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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Working fine for me, the F12 for steam shots and the F9 given it is the key I use for Action! capture. I changed the default game key from F9 to a random unusable one. Can't think of anything other than Steam client beta, if you use it. I unsubsribed a while ago given some issues with some games.
  2. A friend gave them away for him to sell them ?
  3. I really hope the shallow/deep ceases to exist once the majority of custom design ports are in place and that decision comes from the players in relation to the ports layout and presence of shallows, sandbanks, etc.
  4. What I did was change the Steam name. It synchronized with character name in game.
  5. Crafters should keep their books in order and establish a pattern I simply throw my cash at them
  6. Pretty much. Strength equals structural soundness and Planking will affect penetration/leaking shots. HP simply equals structure. Being empty does not means the ship is sinking. It simply is way more fragile and weak. Being on the odd end of the stick and proper broadside of the 18 pounders versus my empty structure ensured 4 leaks above the waterline and 3 below, but there are worst cases. Regarding Teak and Oak at the moment I don't see any differences. Maybe structural HP difference ? Or chance for built in second quality Planking is higher in one than another ? Maybe even Speed ? Too may variables.
  7. This is a very important part especially on the long/medium cannons. Simply put the differences of 12pdr and above should be null. Charges are pretty the same and dimensions are very similar and the exit speed is the same. If anything keep the flatter trajectory for the longs but doesn't necessarily makes sense in any poundage other than the 4's and the 6's / 9's.
  8. (sorry totally have to, and damn if that idea doesn't fit pirates better than nations... )
  9. There is no discussion, at 120 yards musket range, which one will win the cannonade duel. Hell, even at long range rigging shots there is no discussion.
  10. Open an outpost close to a contested area. Instant PvP. And no, one doesn't need tons of money to be able to provide for great pvp experience in my experience unless... nevermind. The AI combat has its merits. For one it is a gunnery range to test different setups of guns, upgrades, and so on. At the same time it provides a good platform for tutorial groups without the stress of pvp. Grinding through missions is not, in my opinion, a good option as rank is meaningless unless you know how to control the ship, any ship, any one ship, to its competent form. An no Rear Admiral rank does that for you. I would indeed enjoy a diversity in missions, from Deliveries, Exploration, etc to the more pvp oriented ones aimed at achievements with the future Admiralty. What is actually boring is 8 hours in front of the computer... grinding...
  11. Yes. There will be a port reset, assets reset. You keep your rank and there we go, back to the fishermen's bay Hardly to be standing ashore looking at a Alpha revision build without remotely expecting a soft reset. I know a lot who hope for a hard one though.
  12. Block Basic Cutters from entering the Shallow Port Battles. There you go. The rest has nothing to do with the mechanics we have at the moment.
  13. The player base is divided by technical limits until notice. The PvP / PvE setups are simply a by product and a added choice or instead we would have the same 4 servers all PvP.
  14. I would bet my basic cutter that pixel loud mouths are a farce with no teeth to it what so ever. Any player that has a solid interest in the game for all it is ( background, mechanics, community, ... ) has interest that the tribunal keeps growing and going into the subjects brought forwards with maximum discretion and ultimate punishment. Gallantry never hurts, a joyous taunt is preferable that all that leet talk and absurd vocabulary.
  15. Can you please add a fourth option to both of the questions ? Thank you. - Yes but do not agree it is essential.
  16. That might come handy to many folks. Not especially a priority but yeah, sure, why not.
  17. Not a bad idea OP. To sum it up each Crafting note should indeed give 1 durability on top of the basic. Given that crafting notes will surely be reworked for diferente rated ships - at the moment all CNs are the same - this could be something to consider. I would, however, not touch the market pre-requisites much. Only 4 and 5 dura ships and NPC ones.
  18. Further refining of Boarding mechanics - deck by deck. Each deck has an assigned number of men and, in the case of the RN, fusiliers/marines at the stairs covering entraces. This enables the gun deck crew to continue to fire while the top deck is already in melee. Gun deck crews normally have 4 times more men than the rest.
  19. Watch out waht you wish for. Been there, done that, in a game way bigger than NA. No idea why was picked but it was merit I think, communication and overall TIME. To help all and everyone forfeiting the purpose of playing the game almost. It is volunteer time but your own conscience will dictate otherwise if you really like the game and the community and helping others. The NA community does not yet need many more moderators. We have globals and nationals which translate into game as well. Let it go ! Let it gooooo ! We'll not be in Alpha that much more anymoooooore... Let it goooo !
  20. Or maybe, just maybe, there is no need to dwelve much deeper over a prototype build. I am very certain the majority forget that combat may be 95% done, the OW map is pretty much done BUT the OW mechanics are being developed. EA NA equals Alpha build yet.
  21. I am for a reduced durability count for various reasons, mainly because I have always been a fan of ironman games and modes, but I can correlate with fellow players. So there we go, middle ground. Immortality through 5 life packages with in game gold. What's the side effect of it ? Upgrades are reset. Pretty good on my book.
  22. Democracy has no place in ruling a private enterprise. Meritocracy however is definitely a system used by many private ventures.
  23. First shake down run with the Surprise. Got involved in a battle versus 5 corsairs. Screened two fellow captains while they escaped. Stayed until the very end. Lost 1 durability. Have 4 more. Once they are gone as well there is another ship with 5 lives waiting in line. Basically a immortal ship which I "replenish" with game gold with 5 durability packages. Neither did rage nor quit. Actually the exchange in chat was healthy, gallant and void of any insults. It is part of the game. It is imbued in the rules of the game
  24. Ah the skill of buying low, selling high and convincing new comers to spend all their gold in ships they don't really need. But if you go on about a voyage of cicum-navigation piling exotic materials that are not produced in your homeland and bring them back, such as american cotton to supply the south coast, then it has a bit of skill gameplay to it. Navigation, evading enemy nation fleets, avoiding piracy, etc. Sorry, where did the rum go ? Ah yes, need to...rum rations, barrels and rum. click click click. xp xp xp.
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