagulls scream...mine mine mine !... ) Uphold the gentlemanly conduct. Always.
  21. Given the Delivery system is in place it should cover your suggestion if the devs give it a tweak. And yes, the service has a fair price for what you need it for.
  22. Thanks for the clarification Bungee.
  23. Hopefully only after all the testing is done, all the roadmap is traveled, all the mechanics are in place and fluid. Basically on a unknown timeframe after release version.
  24. To my experience there is a radius. Not that extended but there is. Been able to tag an AI trader at musket range while dealing with its fleet lapdogs with the counter on the white. More than 400 yards I have seen a few escape.
  25. Nation is above clan. Nation tag is enough.
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